1 Project supported by the European Commission Regional financial instruments in Małopolska Józef Węgrzyn Environment and Rural Areas Developement Department.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Project supported by the European Commission Regional financial instruments in Małopolska Józef Węgrzyn Environment and Rural Areas Developement Department of Malopolska Voivodeship

2 Malopolska Region – national context  20% of Poland’s population within a 100 km distance from region’s capital  sq.km  7,3 % of Poland’s GDP  3.2 million people  > of scientists  students

3 Malopolska Agency for Regional Development S.A. The Małopolska Agency for Regional Development S.A. (MARR S.A.) established in 1993, carries out activities contributing to the comprehensive development of the Małopolskie Voivodeship. MARR S.A. supports local initiatives, provides financial support for enterprises and programmes aimed at the region’s development, initiates and promotes entrepreneurship, is involved in investment promotions and operates for the benefit of environmental protection.

4 Malopolska Agency for Regional Development S.A. Financial Instruments  Małopolski Loan Guarantee Fund  Małopolski Loan Fund  „First Business” Programme  Loan Fund for New Workplaces  Loan Fund for Dwelling Communities  Loan Fund for Eco-Agriculture

5 The Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management  Main objective of WFOŚiGW is to co-finance investments and other actions to benefit environmental protection in Malopolska Voivodeship.  The projects examined by WFOŚiGW are broken down into investment and non-investment projects” Investments in 3 areas: water management, waste management and air protection Non-investment: ecological education, research and development  Beneficiaries: Communes of the Malopolska Region Entrepreneurs Other institutions  Methods of financing Donations Preferencial loans

6 Regional Busines Angel Network  The new network created and managed by Malopolska Regional Agency for Energy and Environmental Management Ltd in march 2007  The Agency (owned by Malopolska Region and Krakow City) is an institutions supporting development of eco-investments and eco- innovation in Malopolska Region through its activity eg:  Regional Business Angel Network – first in our region network serving as a bridge between private investors and innovative entrepreneurs –  The network assemble: Innovative projects – enetrpreuners Equity investors: business angels, seed capitals Supporting institutions: innovation centres, clusters, business centres, technology transfer centres

Financial support to Malopolska Region

8 Malopolska Region – supporting programmes 1 Main programme financing export activites (and developement ) of SME and institutions promoting export: Regional Operational Programme is an instrument of realization of regional development strategy with use of European Union funds for Main objective of MRPO - creation of good environment for economic growth and employment development will be achieved through infrastructural investments and innovation and information society support Priority directed to development of SME is Priority 2 – Regional chance economy : Co-financing of projects in two main areas: –Direct financial support of micro, small and medium enterprises and business support institutions –Commercialization of scientific research

9 Planned MROP objectives for Małopolska The Objective CREATING CONDITIONS FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH AND EMPLOYMENT Targets Increasing competitiveness and innovation of Małopolska’s economy Internal cohesion of the region based on the sustainable growth principle Increasing institutional potential of entities operating in Małopolska

10 A financial plan for MROP Priority axes Community contribution in % Community contribution in mln euro Priority 1. Conditions for the development of knowledge-based society 12,6 163 Priority 2. Economy of regional opportunity 12,5161 Priority 3. Tourism and culture industry 7,8101 Priority 4.Technical infrastructure for economic development 30,3390 Priority 5. Krakow Metropolitan Area 13,3172 Priority 6. Intraregional Cohesion 12,1156 Priority 7.Environmental protection infrastructure 7,293 Priority 8. Interregional cooperation 0,810 Priority 9. Technical assistance 3,444 Priorities ,0%1 290

11 Operational Programme „Human Capital” 11,7 billion euro – Poland 640 million euro – Malopolska Regional Priorities: VI Open Labour Market VII Social Integration VIII Regional Staff for Economy IX Development of Competences and Education in Region

12 Malopolska Region – national supporting programmes Main programme financing export activites (and developement ) of SME and institutions promoting export at the national level: Operational Programme - Innovative Economy (IE OP) financed from the EFRD The Programme’s detailed objectives include: increasing the innovativeness of enterprises, enhancing the competitiveness of Polish science, creating sustainable and better jobs and increasing the use of ICT in the economy. IE OP contains 8 prioritites, the one connected with export activities is axis 6. Polish economy on the international market

13 Malopolska Region – national supporting programmes Other national programme is DOKE (Program Dopłat do Oprocentowania Kredytów Eksportowych). System of surcharges to the credit interests, designed for export financing. Program is implemented and managed by National Economy Bank and financed from national bugdet.

14 Thank you for your attention