GROW Kathy Vuillaume, Programme Manager GROW Partner Fair in the Netherlands, 18 January 06 INTERREG IIIC Regional Framework Operation 2005-7.


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Presentation transcript:

GROW Kathy Vuillaume, Programme Manager GROW Partner Fair in the Netherlands, 18 January 06 INTERREG IIIC Regional Framework Operation

Key Objectives GROW is a 7.5 million euros INTERREG IIIC between South East England, Andalucia, Emilia-Romagna, Noord-Brabant and Malopolska For the joint implementation of the Lisbon agenda Sustainable growth and ‘not growth at all cost’ 3 themes open to bidders: Green Growth - Environment Business Growth - Business Co-operation, innovation & entrepreneurship Inclusive Growth - Employment and social inclusion Support up to multinational projects

Eligible Projects Combination of networking and pilot initiatives to achieve a more balanced and sustainable economic growth Target of multinational projects Projects can run until November 07 Minimum of: 2 partner regions involved for Green Growth and Business Growth projects Minimum of 2 partner regions involved for Inclusive Growth projects

Programme Outcome Update of Regional Policies and Strategies. People Planet Profit Grow

Management Structure of the Programme INTERREG III C SECRETARIAT GROW SECRETARIAT based in SEEDA Programme Manager Contract Officer Communication & network Officer REGIONAL CORRESPONDENT Andalucia Emilia-RomagnaMalopolska South East England REGIONAL PARTNERSHIPS INTERNATIONAL STEERING COMMITTEE International Independent appraisers International Thematic Working Groups REGIONAL CORRESPONDENT Noord-Brabant REGIONAL CORRESPONDENT REGIONAL PARTNERSHIPS

Green Growth Exploring new ways of reducing the impact on our environment, that can arise from economic growth within sucessful regions, which leads to significant pressure on natural resources and the de-copling og economic growth and environment degradation. Work towards the guidelines of the Kyoto agreement. 7 sub-themes - Budget 2.5 millions - Sustainable constructionSustainable construction - Brownfield regeneration - Waste management - Environmentally friendly means of travel - Resource management - Environmental Management System - Flood risk managementFlood risk management

Sustainable Construction: Building for the future Partnership: UK and Spain. Association of South East Colleges (AOSEC), Environment Agency, LSC, SEEDA, F.L. de la Construccion Andalucia Key Objectives/deliverables: - Undertake a review of construction curriculum’s with FE and identify opportunities to include social and environmental considerations - Develop case studies and examples of good practice, promoted to target audience - Develop « how to » guides for FE - Organise seminars & joint events to raise awareness - Design new training programmes in waste management and sustainable building Total Grant : euros

Sustainable Construction: A blue print for the Planning and Purchasing Policies for Sustainable Built Development Partnership: 3 countries UK, Spain and Poland. Partnership: 3 countries UK, Spain and Poland. Environment Centre (tEC), Hampshire County Council, Cracow University of Technology, Intituto Andaluz de Technologica Key Objectives/deliverables: - Create a blueprint for planning and purchasing in relation to sustainable built development - Target group: local authorities and business communities - Formulate recommendations for policies – upgrade of regional spatial and environmental policy Total Grant : euros Total Grant : euros

Sustainable Construction: Pilot programme for sustainable construction Partnership: UK and Spain. South East Centre Partnership: UK and Spain. South East Centre for the Built Environment (SECBE), Diputacion Provincial de Huelva Key Objectives/deliverables: - Pilot for industry best practices in sustainable design and construction, optimising construction methods, water and energy efficiency - Network of professionals disseminating international best practices via the organisation of forums & seminars Total Grant : euros Total Grant : euros

Flood risk management: FLORISPRE- Citizen risk prevention” Partnership: UK, Spain, Italy. Environment Agency, Partnership: UK, Spain, Italy. Environment Agency, Empresa de Gestion Medio Ambiental SA, Municipality of Piacenza Key Objectives/deliverables: - Community based approach to education with the development of multimedia tools (DVD, toolkit, web site, guide and travelling exhibitions) being develop to raise awareness on flood risks prevention and management - Deliverables easily transferable to other regions. Promotion of the project at the « Green Week » in Brussels in 2006 and 2007 Total Grant : euros Total Grant : euros

Business Growth Exploring methods of developing a knowledge-based economy through knowledge, innovation and business dynamism creating wealth and employment while preserving the quality of the environment. 6 Sub-themes - Budget 2.5 millions - Support and implementation of programmes in fields of the creation and development of high tech companiesSupport and implementation of programmes in fields of the creation and development of high tech companies - Encouraging a culture of entrepreneurship - Mechanisms to support cluster development and their internationalisation - Actions to enhance technology transfer from universities, research centres and large companiesActions to enhance technology transfer from universities, research centres and large companies - Encourage interregional trading and optimising the integration of the supply chainEncourage interregional trading and optimising the integration of the supply chain - Development of a high quality workforce- anticipating skill gaps - encouraging mobility

Incubation : GROWENTERPRISE Partnership: UK, Spain, Poland and the Netherlands. Partnership: UK, Spain, Poland and the Netherlands. SEEDA Enterprise Hub network, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Seville, Fundacja inkubator Technologiczny BPCC, NV Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschppij Key Objectives/deliverables: - To improve the experience and performance of those involved in helping business to start-up and grow (Incubation director etc) - To support start-up companies in their « internationalisation » process and to provide contacts and new business opportunities : cross-cultural seminars, business coaching, International Meet the Buyers in Krakow etc.. Total Grant : euros Total Grant : euros

Technology transfer : BBAS – Bridging business and science” Partnership: UK, Poland and Spain. University of Surrey, University of Greenwich, University Foundation of the Development of the Province of Cordoba, Jagiellonian University Partnership: UK, Poland and Spain. University of Surrey, University of Greenwich, University Foundation of the Development of the Province of Cordoba, Jagiellonian University Key Objectives/deliverables: - Knowledge transfer activities focus on 4 key sectors: biotech/health, ICT, new materials and technologies, environmental solutions. -Technology transfer mechanism exploed amongst the participative reigons and Path Finder groups established comprising businesses from targeted sectors, academic/researchers and students/recent graduates involved in the comercialisation of researchTechnology transfer mechanism exploed amongst the participative reigons and Path Finder groups established comprising businesses from targeted sectors, academic/researchers and students/recent graduates involved in the comercialisation of research -Outputs: Knowledge transfer partnership agreement signed between regionsOutputs: Knowledge transfer partnership agreement signed between regions Total Grant : euros Total Grant : euros

Trading : Growing trade and innovation Partnership: UK, Poland, the Netherlands. Partnership: UK, Poland, the Netherlands. UKTI, 6 BL, SE Chamber of Commerce, Set Squared, University of Southampton, Oxford Brookes University, Portmouth University, Innovation Relay Center South East, European Information Centre Kent, South Area EIC, Thames Valley Economic partnership, CTT PK, Brabant Regional Development Agency, EUNite Key Objectives/deliverables: - Organise 3 major international business match-making events for high tech SMES held in England in May 2006, in Malopolska in September 2006, in Noord-Brabaant in Many Match-making web site for SMEs available in all languages Total Grant : euros Total Grant : euros

Inclusive Growth Explore ways of encouraging growth within an inclusive society, facilitating intra-regional disparities between communities in terms of the access to employment and working towards work-life balance and quality of life. 5 Sub-themes - Budget 1 million - Models and best practices in human resource management - Urban Renaissance- promote and mainstream ways of engaging local communities in shaping proposals for new development in their area - Research into labour market functionality in diverse and complex regions, models to maximise employment and skills opportunities, and making best use of labour including target groups and deprived areas - Development of social enterprises, whose primary objective is to deliver social or environmental benefitDevelopment of social enterprises, whose primary objective is to deliver social or environmental benefit -Innovative forms of public-private-community partnerships to promote social inclusion.

Social Enterprise : “ A model of entrepreneurship for the socially excluded” Partnership: UK, Spain, Italy. Fundacion red andalucia Emprende, Enham and Form.Art.Soc.Cons.ARL Key Objectives/deliverables: - Benchmarking and exchange of best practices between partner regions on models to support and encourage the socially excluded and disadvantage groups to become sucessful entrepreneurs - Development of a training and awareness programme for disadvantaged groups: disabled people, ex-offenders, women/alone parents, BEMs - Link with social Enterprise/Gateways - Outputs: 16 new start-ups created Total Grant : euros

1 st Call 24 bids received – 8 projects recommended All regions participating / most active ones being Spain and the UK Emergence of a group of projects with linkages 58% of the budget is committed

Priorities for the 2 nd call Spain will exclusively fund projects under Inclusive Growth For the UK: prioirities is given to the sub-themes of the programme not yet taken up but will also consider other sub-themes if funds available For Italy: all themes For the Netherlands: priority given to Green Growth and Inclusive Growth projects but will also consider Business Growth projects if funds available For Poland: priority given to Green Growth and Inclusive Growth projects but will also consider Business Growth projects if fundsavailable

How to apply & funding regime Down load the application forms and programme handbook from the GROW web site: Contact your Regional Correspondents and the GROW Secretariat - Put a partner search request through the web site Quarterly reporting on-line using a secure area on the Grow web site 6 month audited report compiled by the leader and sent to the GROW Secretariat Payment in rear by your Regional Authorities in local currency

Your Contacts in Region For Andalucia: Miguel Presencio Fernandez e: For Emilia-Romagna: Maria Paola Dosi e: For Malopolska: Aneta Widak e: For Noord-Brabant: Rob de Groot e: For South East England: Kathy Vuillaume: Programme Manager Pascale Waschnig, Network Officer Alison Partridge, Contract Manager