Online Services for Electronic Records: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Margaret O. Adams, Reference Program Manager NARA Electronic and Special Media Records Services Division IASSIST 2003
Background U.S. National Archives and Records Admin (NARA): an electronic records program since 1968 Accessioning, preservation, and access services evolved with technology and to meet expectations Holdings reflect diversity of the U.S. federal govt. –now approx 200,000 files; most are data files –originally supported federal program administration, research, mandated information collections, etc. electronic records are transferred to NARA after they are appraised as having long-term historical value
Traditional User Services for NARA’s Electronic Records Staff prepare descriptive materials so search for records can be as independent as possible and also assist researchers directly –staff respond using descriptive materials, administrative records, data file documentation, and experience –if NARA has electronic records of interest, researchers review documentation, onsite or in copies (cost-recovery) –researcher can order copy of file(s) on removeable media (cost-recovery), in accord with tenets of the FOIA
Evolution of Online Services for NARA’s Electronic Records 1991: begin using and announcing news to listservs 1993: established FTP site on NIH mainframe to distribute informational materials 1994: NARA mounts “gopher” site, subsequently replaced by NARA Web Page; includes informational materials about electronic records 1998: extract state-level reports from electronic records of Korean and Vietnam war casualties added to NARA webpage
AAD: Access to Archival Databases February 12, 2003: “Soft” public rollout of AAD; no formal announcement Online search and retrieval access to 50,000,000 records from 33 archival series, in approx 350 files –series selected have releasable records; identify specific persons, places, events, transactions, etc.; suitable for record-level access –AAD includes series and file descriptions, some scanned documentation, and option for viewing or printing individual records with de-coded meanings and/or downloading raw data search results in files; no charge for use
WHY AAD? Traditional access services meet most needs of data analysts, not seekers of specific records, facts, etc. Having staff offer customized search and retrieval of specific records is extremely labor intensive Ubiquity of personal computing has led to rising public expectation for online access to archival electronic records –NARA committed to “ready access to essential evidence”
AAD: Access to Archival Databases initial experience: 4000+”virtual visitors” ran 2640 “successful” queries in first week by six weeks later (end of March), almost 63,000 “visitors” ran approximately 52,000 “successful” queries moderate increase in reference requests directed to staff (Feb + March = 430 requests; 25 % AAD-related) 22 % of all requests could be answered by referring the person to AAD to do own records search
AAD: Access to Archival Databases during “soft” rollout phase, AAD expanded options for access to a selection of NARA’s electronic records, with manageable impact on reference staff numbers of “virtual visitors” and queries on a scale that eclipsed traditional demand many-fold from outset, most queries were for records that identify people
AAD: Access to Archival Databases April 4, 2003: the Associated Press (AP) story on AAD: de facto public rollout –USA Today headline: “A Genealogist’s Dream...” Week of 3/31/03 - 4/6/2003, 79,677 virtual visitors; 35,681 successful queries –AAD requirements: scale for up to 250 simultaneous visitors yes, overloaded the system -- user problems, etc. –Following week, staff received 252 requests [ 0.3% of 76,682 visitors] 165 with AAD-related problems, especially related to misunderstanding the nature of “genealogist’s dream”
AAD: Access to Archival Databases April 8, 2003: NARA press release announces AAD and clarifies its coverage Subsequently: –#s of “virtual visitors” stabilize (more or less) –most system problems ameliorated; system development on-going –received comments mainly positive; a few reflect expectation of “Google-like” access –three months of AAD: 198,993 “successful” queries
What Are Our Lessons Learned? On-going effort needed to maintain resources online Each offering of a new online service will be met favorably by some, will be challenging to others –new services do not immediately, nor potentially ever, displace demand for existing services –new services raise expectations for future Preparing metadata to support online search and retrieval of electronic records is very labor intensive –even when it originates with automated accession processing (as it does at NARA)
What Else Have We Learned? in an online world, “publicity” has new meaning –and, overall levels of demand are likely to increase with each release of a new service online archival reference services will lead to new kinds of demand even as they offer researcher independence –new procedures will likely be needed in response Staff need flexibility and experience to meet new challenges and to blend in new services
Present and Future Access to NARA’s Electronic Records Continue to describe records, answer researcher inquiries (in-person, by , post, phone, etc) Offer copies of files –on removeable media, suitable for contemporary technologies, on a cost- recovery basis Continue online search and retrieval resource: AAD Develop infrastructure for electronic transfer of files Other new services likely as NARA’s Electronic Records Archives (ERA) program emerges
For More Information Contact the reference services staff, Electronic and Special Media Services Div. (NWME) – –telephone: –surface mail: NWME, The National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD – edia_formats/electronic_records