DRIVER Summit, January 2008 NEREUS A network of leading libraries collaborate on NEEO Network of European Economists Online
DRIVER Summit, January 2008 Researchers support for NEEO “This EU funding and the widespread collaboration on NEEO are exactly what will make this a success, and, more important, critically allow the world greater and readier access to best research.” Danny Quah, Prof. of Economics and Head of Dept
DRIVER Summit, January 2008 A library network: 20_10
DRIVER Summit, January 2008 We are A network of libraries and institutions serving a specific subject community Institutions with high-rankings in economics Serving our economists by: –increasing visibility of excellent research & –bringing new content online –building added value services –utilising and linking key DL resource capacities Serving the network by: –Focussing on cost-efficiency and innovation –Maximising on knowledge-exchange structures
DRIVER Summit, January 2008 NEEO Network of European Economists Online SEE and BE SEEN co-funded by the European Union, and Nereus
DRIVER Summit, January 2008 Some facts Duration: 30 months 1 September 2007 – 1 March 2010 eContentplus, DG Information Society and MediaeContentplus, Lead partner: Tilburg UniversityTilburg University 16 universities and research institutions, 20 is the goal 8 countries: BE, CZ, DE, ES, FR, IE, NL, UK Building on Economists Online - retaining the branding The project is co-funded by the European Union, through the eContentplus programme
DRIVER Summit, January 2008 Building on EO EONEEO Partners620 References7k50k Full texts3k20k Harvesting IRs620 & EU/world Content typePubs.Pubs. & data Services27 AccessEnglishEN, FR, DE & ES
DRIVER Summit, January 2008 EContentPlus work programme 2006: 5.1 To improve the interoperability of digital cultural and scientific/scholarly content held by libraries, museums and archives and enable multilingual access to it, so as to enhance the crossborder visibility, accessibility, use and re-use of European cultural and scientific/scholarly resources.
DRIVER Summit, January 2008 Key Objective To improve the global visibility, usability, and management of European economics research Providing various users easy and open access to high- quality multilingual academic output of leading European economics institutes and their researchers Via a reliable and sustainable portal with aggregated and enhanced metadata enabling an infrastructure for new services Showcasing the work of at least 500 leading scholars from 20 institutions
DRIVER Summit, January 2008 Objectives As a result of the clear identification of user needs: Provision of quality economics content from 500 leading researchers and 20 academic institutions Unlocking publications and datasets making them open access online and interconnected Creation of a multi-lingual portal for economics focussing on European research, in the context of worldwide results Pushing NEEO content out to other important information providers for further visibility
DRIVER Summit, January 2008 Key envisaged results 1/2 Users 500 authors collaborate User surveys (3): content and service specs & evaluation IPR advocacy information material Download statistics Content & dissemination Content provided by 20 partners (datasets and publications) Publications – bib. references: 50,000 & full text: 20,000 Data – issue report, data repositories and 160 datasets Key data and service providers identified; push and pull activities
DRIVER Summit, January 2008 Key envisaged results 2/2 The NEEO portal SOA architecture and NEEO technical guidelines Basic portal exists with content from 6 partners - Aug 2008 Multilingual portal with content from all 16 partners and advanced services in situ – Aug 2009 Services include: publication lists, portal, full text searching, metadata enrichment (JEL & ref. lists), automised metadata translation, usage statistics, RSS feeds, etc. The future Sustainability and business plan
DRIVER Summit, January 2008 NEEO : a stimulus for institutions to Establish repositories Populate repositories Encourage other faculties to collaborate in local IR deposit Marry local interests with international developments Keep up with international developments Keep up with peers
DRIVER Summit, January 2008 NEEO features Providing new integrated access to leading European economics research Providing comprehensive research output with authors Stimulating open access deposit among researchers Stimulating the creation of and population of repositories Collaborating on providing IPR support across 8 countries Enhancing multi-lingual access to economics content
DRIVER Summit, January 2008
NEEO data model Decentral deposit Central harvest and service provision Decentral institutional deposit –Ownership and stewardship –Sustainability better guaranteed by the organisation: Investment in info and knowledge assets Infrasructure: Library, IT, info man. and faculty support –The author is the focus! Not a specific funder or publisher
DRIVER Summit, January 2008 DRIVER Part of a world-wide interdisciplinary knowledge-base DRIVER repository guidelines –Use sets to define collections –High-quality, i.e. granular metadata and MODS –Need to look at further specifications. But first ….. –NEEO milestone - August 2008 Learning about DRIVER tools
DRIVER Summit, January 2008 For more information Project Manager: Vanessa Proudman NEREUS: NEEO:
DRIVER Summit, January 2008