Sketchify Tutorial Variables Željko Obrenović
Agenda Variables Using variables
Variables Many elements of Sketchify communicate indirectly by exchanging messages through a centralized repository of variables. Variables provide a simple and uniform abstraction mechanism, enabling a designer to work with very diverse elements using the same set of operations. Properties of freehand sketches, such as their position or transparency, or user actions such as item selections, can be mapped to blackboard variables.
Variables Spreadsheets or scripts can subsequently read, process, and update these variables. I/O services can receive arguments and send back results through such variables. Lastly, through extension mechanisms other platforms can update, read or register for the notification of variables.
Interface for Working with Variables Variables can be accessed through a spreadsheet-like interface, making all data immediately visible and manipulatable. A designer can directly observe and update variables; useful to explore and play with the functionality. FilterSort Add new variable Delete selected variables Derived variables Remote updates Count filter Disable variables’ updates
Using Variables Capturing user motion Setting region and sketch properties Updating variables based on events Actions triggered by variable updates
Capturing User Motion in Variables Step 1: Creating variable “rot”
Capturing User Motion in Variables Step 2: drag-and-drop the variable on the active region motion mapping icon
Capturing User Motion in Variables Step 3: select properties of motion that you want to capture in the variable In this example it is “rotation”
Capturing User Motion in Variables Step 4: interact with the region and observe variables changes In this example, dragging the region with right mouse button will rotate it and update the variable “rot”
Setting Region and Sketch Properties You can drag-and-drop the variable on the region properties icon, and select property
Setting Region and Sketch Properties In this example we are using variable “rot” to control rotation property of another region
Updating Variables on Events Events – Mouse Events – Keyboard Events – Sketch events: entry, exit Variable Actions – Update variable – Increment variable – Append variable