Pathogenic Microbiology
Bacterial Laboratory Acquired Infections 76% of exposures occurred in clinical labs; 6% in vaccine manufacturing facilities; 8% in research labs. Exposure modes: 60% inhalation, other exposure modes included ingestion (intentional, poor technique such as mouth pipetting, smoking and eating in the lab) and secondary transmission.
Viral Laboratory Acquired Infections >70% associated with research labs; 32% of all viral LAIs associated with animals 18% of total were Hantavirus; of these, 8% were working with known infectious material or rodents - others thought they were working with uninfected rodents 16% were in clinical labs; rest were in production or field work Major exposure modes: inhalation, percutaneous (especially from animals)
Rickettsial Laboratory Acquired Infections All rickettsial LAIs were associated with research laboratories 95% of overt infections were by Coxiella burnetii; remainder were Murine typhus All Q fever cases by inhalation; all infected staff worked with or were in close proximity to sheep Remaining cases were by percutaneous, inhalation, mucous membrane or unknown exposure modes