1 University Networking & The Baltic University Programme Lars Rydén Director Baltic University Programme Uppsala University The Baltic University Programme Rectors Conference Uppsala October 2006
3 The Baltic Sea region - 14 countries - 86 M people - Hundreds of universities The Baltic University Programme Rectors Conference Uppsala October 2006
4 Reaching the many Most universities arrange a bilateral cooperation with two (or few) partners – Hundreds of such projects were created The Baltic University choose to involve many people on many places – networking We reached the many through satellite TV The Baltic University Programme Rectors Conference Uppsala October 2006
6 Technology allows you to meet even if you are far away
7 Getting to know the region Few can visit the whole region The region comes to many by using TV and books The Baltic University Programme Rectors Conference Uppsala October 2006
11 Protected areas in CEE European bison in Bialovieshakaya Puschta National Park, Belarus
12 TALLINN 1991
13 KIEV 2004
14 Creating a rich learning environment - University based lectures, seminars - Textbooks - TV programs - International seminars using ICT - Internet resources - cases, databases etc - The network The Baltic University Programme Rectors Conference Uppsala October 2006
16 The Baltic University Press - 32 booklets and 12 books - 43 TV programs, 65 hours - 60 satellite-TV receivers in CEE The Baltic University Programme Rectors Conference Uppsala October 2006
17 High quality textbooks to support self-studies
18 The BUP Internet site consists of six sub-sites
19 Meeting We meet to discuss and work together We meet to get to know each other Planning meetings Teachers meetings Students meetings About 500 individual travels each year (5%) The Baltic University Programme Rectors Conference Uppsala October 2006
21 The Baltic University Programme Rectors Conference Uppsala October 2006
22 BUP students in a seminar on Sailing Ship Chopin Summer 2004
23 Becoming practical/applied The community development course develops together with cities The environmental management course develops together with industry The Baltic University Programme Rectors Conference Uppsala October 2006
24 Nacka
25 Ausstellungsgelände Heimfeld – An der Rennkoppel Friemert, ZEBAU
26 Kunda Tsement, Estonia, 2005
27 Introducing Environmental Management Systems Certification Baltic University Programme
28 In Figures countries in the Baltic Sea Basin universities - 13 regional centres teachers/researchers students yearly The Baltic University Programme Rectors Conference Uppsala October 2006
29 Thank you for your attention