Professional Development and Staff Development Professional Development as a state of mind A personal View Geoff Rebbeck QTLS FIfL
Start position Staff development activity is not sufficient in creating outstanding teaching The OfSted model of ‘what is good teaching’ is at variance with what students say Technology ‘for the one’ now accommodates individual professional journeys
If..... Staff Development as a group process is not enough in creating outstanding teaching The OfSted model of ‘what is good teaching’ is at variance with what students say Technology ‘for the one’ now accommodates individual professional journeys Then we have reached a point of new possibilities in how we respond to professionalism and its development in teaching
The rise of the Reflective teacher a teacher who reflects and draws conclusions based on reflection of events, issues and circumstances that affect them directly and individually as a tutor will gain a better understanding of how to do well in their immediate world – IfL 2011
Pacing Negotiated paced Teacher paced Journey Supported Independent AuthenticityOwn experience Others’ experiences StoringRecording Self managing Edutainment Accidental learning Novel learning Reinforce with peersChallenge peers Understanding How does technology help develop learning? Less ableMore able into Learning from… repeat activity engage through games complete new activity devise own games explore alternative perspectives write from own experience keeps own e-record of understandingtutor Keep e-record of learning learner chooses activity and timeteacher sets activity and time learner chooses own directiontutor provides constant guidance Engage In-class learning Any time learning shared responsibilitytutor responsibility
Refinement of technology Pebble Pad Maytas Facebook Moodle PLP EBS bolt-on MySpace Learning Assistant IfL Reflect ILP Reflective Record of achievement Mapping Social Private PaperFree Evernote ITunes YouTube ELGG Mahara Blackboard Personal Mapping Wordpress Sakai Fronter
Professional development in practice Professional Development Personal Choice of direction Personal interest & imperatives A journey Self-validating Supported by colleagues Staff Development Employer choice of direction College & statutory requirements Milestones Validation by others Supported by indicative content In essence CPD improves knowledge and reflection on effectiveness as a means of conditioning tutors to better meet the needs of employers and learners.
Professional development as a common virtue Higher level thinking or Meta-Skills 1.Drive to think & work flexibly 2.Ability to adapt technology to purposeful pedagogy 3.Vision to create imaginative blended learning design 4.Curiosity to involve learners in curriculum delivery & design 5.Imagination to develop future learning plans 6.Desire to account for personal and purposeful effectiveness 7.Capacity to develop collaborative and co-operative working
Professional Development and Staff Development Professional Development as a state of mind Geoff Rebbeck QTLS FIfL Follow links to view examples of an ITQ by reflection Thanet ITQ Paula Stroud Jenny Bean Nick Holbrooke-Sutcliffe Nigel Breadman
Professional Development and Staff Development Professional Development as a state of mind Geoff Rebbeck QTLS FIfL