FYP khw10xx1 Final Year Project titles by Prof. K.H. Wong www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~khwong 2010-11.


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Presentation transcript:

FYP khw10xx1 Final Year Project titles by Prof. K.H. Wong

FYP khw10xx2 KHW1001: A visual surveillance system for sea search and rescue missions (CS/CE) The aim of this research is to develop a vision based system to assist the aircrew in search and rescue operations at sea. During the stormy season, the Government flying service of Hong Kong ( ) will send out fixed wing planes to search for survivors after a maritime accident is reported. The search may last up to 5 hours and is now conducted by the naked eyes to search for life rafts from a height of 500 ft. It is a fatigue job and targets may be missed because of human errors. Therefore the Government flying service has initiated a project on using computer vision techniques to assist the aircrew to detect life rafts at sea. The group will develop computer vision techniques for this application. Students may carry out flying tests on planes if desired during the development stage.

FYP khw10xx3 screen shots

FYP khw10xx4 KHW100 2: Computer vision development for the film industry (CS/CE) 3D computer vision technology is becoming a hot topic due to the recent popularization of 3D films. We have been development 3D vision techniques (see our demos x.html ) and would like to invite students to use these techniques to develop a 3D film editing package for the industry. Also see for a commercial product that already employed 3D vision techniques and running a prosperous business. x.html

FYP khw10xx5 Screen shots

FYP khw10xx6 KHW1003: A 3-D flexible screen viewing system without wearing spectacles We propose a movable hand-held display system which uses a projector to project pictures or videos on an ordinary flexible cardboard which is allowed to move freely within the projection area. This involves the tracking of the flexible screen and displaying suitable graphics on it. It is suitable for medical data visualization and making new game tools. References Our preliminary test (i) (ii) "A Projector-based Hand-held Display System" by us (youtube demo : ),

FYP khw10xx7 Projector and display board

FYP khw10xx8 Some display examples

FYP khw10xx9 KHW100 4: The development of a new wii-remote (wiimote) like controller CE The wiimote is actually a computer vision based handheld input system. It tracks the stationary infrared LEDs placed on the displaying monitor or TV, so the position of the wii-mote can be calculated. In this project we will develop a similar product. It employs an embedded system ( with FPGA and VHDL) which connects directly to a camera for real time computer vision operations. We can also introduce new features like tracking head, shoulder and legs etc. Hence a new gaming environment can be developed.