Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June 7 - 10, 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June , 2006 Status of Pb and Bi nuclear data in resonance region for XT-ADS and EFIT design. Mihail Todorov INRNE-BAS, Tzarigradsko Shaussee Blvd, №72, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria.

Why Lead and Bismuth Materials with new important assignment Suggested as material for spallation target Experimental data is very old Evaluations have distinctions Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June ,

Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June , 2006 Ansaldo nucleare EFIT: Reactor Block Accelerator-driven systems for transmutation of nuclear waste have been suggested as solution to the problem of nuclear spent fuel. Construction of subcritical system involves suggestion of new materials such as lead and bismuth for spallation target as well as coolant and moderator At present, the accuracy of nuclear data seems to be enough to design ordinary fission reactors, but for innovative ADS more accurate data are needed for nuclides, which have not yet played important roles in ordinary reactors. ADS concept

Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June , 2006 Advanced design of eXperimental facility demonstrating the technical feasibility of Transmutation in an Accelerator Driven System (XT-ADS) The major objectives of DM5 NUDATRA is completion of evaluated nuclear data libraries and reaction models for materials relevant for the design and optimization of ADS. Euratom Sixth Framework Programme project EUROTRANS

Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June , 2006 CEA DIF Bruyères-le-Châtel, France Universidad de Sevilla, Spain Technische Universität Wien, Austria Institute for nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgaria Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group NRG, Petten, Netherland NUDATRA Partners

Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June , 2006 INRNE and Neutron Data Lab take part of EUROTRANS (NUDATRA) project as participant P20 Our task is to collect all Pb, Bi and Am evaluated and experimental nuclear data, examine quality of files, resonance parameters, make valuations To give recommendation for future evaluations or experimental work Improvement of Pb and Bi nuclear data is part of our participation Discrepancies in the nuclear data for 207 Pb and 209 Bi

Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June , 2006 Evaluated nuclear data files for 206 Pb Comparison between ENDF/B-VI and JENDL Pb total cross- section in the energy interval KeV ENDF/B-VI evaluation is made by M.B. Chadwick, P.G. Young (LANL), and A.J. Koning (ECN), August 1996 and up to 900keV JEFF-31 and JEFF-3.1/A duplicate it. Resonance information is based on Larson and Horen (>70 keV), and Mughabghab (<70 keV) JENDL-3.3 is evaluated by M.Mizumoto (JAERI) and compiled by K.Shibata. Resolved resonance parameters obtained by Reich-Moore formula were evaluated from the data of Horen+79, and Mizumoto+79 10%

Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June , 2006 Evaluated nuclear data files for 207 Pb Comparison between ENDF/B-VI and JENDL Pb total cross- section in the energy interval KeV ENDF/B-VI evaluation is made by M.B. Chadwick, P.G. Young and A.J. Koning produced in Los Alamos in cooperation with ECN Petten, August JEFF-31 Revision 1 is made by A.J. Koning in NRG Petten. Reich-Moore resolved resonance parameters were adopted from the ENDF/B-VI.8 evaluation based on Horen and Larson below 70 keV, and Mughabghab above 70 keV JENDL-3.3 file was evaluated by M.Mizumoto (JAERI), Jul87. Later resonance parameters were corrected by T.Nakagawa. Parameters were based on the data of Horen and recommendation of Mughabghab. Parameters of dummy resonances were taken from ENDF/B-VI evaluation. From 0 to 475keV ENDF/B-VI cross section data is exactly the same as JEFF-31 and JEFF-3.1/A

Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June , 2006 Evaluated nuclear data files for 208 Pb Comparison between ENDF/B-VI and JENDL Pb total cross- section in the energy interval KeV ENDF/B-VI concurs with JEFF-31 from 0 to 1MeV. ENDF/B-VI evaluation is made by M.B. Chadwick, P.G. Young (LANL), and A.J. Koning (ECN) in August 1996 JENDL-3.3 file was evaluated by M.Mizumoto (JAERI) and compiled by K.Shibata in Resolved resonance parameters were adopted from Horen and Mughabghab, corrected by T.Nakagawa BROND-2 evaluation is made by Blokhin A.I, Belanova T.S, Titarenko N.N. MLBW formula is used. Parameters were evaluated from the data of Bilpuch, Horen, Maclin and Mizumoto 208Pb neutron data are quite different for common libraries.

Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June , ENDF/B-VI evaluation is made by M.B. Chadwick,P.G.Young A.Smith, July 1999 JEFF MLBW resonance parameters were adopted from the JENDL-3.3 evaluation made by N.Yamamuro, A.Zukeran, May Parameters were mainly taken from the work of Mughabghab BROND-2 evaluation made by Blokhin A.I, Belanova T.S, Titarenko N.N. MLBW formula is used. Parameters were evaluated from the data of Horen, Maclin, Allenand and Mizumoto. Evaluated nuclear data files for 209 Bi Comparison between ENDF/B-VI and JENDL Bi total cross- section in the energy interval KeV

Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June , 2006 Calculation of resonance parameters for 208,207,206 Pb IsotopeLibraryRRR E-rangeFormalismAuthors 206PbENDF/B-VIup to 900keVReich-MooreM.B. Chadwick JENDL-3.3up to 500keVReich-MooreM.Mizumoto JEFFup to 900keVReich-MooreA.J. Koning BROND-2up to 900keVMLBWA.I.Blokhin 207PbENDF/B-VIup to 475keVReich-MooreM.B. Chadwick JENDL-3.3up to 475keVReich-MooreM.Mizumoto JEFFup to 475keVReich-MooreA.J. Koning BROND-2up to 500keVMLBWA.I.Blokhin 208PbENDF/B-VIup to 1MeVReich-MooreM.B. Chadwick JENDL-3.3up to 1MeVReich-MooreM.Mizumoto JEFFup to 1MeVReich-MooreA.J. Koning BROND-2up to 1.6MeVMLBWA.I.Blokhin Inventory of nuclear data for several lead isotopes. Several nuclei and libraries are compared to give more detailed picture of nuclear data status.

Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June , 2006 Calculation of (average width between resonances) is performed by simple arithmetic mean of observed resonances:, where D i =E i+1 -E i ; N is number of resonances (items), E 1 and E N are respectively the first and the last resonance in the expected energy interval. The same procedure is performed for Γγ and Γn Strength function - is reckoned by: is reduced neutron width is penetrability coefficient Calculation of resonance parameters for 208,207,206 Pb

Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June , 2006 The average resonance parameters of 206 Pb for RRR calculate from data of several libraries LIBRARYR’[fm]D l [KeV]Sn 0 (x10 -4 )Γ γ [eV] spdspdspd ENDF/B-VI9,524,96,154,431,080,492,064,580,341,19 JENDL-3.38,0286,76,261,530,713,761,460,250,64 BROND-29,524,96,424,431,080,542,712,240,510,72 The average resonance parameters of 207 Pb for RRR calculate from data of several libraries LIBRARYR’[fm]D l [KeV]Sn 0 (x10 -4 )Γ γ [eV] spdSPdspd ENDF/B-VI9,546,84,7317,11,621,533,8312,170,491,42 JENDL-3.39,546,94,9118,21,861,514,122,010,260,51 BROND-29,437,54,5924,32,092,332,917,830,530,5 ! Calculation of resonance parameters for 208,207,206 Pb

Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June , 2006 The average resonance parameters of 208 Pb for RRR calculate from data of several libraries. LIBRARYR’[fm]D l [KeV]Sn 0 (x10 -4 )Γ γ [eV] spdspdspd ENDF/B-VI9, ,51, , ,281,01 JENDL-3.39, ,51,150,531,460,240,260,59 BROND-28,6-7291,9-0,811,77-0,311,54 LIBRARYPb 206Pb 207Pb 208 spdspdspd ENDF/B-VI JENDL BROND Number of resonances included in calculation Calculation of resonance parameters for 208,207,206 Pb

Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June , 2006 Γγ for all nuclei is two-three or more times greater for variety of libraries Strength function for 206 Pb in JENDL is 50% higher than ENDF/B Strength function for 207 Pb in BROND is more than 10% higher than others Summary Review of evaluated nuclear data files for several Lead and Bismuth nuclei was done. In addition basic information is given for status of data. Averaging for resonance parameter in RRR was performed which gives an idea for quality of the data and distinction between different libraries, major differences are:

Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June , 2006 The accurate measurement of Pb and Bi cross sections is important to improve the accuracy of the evaluated nuclear data Evaluations were based on the data of Horen 78 New resonance analysis is necessary in low energy region on the base of existing new measurements in CERN n-TOF and Gelina Belgium from 2004 Accuracy valuation required from the design is need for success of nuclear data evaluation activity. Summary

Inventory of Bi resonance parameters Second IP EUROTRANS Internal Training Course Nuclear Data for Transmutation: status, needs and methods Santiago de Compostela (Spain) June ,