PARTICIPATION IN THE DESIGN AND R&D ACTIVITIES FOR A FUTURE LINEAR COLLIDER: A. Faus-Golfe IFIC - Valencia Accelerator and Detector aspects FPA2005-02935.


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Presentation transcript:


1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe2 Outline Scientific project  Main goals Accelerator Physics Machine Detector Interface Detectors Personnel & Task See Carlos Lacasta’s Talk

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe3 Scientific project: Main Goals Our project pretends to initiate/consolidate the participation of the IFIC to the ILC effort in both aspects: Machine Detector Interface Machine Detector

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe4 The IFIC participation has already started with: A feasibility study of a non-linear collimation system for CLIC in 2002 in collaboration with CERN. A doctoral thesis started in the beginning of 2004: ”Design and Performance Evaluation of a Nonlinear Collimation System for CLIC and LHC” (CERN doctoral students program) Participation in the European Project CARE-ELAN in the beginning of 2004 Participation in the specific design study EUROTeV, approved in late 2004 Scientific Project: Main Goals Accelerator aspects

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe5 Scientific Project: Main Goals Accelerator aspects Feasibility of a non-linear collimation system for – Design Optics – Non-linear impact on the BDS – Cleaning efficiency – Spoiler survival – Application to other collimation systems (LHC, ILC)

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe6 Ongoing work: Scientific Project: Main Goals Accelerator aspects Design Optics –Optics with bends between the skews shows better performance from the collimation efficiency point of view but there is no complete cancellation of the geometric aberration and the luminosity is very poor –New optics with no bends between the skews to avoid the luminosity degradation keeping good collimation efficiency [T.Asaka, A.Faus-Golfe, J.Resta López, D. Schulte and F. Zimmermann “Alternatives Design for Collimation system” To be published ] See A. Faus-Golfe talk in Nanobeam 05 and CLIC BDS Day

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe7 1 st optics solution: Sk Sp No bends between the skews Scientific Project: Main Goals Accelerator aspects

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe8 2 nd optics solution: Sk Sp Bends between the skews Scientific Project: Main Goals Accelerator aspects

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe9 Ongoing work: Collimation survival –install perfect spoiler & perform simulations with MAD and PLACET [T.Asaka, J. Resta López “Characterization and Performance of the CLIC BDS with MAD, SAD and PLACET” ELAN (2005)] –consider real spoiler with scattering, install absorbers, optimize absorber locations, run BDSIM or SIXTRACK or MARS simulations (linear system already contains spoilers and absorbers) [Drozhdin et al, “Comparison of the TESLA, NLC and Beam Collimation system performance” CLIC Note 555 (2003)] Chromatic properties & Luminosity performance & Beam size at the spoiler vs sextupole strength & average momentun off-set See J. Resta López talk in CLIC BDS Day Scientific Project: Main Goals Accelerator aspects

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe10 Optics lattice MAD Placet SAD … Entrance: IP: Multiparticle tracking Beam-beam interaction Guinea-Pig performance transport Lie Importance of the benchmarking of codes Scientific Project: Main Goals Accelerator aspects

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe11 Scientific Project: Main Goals Accelerator aspects

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe12 Scientific Project: Main Goals Accelerator aspects

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe13 Scientific Project: Main Goals Accelerator aspects

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe14 Scientific Project: Main Goals Accelerator aspects

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe15 Scientific Project: Main Goals Accelerator aspects

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe16 Scientific Project: Main Goals Accelerator aspects

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe17 Scientific Project: Main Goals Accelerator aspects

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe18 Scientific Project: Main Goals Accelerator aspects

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe19 Scientific Project: Main Goals Accelerator aspects

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe20 Scientific Project: Main Goals Machine Detector Interface Design study of the disrupted and energy degraded beam after the IP. Impact in the tracking performance. Simulations based on realistic beam conditions including the halo: identify and estimate losses in the spent beam transport line study of installation of relevant post-IP beam diagnostic (luminosity, energy and energy spread and polarisation monitors) Collaboration: A doctoral thesis started in the beginning of 2005: ”Design and Performance Evaluation of the MDI system for the ILC” (EU doctoral students program)

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe21 Ongoing work: Beam parameters for e - e - mode operation at the ILC –e - e - shows sharper deflection curves (feedback slower) and faster luminosity drop with offset (more stringent constraints on residual offset) that makes feedback very difficult –Alternative beam parameters: increase of  y (steepness can be reduced at the expense of a factor 2 in L) and decrease  x (smoother deflection curve and partly recovered L at the expense of a factor 2 in  b ) [C.Alabau, P.Bambade and A.Faus-Golfe, “Beam-Beam parameters for e - e - mode operation at ILC” To be published ] See C. Alabau talk in ECFA Study on Physics and detectors for ILC Scientific Project: Main Goals Machine Detector Interface

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe22 e - e - Deflection Angles (σ x =σ xo ) Increasing  y Scientific Project: Main Goals Machine Detector Interface e - e - Luminosity (σ x =σ xo ) e - e - Beamstrahlung Loss (σ x =σ xo ) - better deflection curve - similar beamstrahlung energy loss - lower luminosity (factor 2)

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe23 e - e - Deflection Angles (σ x =0.5σ xo ) e - e - Luminosity (σ x =0.5σ xo ) - better deflection curve / luminosity - greater beamstrahlung energy loss e - e - Beamstrahlung Loss (σ x =0.5σ xo ) problems for physics? problems for beam extraction (maximum ~5-6%) Scientific Project: Main Goals Machine Detector Interface Decreasing  x

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe24 Personnel & Tasks TASK PERSONNEL Feasibility of a non-linear collimation system A. Faus-Golfe Particle tracking along BDS J. Resta Lopez Machine Detector Interface A. Faus-Golfe J. Fuster Verdú C. Alabau Pons R&D on Si Detectors C. Lacasta Llacer Participation on the design of tracking system J. Fuster Verdú Post-doc I. Carbonell Mechanical Eng.

1-3/12/05A.Faus-Golfe25 Other related Project: Accelerator aspects Further work: Beam Instrumentation for TBL at CTF3/CLEX: – Mechanics See F.Toral and Y. Kubyshin talks