1) Choisissez une carte index
You have been chosen to be the Minister of Tourism for the region of France on the index card that you have chosen. Your region is in serious need of new brochures and you have taken it upon yourself to create a new one.
Your brochure must include photos, as well as the following important information regarding your region: Sa Situation en France Sa Nourriture Ses resources naturelles Son économie Ses choses à faire pour samuser Ses villes prinicipales Son Climat
The following things must also be included in your brochure: 2 examples of the subjunctive 2 examples of the conditional 2 examples of the future 2 examples of the imperfect
Use the internet, as well as any other resources, to help you attain the necessary information. Please include all sources on a separate piece of paper when turning in brochure. If you use translators, or simply copy and paste from French websites…you will receive a 0. By now, I know how you write, and what you are capable of. This will be graded as a quiz grade. Due date: Vendredi, le 5 mai
Microsoft Publisher has many templates for brochures. You can do 1 of the following: 1) You and your partner can work on the same computer and help each other create one brochure (inside and outside) OR 2) You and your partner can work on separate computers and then just staple your brochure together at the end