Thursday, October 20 4:00-8:00pm University of Colorado (room to be announced). Please register for this free workshop now at Henderson Mine in nearby Clear Creek County, has been proposed by a collaboration of industry, universities, state and officials, and community leaders as the site for the National Science Foundation’s planned Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory. DUSEL will be an international multi-disciplinary lab exploring proton decay, neutrino physics, deep underground geological structures, and the microbiology of deep underground life. Denver Area Science Teachers! We invite all educators with an interest in the proposed D eep U underground S cience E ngineering L aboratory to attend a special teachers’ workshop at the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Dec 15 where scientists will be meeting to develop the goals for the research planned for DUSEL. Your input is critical to the educational program being developed in association with the lab’s activities. What classroom needs could be met by a nearby National Lab? What resources would you actually use? This is a great opportunity to be involved in defining the scientific program of a major initiative. We welcome your input and participation in our workshop. Come learn about research opportunities for both teachers and students! The workshop will include A presentation on the science of DUSEL “The Search for Life on and Beyond Earth” Extracting DNA: a hands-on activity Free classroom materials FREE DINNER! Brainstorming for DUSEL’s educational program.
Thursday, October 20 4:00-7:00pm University of Colorado Ramaley (Biology Bldg) Room N240 Please register for this free workshop now at Henderson Mine (nearby Clear Creek County) has been proposed by a collaboration of industry, universities, state officials, and community leaders as the site for the National Science Foundation’s planned Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory. DUSEL will be an international multi-disciplinary lab exploring proton decay, neutrino physics, deep underground geological structures, and deep subsurface microbiology. Boulder Area Science Teachers! We invite all educators with an interest in the proposed D eep U underground S cience E ngineering L aboratory to attend a special teachers’ workshop at the University of Colorado on October 20 where scientists will be meeting to develop the goals for the biological research planned at DUSEL. “The Search for Life on and Beyond Earth” a presentation on the science of DUSEL Extracting DNA: a hands-on activity Free classroom materials FREE DINNER! Brainstorming for DUSEL’s educational program. Your input is critical to the educational program being developed in association with the lab’s activities. What classroom needs could be met by a nearby National Laboratory? What resources would you actually use? This is a great opportunity to be involved in defining the scientific program of a major initiative. We welcome your input and participation in our workshop. For more information you can contact: Dan Claes Come learn about research opportunities for both teachers and students!
Thursday, October 20 4:00-7:00pm University of Colorado Ramaley (Biology Bldg) Room N240 Please register for this free workshop now at Henderson Mine (nearby Clear Creek County) has been proposed by a collaboration of industry, universities, state officials, and community leaders as the site for the National Science Foundation’s planned Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory. DUSEL will be an international multi-disciplinary lab exploring proton decay, neutrino physics, deep underground geological structures, and deep subsurface microbiology. Science Students and Teachers! We invite everyone with an interest in the proposed D eep U underground S cience E ngineering L aboratory to attend a special teachers’ workshop at the University of Colorado on October 20 where scientists will be meeting to develop the goals for the biological research planned at DUSEL. “The Search for Life on and Beyond Earth” a presentation on the science of DUSEL Extracting DNA: a hands-on activity Free classroom materials FREE DINNER! Brainstorming for DUSEL’s educational program. Your input is critical to the educational program being developed in association with the lab’s activities. What classroom needs could be met by a nearby National Laboratory? What resources would you actually use? This is a great opportunity to be involved in defining the scientific program of a major initiative. We welcome your input and participation in our workshop. For more information you can contact: Dan Claes Come learn about research opportunities for both teachers and students!