1 Using XML for Long-term Preservation Experiences from the DiVA Project Peter Hansson, Uwe Klosa,
2 Outline DiVA Project DiVA Document Format DiVA Archive
3 DiVA Project Goals –Create searchable archives for digital documents –Disseminate research information to researchers and the public –Develop an electronic publishing system –Rationalize workflow (author typing -> print, electronic publishing) Participants –Uppsala University, Umeå University, Stockholm University, Södertörn University, Örebro University and more to come!
4 DiVA Project Links – – –
5 Document format? Decided early on to use XML Unicode support was crucial A simple and human readable format A format definition was developed (defined by an XML Schema)XML Schema –99 elements for metadata –DocBook is used for the content
6 DiVA Document Format Subsystem interface Source for other formats (TEI, Marc 21, DC etc.) Long-term preservation format
7 DiVA Document Format - root element [..]
8 DiVA Document Format - properties [..] book thesis postgraduateThesis doctoralThesis comprehensiveDissertation [..]
9 DiVA Document Format - manifestations [..] [series, publication date, publishers, distributors, archivers, identifiers] [..]
10 DiVA Document Format - specifics [..] [place, disputation date, disputation time, language, opponents] [..]
11 DiVA Document Format - person, organisation [names, addresses, identifiers] [organisation names, addresses, identifiers, parent organisation]
12 DiVA Document Format - creator author [names, addresses, identifiers]
13 URN:NBN:se (Uniform Resource Name:National Bibliographic Number:Sweden) Persistent identifiers for electronic resources Resolver at Swedish Royal Library
14 URN:NBN:se (Uniform Resource Name:National Bibliographic Number:Sweden) urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-3344 Uppsala University archive name serial number Resolvable at
15 Archive Structure $archive_home urn nbn se uu diva 1411 urn_nbn_se_uu_diva-1441__metadata.xml 1 urn_nbn_se_uu_diva __fulltext.pdf urn_nbn_se_uu_diva __fulltext.pdf.sha urn_nbn_se_uu_diva __metadata.xml urn_nbn_se_uu_diva __metadata.xml.sha
16 DiVA Archive Web portal DiVA Manager National long-term storage Local long-term storage packages xml
17 Summary XML for long-term preservation - DiVA Document Format URN:NBN identifiers DiVA Archive
18 Links