The Viking Invasion of England. The Typical Viking Vikings were usually young men who owned no land and relied on pirating for a living Most Norwegians.


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Presentation transcript:

The Viking Invasion of England

The Typical Viking Vikings were usually young men who owned no land and relied on pirating for a living Most Norwegians looked down upon the Vikings, because of their excessive boasting and their violent exploits. They rules the North Oceans from the 8th to 11th centuries

The Vikings were proven to have traveled to North America 500 years before Columbus. It is rumored that they moved as far west as Oklahoma. The Vikings did not wantonly loot, rape, and pillage everywhere they went, though they were not above it. They were extremely interested in establishing trade routes, as well as acquiring wealth VIKING WARRIORS DID NOT WEAR HORNED HELMETS.

The Viking Invasion of England First raids on England we said to be in the rule of Beorhtric ( ) In 789, 3 Norwegian ships arrived from Hordaland. They killed the king’s reeve. In 793, the Vikings attacked Northumbria, “There were exceptional flashes of lightning and fiery dragons were seen flying in the air.”

The first raid

In 795, Norwegians attacked Ireland at Lambey Island. By 840, Turgeis colonized Ulster Turgeis captured Armagh, the ecclesiastical center of Ireland. He is credited with creating the cities of Anagassan, Dublin, Wexford, Waterford, Cork, Limerick. Turgeis was killed in 840, and the Danes and Norwegians exchanged power for about 10 years.

Norwegians retook the area in 852 until 902. In England, Eirik Bloodaxe became king of York, for 1 year. Essentially, Ireland was colonized by Norwegian, and England was colonized by the Danes. In 951, Olaf Kvaran gave up hope on acquiring Northumbria and he saw Dublin fall. Viking empire began shrinking about 1040.

In 1052, the Vikings lost Ireland. In 1065, they lost Scotland. The Norwegian-Danish Treaty in 1064 was one of the obvious markings of the end of the Viking Age. Many Vikings continued their way of life for many years after the “end of the age.” The Normans, or Norse-Men, invaded England in 1066.