Discussion on International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) Chen-Ching Liu University of Washington Third NSF Workshop on US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, 2004
Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) DEVELOPMENT Aim, Mission, and Objectives Structure Membership and Activities Partners Management Securing/Soliciting of Funding MOUs (USA): Formalizing and agreement to the understanding that African countries will generate, promote, and sustain research opportunities
Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) Olunloyo (U. Lagos & NAE) Vision Systematic data collection (?) Certainty Overall standardization Globalization
Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) High impact activities that can be achieved by the Center Graduates to be high performers Organized effort, systematic Provide access to electronic publications, software tools (e.g., PSCAD) Common system and data – readily accessible Make available resources from Africa – create/endorse National Science Foundation like organizations in Africa
Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) High impact activities that can be achieved by the Center Forestation programs in universities – preparing for tomorrow Encourage students toward energy/power studies Human capital development A platform for university-industry collaboration Integrate new computer tools into power system curriculum
Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) High impact activities that can be achieved by the Center Research people to staff NSF-like agencies Support power sector deregulation Make ICSES relevant to a wide range of countries IT – control of power systems Application of research to industry; entrepreneurship Human/social research
Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) High impact activities that can be achieved by the Center Sustainability – continue to generate excitements Networking of young African faculty University infrastructure for education and research – equipment, etc
Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) Proposal organization Focal points How to contribute to global economy? Environmental studies Micro distribution systems – solar power Cameroon: Rural electrification – mini/micro networks Benefits to USA Investment opportunities International peace: deeper mutual understanding, greater exposure, education at the grass-root level
Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) Proposal question Do you feel people in your own country have a favorable impression of US in promoting global good?
Third US-Africa Research and Education Collaboration Workshop Abuja, Nigeria, December 13-15, International Center for Sustaining Energy Studies (ICSES) VC Panel: Strategies for Univ, Industry, and Government R&E collaboration Accept in principle to form a Center according to the proposed structure Form a committee to implement the Center Develop MOU – memorandum of understanding Need to identify several areas to achieve short term successes