PHT 381 Lab # 9
MIC : - It is the lowest concentration of the antimicrobial agent that inhibits the growth of the test organism but not necessarily kills it.
Methods for determination of MIC 1. Serial dilution method 2. Agar diffusion method 3. E- test
Agar Diffusion Method Material: Culture of staph. aureus Augmentin Saline Melted nutrient agar bottle Sterile peri dish 4 sterile vials 2 sterile pipette 1ml 1 sterile pipette 5 ml
Procedure: 45°c S o.1 ml
AB ml 1 ml saline
4 Incubate the plate Uninverted at 37°c for 24h
Results: Measure the diameter of each inhibition zone * The diameter of the inhibition zones are directly proportional to the conc. of the antibiotic. Zone diameter Well diameter
Agar Diffusion Method Results: AB conc Log conc Zone diameter Well diameter X X² X = Zone diameter – Well diameter 2 If Original Antibiotic Conc. = 200 µg/ml
Agar Diffusion Method x² Log conc Anti-log = MIC x x x x
Agar Diffusion Method Conc MIC *If use semi-log paper, then No need to calculate Log conc. x² x x x x