Authentication choices! Vincent van Kooten: Business Sales Manager Benelux Distributed by -
Agenda Why Authentication Authentication Solution areas Selection Criteria RSA Security Solutions Summary
RSA Security Solutions Secure Mobile & Remote Access Secure Enterprise Access Secure Transactions Identity & Access Management
Why Focus on Authentication? Authentication is the essential foundation for trusted business process —Establishes trust by proving identities of the participants in a transaction —“On the Internet, no one knows you’re a dog”
Why Focus on Authentication? Authentication is the foundation for other critical services —Personalization —Authorization / Access Management —Identity Management —Audit Business policy: liability, assurance for transactions Relationships between people, groups, and organizations Applications and services: access control and authorization Relationships between identities and information Presentation / Personalization: what the user sees Defining relationships through quality of experience Authenticated Identity (user, device, application, group, organization) Source of graphic: Burton Group, “Enterprise Identity Management”, October 2002
Source: RSAS, adapted from Frost & Sullivan Authentication Market Drivers Expanding access —Increasing numbers of mobile workers —Increasing numbers of telecommuters —Extension of the enterprise network to third parties Customers Partners —Increasing network size and complexity —Need for portable credentials “Willy Sutton effect” —Increase in sensitive information accessed remotely —High levels of internal compromise/theft —Growing security awareness The problem with passwords —Passwords provide weak security —Multiple passwords are unmanageable —Passwords are surprisingly expensive
Source: RSAS, adapted from Frost & Sullivan Authentication Market Inhibitors Costs —Deployment costs —Perception of additional administrative burden —Lack of installed base of smart card readers —Concern over lost / forgotten / broken tokens or smart cards Deployability —Concern over scalability —Lack of interoperability with current systems —Short-term focus on other business objectives —Business as usual Business Justification —Lack of security awareness —Difficulty in quantifying ROI
Authentication Methods: Three Types of Factors Something you know —Password —PIN number Something you have —Token —Certificate —Smart card Something you are (Biometrics) —Fingerprint —Retina Strong authentication takes two factors
Authentication Solutions areas Securing IPsec VPN’s Securing SSL-VPN’s Securing Web applications/ Websites (content)/ OWA Securing Wireless LAN's Securing Remote Access Servers (Dialup) Securing Unix environments Securing Desktop/ Network Access (Windows) NEW!!!
Selection Criteria One size does not fit all in authentication Hardware tokens, Software tokens, Digital Certificates, SMS based authentication, Smart Cards, USB Tokens The choice of authentication solution will be as a result of Total Cost of Ownership and Strategic Fit for the users and for the organisation Challenges Total Cost of Ownership Acquisition Deployment Operating Strategic Fit (Users) Convenience/ Ease of Use Portability Multi-Purpose Strategic Fit (Corporate / System) Relative Security Interoperability / Back-End Integration Robustness / Scale Future Flexibility
Selection Criteria Three Major Categories, Ten Attributes Total Cost of Ownership —Acquisition cost —Deployment cost —Operating cost Strategic Fit (users) —Convenience / Ease of Use —Portability —Multi-purpose Strategic Fit (corporate/system) —Relative Security —Interoperability / Back-end Integration —Robustness / Scale —Future Flexibility
Source: RSAS, adapted from Giga “The Hows and Whys of Online Authentication”, 1999 Selection Criteria Total Cost of Ownership Acquisition cost —What are the initial acquisition costs? This should include all additional hardware, software, servers, readers, services, etc. associated with acquiring the authentication solution. Deployment cost —What are the costs to deploy the authentication solution? This includes the distribution of any necessary hardware or software; ease of installation; ease of setup and configuration; training of end-users; etc. Operating cost —What are the ongoing operating costs? This may include costs for replacement (e.g., expired / lost / stolen / broken) authentication devices; ongoing management; upgrades; vendor support; help desk support; etc.
Selection Criteria
RSA Security Solutions Secure Mobile & Remote Access Secure Enterprise Access Secure Transactions Identity & Access Management
Secure Mobile & Remote Access RSA Security Solutions Secure Enterprise Access Identity & Access Management Key ApplicationsSecurity / IT Drivers Business Drivers Customer Need Secure Transactions Portals Intranet Extranet Supply chain e-Government Improved user experience Help desk and administrative cost reduction Risk management & mitigation Regulatory & partner compliance Automate business processes Extend the enterprise Build/strengthen on-line customer & partner relationships Regulatory requirements B2B trading networks / supply chain Web services Embedded / OEM Regulated vertical applications Shift in application architectures Reduce application development cost Risk management & mitigation Regulatory compliance Extra-enterprise e-transactions Reduce supply chain costs Regulatory requirements e-Business enablement Intellectual property protection Productivity via anywhere, anytime access Regulatory requirements Microsoft Windows login Enterprise SSO WLAN Smart Badging Improved user experience Cost Reduction Risk management & mitigation Regulatory compliance VPN Citrix Web portals WLAN SSL VPN Risk management & mitigation Regulatory compliance Help desk and administrative cost reduction Empower workforce mobility Productivity via anywhere, anytime access Enable partner and customer transactions Regulatory requirements RSA ClearTrust RSA BSafe RSA FIM
RSA Security Solutions Secure Enterprise Access Portals Intranet Extranet Supply chain e-Government Improved user experience Help desk and administrative cost reduction Risk management & mitigation Regulatory & partner compliance Identity & Access Management Key ApplicationsSecurity / IT Drivers Business Drivers Customer Need B2B trading networks / supply chain Web services Embedded / OEM Regulated vertical applications Shift in application architectures Reduce application development cost Risk management & mitigation Regulatory compliance Secure Transactions Automate business processes Extend the enterprise Build/strengthen on-line customer & partner relationships Regulatory requirements Extra-enterprise e-transactions Reduce supply chain costs Regulatory requirements e-Business enablement Intellectual property protection Productivity via anywhere, anytime access Regulatory requirements Microsoft Windows login Enterprise SSO WLAN Smart Badging Improved user experience Cost Reduction Risk management & mitigation Regulatory compliance VPN Citrix Web portals WLAN SSL VPN Risk management & mitigation Regulatory compliance Help desk and administrative cost reduction Secure Mobile & Remote Access Empower workforce mobility Productivity via anywhere, anytime access Enable partner and customer transactions Regulatory requirements RSA SecurID RSA Mobile RSA SecurID RSA Keon RSA Passage
Key Applications Security / IT Drivers Business Drivers Customer Need VPN Citrix Web portals WLAN SSL VPN Risk management & mitigation Regulatory compliance Help desk and administrative cost reduction Secure Mobile & Remote Access Empower workforce mobility Productivity via anywhere, anytime access Enable partner and customer transactions Regulatory requirements RSA Product Focus: RSA SecurID RSA Security Solutions Secure Mobile and Remote Access
Microsoft Windows login Enterprise SSO WLAN Smart Badging RSA Security Solutions Secure Enterprise Access e-Business enablement Intellectual property protection Productivity via anywhere, anytime access Regulatory requirements Improved user experience Risk management & mitigation Regulatory compliance Key ApplicationsSecurity / IT DriversBusiness DriversCustomer Need Secure Enterprise Access RSA Product Focus: RSA SecurID for Microsoft® Windows®
RSA Product Focus: RSA Mobile RSA Security Solutions Secure Mobile and Remote Access Key Applications Security / IT Drivers Business Drivers Customer Need VPN Citrix Web portals WLAN SSL VPN Risk management & mitigation Regulatory compliance Help desk and administrative cost reduction Secure Mobile & Remote Access Empower workforce mobility Productivity via anywhere, anytime access Enable partner and customer transactions Regulatory requirements
Microsoft Windows login Enterprise SSO WLAN Smart Badging RSA Security Solutions Secure Enterprise Access e-Business enablement Intellectual property protection Productivity via anywhere, anytime access Regulatory requirements Improved user experience Cost Reduction Risk management & mitigation Regulatory compliance Key ApplicationsSecurity / IT DriversBusiness DriversCustomer Need Secure Enterprise Access RSA Product Focus: RSA Keon Digital Certificates
Microsoft Windows login Enterprise SSO WLAN Smart Badging RSA Security Solutions Secure Enterprise Access e-Business enablement Intellectual property protection Productivity via anywhere, anytime access Regulatory requirements Improved user experience Cost Reduction Risk management & mitigation Regulatory compliance Key ApplicationsSecurity / IT DriversBusiness DriversCustomer Need Secure Enterprise Access RSA Product Focus: RSA SecurID Passage (SC & USB)
Summary Strong authentication consists of something you KNOW (pin) & something you HAVE (token, smartcard, USB, etc) Authentication enables business and creates TRUST Saves COSTS due to easy but secure access and usage After establishing trust the next step is authorization Different solutions for different needs We are here to help you with making sure that you pick the right solution
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