Web-GIS and interactive systems
Hugo Ahlenius UNEP/GRID-Arendal
About... UNEP centre based in Arendal, Norway (Ottawa, Geneva, Stockholm) UNEP key polar centre Founded 1989
Transition of focus the power of geographical communication make it accessible for better decisions Data GIS, Remote Sensing Data GIS, Remote Sensing Information
Technology Geographical Data & Information for the Internet: –Software –Standards –Catalogue services (metadata)
Case study: Baltic Atlas data & graphics (and more) Baltic Sea drainage basin popular + stats where showing...
Baltic Atlas Interactive map Implemented using ESRI ArcSDE + ArcIMS Functionality Popular!
Other examples Arctic Environmental Atlas Globalis
More... + the future web data access –download –integrate web integration
Conclusion + relevance Access Progress Communication Use Just a tool, not the means in itself
Thank you! Hugo Ahlenius