Doing your search Which search tool to use? What type of search? Which search words to type in ? What should I do if I don’t get the results I want?
Which search tool? BooksLibrary catalogue Journal articlesOnline databases Websites Google – more sites, less quality IntuteIntute – more quality, fewer sites
Which type of search? Quick search (usually the default search) Easy – but may not allow you to refine your search sufficiently to get the best results Advanced search More difficult – but offers more search options to get you better results
Choosing your search words Not getting results? Try different search words…. Teenagers Adolescents Young adults
Use “truncation” to get more results Teenage* stands for Teenage Teenaged Teenager Teenagers Civili*ation stands for Civilisation Civilization
Ymadroddau Pan rydych yn chwilio rhai cronfeydd data, e.e. Web of Science, rhaid teipio dyfynnodau o amgylch eich geiriau er mwyn chwilio amdanynt fel ymadrodd (phrase searching) “single mothers” “teenage pregnancy”
Mynegi syniadau cymhleth The relationship between global warming and extreme weather Global warming Extreme weather AND
Wedi’w fynegi’n weledol global warming extreme weather global warming and extreme weather
Pa air sy’n CYFYNGU’ch chwiliad, er mwyn dod o hyd i ganlyniadau mwy perthnasol, er yn llai niferus? OR BUT NOT AND
Pa air sy’n EHANGU’ch chwiliad, er mwyn dod o hyd i ragor o ganlyniadau? AND BUT NOT OR
Ddim digon o ganlynidau? Defnyddiwch “trychiad” (truncation) Defnyddiwch “OR” i ehangu’r chwiliad Defnyddiwch gyfystyron (synonyms) Triwch gronfa ddata arall
Gormod o ganlyniadau? Defnyddiwch “AND” i gyfyngu’ch chwiliad Defnyddiwch y chwiliad manwl i gyfyngu’ch chwiliad Defnyddiwch y chwiliad manwl i chwilio’r meysydd priodol, e.e. teitl yr erthygl, yn unig