Eurisol driver: heavy ion capabilities A. Pisent, M. Comunian, A. Facco, E. Fagotti, (INFN-LNL) R. Garoby (CERN), P. Pierini (INFN-MI)


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Presentation transcript:

Eurisol driver: heavy ion capabilities A. Pisent, M. Comunian, A. Facco, E. Fagotti, (INFN-LNL) R. Garoby (CERN), P. Pierini (INFN-MI)

The heavy-ion capabilities of the linac Intermediate energy High energy Low energy 5 MeV 85 MeV 1000 MeV Can this same linac accelerate A/q=2 up to the same energy (i.e.same equivalent voltage) ? 1000 MeV/q ?

Definition of TTF (transit time factor) E    4 gaps 5 gaps 6 gaps TTF(   ) In an electrostatic accelerator In a warm linac, where V=Ea*length In a superconducting linac The energy gain per cavity is: 3 gaps 2 gaps

Key point: independent RF sources We assumed the existing p linac design. In Eurisol p linac each cavity has an independent RF source

We identified three scenarios The acceleration of heavy ions, A/q = 2 & 3 up to the end of the proton linac intermediate section (85 MeV). The acceleration of heavy ions with A/q = 2 up to the end of the main linac (1 GeV). The acceleration of heavy ions with A/q = 3 up to 100 MeV/u with a modification of the proton linac architecture. 5 MeV 85 MeV 1000 MeV 5 MeV 85 MeV/u 5 MeV 255 MeV 1000 MeV

First scenario: SPES like The acceleration of heavy ions, A/q = 2 & 3 up to the end of the proton linac intermediate section (85 MeV). The acceleration of heavy ions with A/q = 2 up to the end of the main linac (1 GeV). The acceleration of heavy ions with A/q = 3 up to 100 MeV/u with a modification of the proton linac architecture. 5 MeV 85 MeV 1000 MeV 5 MeV 85 MeV 5 MeV 255 MeV 1000 MeV

ALPI Exp. Halls SPES Legnaro Driver linac: Eurisol up to 100 MeV/u BNCT Target area (d)

Superconducting cavities under developement (352 MHz) Ladder Reentrant HWR (Half Wave Resonator)

Beam dump BNCT moderator rastering TripsLEBT RFQ Superconducting main linac Proton injector A/q=3 upgrade Low energy high current applications RIB production target 5 mA p beam 30 mA p TRASCO RFQ 3 mA d

Second scenario The acceleration of heavy ions, M/q = 2 & 3 up to the end of the proton linac intermediate section (85 MeV). The acceleration of heavy ions with M/q = 2 up to the end of the main linac (1 GeV). The acceleration of heavy ions with M/q = 3 up to 100 MeV/u with a modification of the proton linac architecture. 5 MeV 85 MeV 1000 MeV 5 MeV 85 MeV/u 5 MeV 255 MeV 1000 MeV

Third scenario The acceleration of heavy ions, M/q = 2 & 3 up to the end of the proton linac intermediate section (85 MeV). The acceleration of heavy ions with M/q = 2 up to the end of the main linac (1 GeV). The acceleration of heavy ions with M/q = 3 up to 100 MeV/u with a modification of the proton linac architecture. 5 MeV 85 MeV 1000 MeV 5 MeV 85 MeV/u 5 MeV 255 MeV 1000 MeV

Third scenario: heavily revised architecture

7 MeV/u 90 MeV/u 1000 MeV 5 MeV 255 MeV 1000 MeV Proton mode Intermediate energy part extended up to 255 MeV: the first high energy cavity family is avoided (HWR or spoke up to high energy) Heavy ion mode q/A=1/3

Conclusions The superconducting linac is flexible, but increasing heavy ion capabilities have increasing costs

Very approximately for the three scenarios The injector costs about 14 M€ doubling the intermediate linac costs approximately 25 M€ Two gap architecture for up to 255 MeV: first guess 25 M€. 5 MeV 85 MeV 1000 MeV 5 MeV 85 MeV/u 5 MeV 255 MeV 1000 MeV

Conclusions The superconducting linac is flexible, but increasing heavy ion capabilities have increasing costs The developement of a superconducting version of the intermediate part is very important for Eurisol linac, for protons and for heavy ions The applications of such a linac are much wider (and synergies in the R&D are possible).