Becoming a Doctor Patrick Burke, MD Jesuit Class of 1996
I will cover... Things you already know Things you already know Secrets and misunderstandings Secrets and misunderstandings My opinion. My opinion.
From Here to Medicine
High School Focus on college Focus on college Take advantage of volunteer opportunities Take advantage of volunteer opportunities Take advantage of Jesuit Take advantage of Jesuit Lisa Little Volunteer Coordinator
Going to College Important considerations: Important considerations: Support for prospective applicants Support for prospective applicants Advisors, pre-med board, clubs Advisors, pre-med board, clubs Success at graduates to medical school (w/ a caveat!) Success at graduates to medical school (w/ a caveat!) Is pedigree important? Is pedigree important? As always: are you “at home” at this college? As always: are you “at home” at this college? However...Go to college to go to college, not to go to medical school. However...Go to college to go to college, not to go to medical school.
Pre-med Tasks Pre-req. Classes Pre-req. Classes Biology/organic-inorganic chem/physics/English/calculus. Biology/organic-inorganic chem/physics/English/calculus. MCAT MCAT Letters of Recommendation Letters of Recommendation The GPA The GPA (in Texas) how you’ve spent all your time. (in Texas) how you’ve spent all your time.
Pre-doctoring tasks Develop initiative Develop initiative Learn how to push your yourself Learn how to push your yourself Explore subjects and skills not covered in medical school. Explore subjects and skills not covered in medical school. Enjoy college, learn to be independent. Enjoy college, learn to be independent. What about being “pre-med????” What about being “pre-med????”
The Path: Fork in the Road
Going to Medical School Allopathic or Osteopathic? Allopathic or Osteopathic? Private vs. Public? Private vs. Public? Texas Vs. Out of state? Texas Vs. Out of state? A good school: A good school: A good fit. A good fit. Do you want a pedigree? Do you want a pedigree? An acceptance letter with your name on it. An acceptance letter with your name on it.
Medical School Hard Realities Applicant #’s to my school: UT- Houston Applicant #’s to my school: UT- Houston applications: 2749 applications: 2749 interviewed: 1250 interviewed: 1250 accepted: ~200 accepted: ~200 Cost: TX resident: $10,000/year; Non- residents: $23,000 (plus living expenses) Cost: TX resident: $10,000/year; Non- residents: $23,000 (plus living expenses) Time commitment Time commitment
Applying to Medical School I am NOT making this up.
Quick Med School Outline Years 1&2: Pre-clinical classes Years 1&2: Pre-clinical classes Year 3: Clinical Rotations Year 3: Clinical Rotations Year 4: Electives and applying for residency. Year 4: Electives and applying for residency.
First and Second Year Anatomy Anatomy Biochemistry Biochemistry Histology Histology Immunology Immunology Physiology Physiology Microbiology Microbiology Neuroscience Neuroscience Developmental Bio Developmental Bio Pathology Pharmacology Physical Diagnosis Genetics Behavioral Science
The Third Year Rotations (Clerkships) Medicine Medicine Pediatrics Pediatrics OB/GYN OB/GYN Surgery Surgery Psychiatry Psychiatry Family Practice Family Practice
Fourth Year Electives Electives Different at different schools. Different at different schools. So, wait until you’re a 3rd year med student to worry with it. So, wait until you’re a 3rd year med student to worry with it. The residency decision The residency decision
Residencies Primary Care (or derivations of “medicine”) Primary Care (or derivations of “medicine”) Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Pediatrics Pediatrics Family Practice Family Practice General Surgery (and its subspecialties): General Surgery (and its subspecialties): Urology Urology ENT ENT Plastic Orthopedics Plastic Orthopedics Neurosurgery Neurosurgery
More residency Med-surg Specialties Med-surg Specialties OB/GYN OB/GYN Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Dermatology Dermatology “Situation Specific” “Situation Specific” Emergency Medicine Emergency Medicine Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Even more Specialties Other “technical” specialties: Other “technical” specialties: Anesthesiology Anesthesiology Radiology Radiology Nuclear Medicine/Radiation Oncology Nuclear Medicine/Radiation Oncology (Historical) “Organ system Specialists” (Historical) “Organ system Specialists” Psychiatry Psychiatry Neurology Neurology What about the _________ specialist?? What about the _________ specialist??
The Fellowship Option
Where am I now? Where am I now? Second year resident Second year resident (combined) Internal medicine/pediatrics (combined) Internal medicine/pediatrics UT-Houston UT-Houston
Why am I doing this? Cliché: “I like science and I want to help people.” Cliché: “I like science and I want to help people.” Intellectual satisfaction Intellectual satisfaction Personal satisfaction Personal satisfaction