School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant School of Creative Media Creativity in Practice: Teaching and Learning Outside Classroom An Evaluation Presented by Dr. Linda LAI (Chief Investigator) 15 December 2009
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Content Why CIP ? What is Creativity in Practice (CIP) ? What have we done in CIP ? What have we achieved through CIP ? Reflection & suggestion on improvement
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant What is Creativity in Practice (CIP) ? Teaching and Learning Outside the Classroom For the roughly 90 Critical Intermedia Laboratory (CIL, one of the 3 study areas in BACM) students Last for 20 Months (January 2007 – August 2008) Investigated by Studio leader In Alignment with the CIL curriculum Managed under a CIL core course Portfolio & Practicum (SM4146) & assessed by all faculty as part of a student’s Graduation Thesis (SM4140)
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Why Creativity in Practice (CIP) ? Creativity-in-Action: learning to teach, teaching to learn (from 2004 – 2006, 48 students and 17 schools included) Internship network (film festivals, art exhibitions, cultural management, book-publishing, television stations, production house, animation, community project, creativity and media art workshops...) Art-making and creativity entrenched in social engagement, community-building & cultural criticism Ongoing culture of mutual critique of works The formation of individual self-narratives for one’s creative path Formalization & Consolidation of Existing Good Practices for Systematic Administration and Assessment
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Why Creativity in Practice (CIP) ? Collaboration beyond CityU to Reflect / Integrate / Apply what they learnt Creativity-in-Action: learning to teach, teaching to learn (from 2004 – 2006, 48 students and 17 schools included) Internship network (film festivals, art exhibitions, cultural management, book-publishing, television stations, production house, animation, community project, creativity and media art workshops...) Art-making and creativity entrenched in social engagement, community-building & cultural criticism Ongoing culture of mutual critique of works The formation of individual self-narratives for one’s creative path
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant The aim (ILOs) of Creativity in Practice (CIP) Reflect and apply creative art knowledge & skills Develop leadership, presentation and communication skills Learn more about one’s own views and abilities Deliver works meeting the professional standard of media industry Exercise concern for society in concrete actions Verify own values in real organization’s actual practice PILOs of CIL adopt a research-oriented approach to creative works that value exploration, innovation, and cross-disciplinary work; document the concept and process of creating an artwork with a clearly organized portfolio; independently manage a research process and justify the decisions made in the process; present the concept and technique of his or her works to specific audiences accurately engage in social, cultural issues through critical/creative activities.
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant The aim (ILOs) of Creativity in Practice (CIP) At the end of the project, students will: Reflect and apply creative art knowledge & skills Develop leadership, presentation and communication skills Learn more about own views and abilities Deliver works meeting the professional standard of media industry Exercise concern for society in concrete actions Verify own values in real organization’s actual practice Develop a network of professional contact
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant The aim (ILOs) of Creativity in Practice (CIP) At the end of the project, staff members will: Develop a broadened networks of professional contact At the end of the project, the school will: Build a website displaying students’ digital portfolios & documentation of outreach activities
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant The aim (ILOs) of Creativity in Practice (CIP) Reflect and apply creative art knowledge & skills Develop leadership, presentation and communication skills Learn more about own views and abilities Deliver works meeting the professional standard of media industry Exercise concern for society in concrete actions Verify own values in real organization’s actual practice Develop a network of professional contact Build a website displaying students’ digital portfolios & documentation of outreach activities For students For staff For CIL programme
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant The aim (ILOs) of Creativity in Practice (CIP) Reflect and apply creative art knowledge & skills Develop leadership, presentation and communication skills Learn more about own views and abilities Deliver works meeting the professional standard of media industry Exercise concern for society in concrete actions Verify own values in real organization’s actual practice Develop a network of professional contact Build a website displaying students’ digital portfolios & documentation of outreach activities (1) Outreach Education Programme (2) Internship at Media Organizations (3) Local Art & Cultural Events (4) Digital Portfolio (5) International and Local Experts(6) Exhibition
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Experts in Creativity in Practice (CIP) Part-time senior research assistant (for connecting with parties outside school) 4 Student helpers (for maintaining the CIL website & other documentation) CIL studio leader (for leading and investigating CIP in connection with the development of the CIL curriculum) CIL staff members (for co-investigation) International and Local discipline-specific Experts
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Monitoring Activities in Creativity in Practice (CIP) Manage under the core course Portfolio and Practicum Monitoring of CIL studio leader & other CIL staff members Regular phone conversation with students 19 On-site visit for various programmes Evaluation templates for parties outside school Written report from students for internship
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant What have we done in CIP ? (1)Create a core course Portfolio & Practicum (2)Theory in Practice outside classroom A - Outreach Education Programme B - Internship at Media Organizations C - Local Art & Cultural Events (3) Digital Portfolio with personal styles (4) International and local experts (5) Exhibition
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (1) Portfolio and Practicum DIGITAL PORTFOLIO created in Portfolio and Practicum Expository Writing for CV DVD Production Website Production Art/Cultural Projects (Community Services) Internship (roughly 6 weeks) (Professional) Art Workshop (Educational) SKILLS CIL Creative Bulletin #1 (Art Practices) Sentensia (Curatorial Practices) Talks and Seminars (Alumni & Expertise to Broaden Horizons) Outreach Activities a 13-week Training
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (1) Portfolio and Practicum A hand-on studio workshop to present works + Outreach collaboration and participation in events
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Collaborate with and participate in outreach events Articulate one’s field participation via oral or written communication Reflect upon students’ own artworks Engage in narrative exercise of tracking down and describing one’s creative history and development Write artist’s statements & synopses for individual works to address different communication contexts Build personal e-portfolio (1) Portfolio and Practicum CILOs of the course
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (1) Outreach Education Programme (2) Internship at Media Organizations (3) Local Art & Cultural Events (6) Exhibition (1) Portfolio and Practicum (4) Digital Portfolio CILOs of the course are in relations with the CIP activities... Collaborate with and participate in outreach events Articulate one’s field participation via oral or written communication Reflect upon students’ own artworks Engage in narrative exercise of tracking down and describing one’s creative history and development Write artist’s statements & synopses for individual works to address different communication contexts Build personal e-portfolio
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (2)-A: Outreach Education Programme (Senior-year) Students practice what they have learnt in SCM through teaching others
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (2)-A: Outreach Education Programme 35 student-instructors 16 teaching teams 16 4-to-8-week creative arts workshop 16 secondary schools Fanling Lutheran Secondary School, Methodist Lee Wai Lee College, Diocesan Boys' School Primary Division, KidA Creative Workshop, Yan Oi Tong, Hong Kong Federation of Women’s Centre and Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Lady MacLehose Centre Roughly 160 Secondary school students Photography, Creative Writing, Video, Animation...
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (2)-A: Outreach Education Programme Photography Workshop TWGHs S.C.Gaw Memorial College Digital Video workshop Medthodist Lee wai Lee College
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (2)-A: Outreach Education Programme
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (2)-A: Outreach Education Programme A video work from Digital Video workshop Medthodist Lee wai Lee College CIA_1.wmv Sample (1)
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (2)-A: Outreach Education Programme An animation from Animation workshop Marymount Secondary School CIA_2.wmv; CIA_2B.swf Sample (2)
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (2)-B: Internship in Media Organizations Full-time commitment of students in the field of media productions
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (2)-B: Internship in Media Organizations 26 students 15 media production companies Television Production, Animation, Design, Website Design, Publishing, Advertising... Hong Kong Film Magazine First Film Company Webcastmedia
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Intensive and continual development in media production skills Trained to be Disciplined in a professional environment (2)-B: Internship in Media Organizations
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (2)-B: Internship in Media Organizations Feedbacks (from the 33 evaluation forms received) from organizations joining the Internship Performance of students Evaluated by organizations: Exceptional: 4 Greater than required: 16 Meet Expectation: 8 Below Expectation: 0 Full-time employment of some graduates in the organizations they worked as internship
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (2)-C: Local Art and Cultural Events Support art and cultural organizations in the form of local art community services
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant 32 students 10 art and cultural institutes research, production, communication, administrative, operational... (2)-C: Local Art and Culture Events
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Broadening computer literacy by teaching basic clerical skills (e.g. Chinese input & Microsoft Excel) to elderly people Digital photography workshop to housewives in Tuen Mun to encourage them to be actively in contact with the world around them Gaining insider’s perspective on the overall mechanics of art events and audience development by involving in art events… (2)-C: Local Art and Culture Events
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (2)-C: Local Art and Culture Events Summary of students’ reflective journals Students and participating organizations are positive Students are excited to participate in local art event Continuation of part-time involvement of students in the affiliated organizations
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (3) Digital Portfolio (i) Student digital portfolio (as part of Portfolio and Practicum) (ii) CIL digital portfolio
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (3) Digital Portfolio Samples: A Core Part of Portfolio and Practicum (DVD and website authoring skills & Expository writing) (i) Students digital portfolio
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (3) Digital Portfolio All portfolios are uploaded to the e-Portfolio Archive: (i) Students digital portfolio
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (3) Digital Portfolio The CV and portfolio writing workshops in Portfolio and Practicum is useful in making a better portfolio for potential employers “ “ (i) Students digital portfolio
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (3) Digital Portfolio Good works from courses are uploaded to the CIL website (contribution of CIP student helpers based on staff selection): And a news section: (ii) Studio digital portfolio
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (3) Digital Portfolio Through good course works of senior students, I can understand what the courses are about. The showcase can be an inspiration for my own course work too. (ii) Studio digital portfolio “ “
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (3) Digital Portfolio A server bought for storing digital portfolio of students and all other documentations of CIL-related activities (ii) Studio digital portfolio A sustainable element
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant International and local experts are invited to broaden their horizons (4) International and Local Experts
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Around 60 students 4 guest speakers 6 seminars (4) International and Local Experts
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (4) International and Local Experts ExpertiseName of ExpertSeminar Topic Sound ArtistRobert Iolinisound / image / text Filmmaker and Digital Community Activist Anson MakMedia literacy education Museum CuratorStella FongExhibition and curatorial practice International Contemporary Art Curator Álvaro Rodríguez Fominaya Art valuation Art curatorship with a “green” concern Music composer, sound artist, and scholar Dr. John DreverLive performance with dance, video and sound
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (4) International and Local Experts Less Asked Questions about Art: Valuation for the art market, and artists’ exchange for global concerns By Álvaro Rodríguez Fominaya – 54 participants
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant (5) Exhibition (curriculum showcase: artmaking) CIL Creative Bulletin #1 (December 2007) - An end-of-semester exhibition, presentation & critique in Kwun Tong showcasing 60 works Course-based student work showcase open to public
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Creative Community: Group Exhibition Fund ($10,000) (5) Exhibition (curatorial experiments) SENTENTIA (March 2008) - a community based 5-day-exhibition in Tuen Mun showcasing 7 works organized by 7 CIL students
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant What did CIP achieve? CIP deliverables are realized: 16 Creative Art Workshops 38 internship experiences in 25 organizations 32 Digital Portfolios A CIL studio webpage 6 guest lectures and seminars
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant What did CIP achieve? 90 students participated in one or more CIP activities
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant What has CIP achieved? Sustainable impact The course Portfolio and Practicum becomes a core course All CIL students graduate with a digital portfolio becomes a mandatory practice Awareness of the importance of portfolio
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant What has CIP achieved? Sustainable impact Extending the CIL community to key players and professional in the art community including: Secondary school, commercial companies, art and cultural institutions, the local and international art community, and the public at large...
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant What has CIP achieved? Sustainable impact “Theory as Practice” enforced as concrete experiences Inside and outside campus
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant More Evidence of Impact Eagerness of Participating Exhibition of students Active leadership in SCM Graduation Show ( ) Exposure in external exhibitions ( Dec. 2009)
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Reflection The necessity to sustain a CIP With an extended notion of internship Requires broad networking…
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Reflection The difficulty of sustaining multiple expertise for Portfolio and Practicum (technicality, writing, presentation, narratives on artistic development...) Multiple-expertise teaching staff? Co-teaching?
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Reflection The requirement of human resources to sustain a comprehensive outreach programme
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Reflection The difficulty in evaluating the effectiveness of CIP
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Suggestion on Improvement Co-teaching for Portfolio and Practicum Rebuilding secondary school connections A survey to evaluate Portfolio and Practicum A survey to find out correlation between outreach experiences and current employment
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Suggestion on Improvement: Digital portfolio Topics and tree structure could be refreshed There’s been consideration about who the target reader is for the final submitted portfolio
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant Suggestion on Improvement: Digital portfolio Right now, submission should state a self-elected ideal reader for assessment: to show Personal development for Documentation of educational experience in CityU for future employers for art curators in museums and galleries
School of Creative Media. Teaching Development Grant School of Creative Media Creativity in Practice: Teaching and Learning Outside Classroom An Evaluation - END -