Kultur und Kongresszentrum Luzern (*) Full version appended to: C. Petit-Jean-Genaz Report on EPAC04 J.Poole, Post Mortem of The Electronic Publication of The EPAC 2004 Proceedings, CERN AB-Note EPAC04 Summary -abridged version (*) Presented by J. Chrin JACoW Steering Committee Meeting May 2005, Knoxville
New to EPAC Early paper submission deadline: Wednesday, June 30, 24:00 i.e. 4 days before conference start! First usage of the SPMS (Matt Arena, Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz) installed at CERN (John Poole) Central JACoW repository of individual profiles and affiliations (Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz) New File Upload/Download Scripts (Ivan Andrian) XML -> Proceedings (CD+Web) Translator (Volker Schaa)
Web Pages + File Server Central PSI Web Server hosted: 1. afs directly accessible from PSI, ETH and CERN 2. File Server - for paper upload: 10 GByte disk space + 10 GByte in reserve (not required) All papers – including previous versions of submitted papers - and talks occupied 82% of the allocated disk space i.e. 8.2 GB Meta data to SPMS (next page)
Software Installation Required software installed on one PC Image of the PC disk burned And subsequently installed on all 60 PSI Special attention to licenses and trial versions of software packages required! Installed Enfocus PitStop with wrong (single-user) license. [We had permission from PitStop to use the trial version for week of the conference – should have used this!] WinEdt (trial version) – annoying messages every other click!
Network at EPAC04 Hardware provided by PSI-IT: Switches, Routers (WLAN), Firewall Remo Rickli (PSI-IT) – permanent presence at KKL KKL Connected to hi-speed SWITCH ( Swiss Education and Research Network ) network via 3 rd party company offering Bandwidth: 35 Mbit/s Cost: 3800 SFR SFR/wk
Bandwidth at EPAC04 Remo Rickli (PSI-IT) 30/06 to 09/07 08/07 to 09/07 upload download Pre-conferenceConference Peak Usage: 4 Mbit/s upload of presentation videos
/78/715/7 29/722/7 No of papers (re-)processed per day 85%
Green dots, Yellow Dots, Red Dots 54% 37% 9% 74% of these had Format or Font Problems Word (PC): 66% LaTex: 28% Word (Mac) 6% Author software 927 Papers Published
Comments Problems Enfocus PitStop License Problem PSI mail server configuration to accept s from KKL subnet Protection problems on Acrobat printer (no write access to desktop) Setting up print queues Goodies Wireless – much appreciated by users 35MBit fibre – ample bandwidth advantageous Sufficient number of PCs – comfort, spares Suggestions Consider buying essential licenses (JACoW deserves it!) - and/or - Equip each editor with his/her own fully fledged laptop. Laptop synchronized at the annual Fall JACoW meetings.
JACoW Acknowledged at EPAC04 The Organising Committees of the EPAC and PAC conference series would like to acknowledge their achievement and thank them, and all those involved in JACoW, for their efforts to further the dissemination of scientific knowledge throughout the accelerator community. While many individuals have played a part, none would begrudge recognition to the two people whose foresight and enthusiasm have served to blend so many varied ideas together: John Poole, the Chairman of JACoW, and Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz, the EPAC Conferences Coordinator.
Physics Today Unsuspecting Physicist! JACoW Team of Editors Final Proceedings (Oct 15, 2004) and CD-ROM (Dec, 2004). No paper form!