chapter nine Creative Strategy and the Creative Process McGraw-Hill/Irwin Essentials of Contemporary Advertising Copyright © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
9-2 Objectives_1 Describe the roles of the various types of artists in the advertising business Explain the use of advertising layouts and the steps in creating them Outline the creative approval process Explain the purpose and selection of visuals in print advertising
9-3 Objectives_2 Describe the format elements of an ad and discuss how they relate to the objectives of advertising copywriting Identify the art director’s role in radio and television commercials Debate the advantages and disadvantages of the different television commercial formats Discuss the unique requirements in writing for the Web
9-4 Creating Print Advertising Design Use of Layouts The layout is the preliminary version of the ad that shows where all the key formatting elements are placed. This ad for the new Beetle looks like the tummy of an expectant mother.
9-5 Types of Advertising Artists Art Directors Graphic Designers Illustrators Photographers Production Artists
9-6 Stages in the Approval Process Thumbnail sketches Rough layout Dummy Comprehensive Mechanical (Pasteup) Approval
9-7 Layout Styles_1 Poster-styleMondrian grid
9-8 Layout Styles_2 CircusPicture frame
9-9 Layout Styles_3 Copy-heavyMontage
9-10 Layout Styles_4 Combo
9-11 Standard Subjects for Ad Visuals The package containing the product The product alone The product in use How to use the product Product features Comparison of products User benefit Humor Testimonial Negative appeal
9-12 Exhibit 9-1 Key Format Elements Headline and Visual Body Copy Slogan Contact Information Subhead
9-13 Exhibit 9-1 Conceptual Message Elements 1. Attention 2. Interest 3. Credibility 4. Desire 5. Action The creative pyramid helps the copywriter present the conceptual elements of the message.
9-14 Types of Headlines Benefit News/Information Provocative Question Command
9-15 Body Copy Styles Straight-sell Institutional Narrative Dialogue/Monologue Picture caption Device
9-16 Functions of Slogans Provide continuity to a campaign Reduce message strategy to a positioning statement
9-17 Formats for Electronic Media Straight announcement Presenter Testimonial Demonstration Musical Slice of life Lifestyle Animation
9-18 Radio Scripts A script resembles a two-column list. On the left side, speakers’ names are arranged vertically, along with descriptions of sound effects. The right column contains the dialogue, called audio.
9-19 Storyboard Development 1)Develop the script, 2)Design storyboard, and 3) Shoot animatic
9-20 Rules for Translating Copy for International Ads The translator must be an effective copywriter The translator must understand the product Translators should translate into their native tongue The advertiser should give the translator easily translatable English copy
9-21 This ad for Korean Air is adapted for other markets.
9-22 Key Terms_1 Animatic Animation Audio Ayer No. 1 Benefit headline Body copy Boldface Camera-ready art Close Command headline Comprehensive layout Demonstration Design Device copy Dialogue/ monologue copy Dummy
9-23 Key Terms_2 Headline Icon Illustrator Institutional copy Integrated commercial Interior paragraph Italic Jingle Kicker Layout Lead-in paragraph Lifestyle technique Logotype Mechanical Mnemonic device Musical commercial Narrative copy
9-24 Key Terms_3 News/information headline On camera Pasteup Photographer Picture-caption copy Picture-window layout Poster-style format Presenter commercial Provocative headline Question headline Radio personality Rough Script Seal
9-25 Key Terms_4 Signature Slice of life Slogan Sound effects Storyboard Storyboard rough Straight announcement Straight-sell copy Subhead Tagline Testimonial Text Themeline Thumbnail Trial close Visuals Voice-over