Speaker Recognition G. CHOLLET, G. GRAVIER,


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Presentation transcript:

Speaker Recognition G. CHOLLET, G. GRAVIER, J. KHARROUBI, D. PETROVSKA-DELACRETAZ (chollet, kharroub,petrovsk)@tsi.enst.fr ggravier@infres.enst.fr ENST/CNRS-LTCI 46 rue Barrault 75634 PARIS cedex 13 http://www.tsi.enst.fr/~chollet

Our affiliations ENST: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications http://www.enst.fr CNRS: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique http://www.cnrs.fr LTCI: Laboratoire de Traitement et Communication de l’Information http://www.enst.fr/ura/ura.html

What is ENST? Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications classed among the ‘Grandes Ecoles d'Ingénieurs’. 250 state certified engineers each year . part of ‘Groupement des Ecoles de Télécommunications’

Modalities for Identity Verification Bla-bla SECURED SPACE PIN 111111111

Modalities for Identity Verification A device you own (key, smart card,…) A code you remember (password, …) Could be lost or stolen Physiological characteristics: Face, iris, finger print, hand shape,… Need special equipment Behavioral characteristics: Speech, signature, keystroke,… Speech is the prefered modality over the telephone (but a ‘voice print’ is much more variable than a finger print)

Outline Where is the information about the speaker identity in the speech signal ? How well could humans recognize a speaker ? Applications of Speaker Recognition Prior knowledge on what the speaker said Combining Speech Recognition and Speaker Verification Some research activities at ENST: Speaker verification: The CAVE-PICASSO projects (text dependent) The ELISA consortium, NIST evaluations (text independent) The EUREKA !2340 MAJORDOME project Multimodal Identity Verification: The M2VTS and BIOMET projects Perspectives

Speaker Identity in Speech Differences in Vocal tract shapes and muscular control Fundamental frequency (typical values) 100 Hz (Male), 200 Hz (Female), 300 Hz (Child) Glottal waveform Phonotactics Lexical usage The differences between Voices of Twins is a limit case Voices can also be imitated or disguised

Speaker Identity suprasegmental factors segmental factors (~30ms) spectral envelope of / i: / f A Speaker A Speaker B Speaker Identity segmental factors (~30ms) glottal excitation: fundamental frequency, amplitude, voice quality (e.g., breathiness) vocal tract: formant frequencies and bandwidths suprasegmental factors speaking speed (timing and rhythm of speech units) intonation patterns dialect, accent, pronunciation habits

Inter-speaker Variability We were away a year ago.

Intra-speaker Variability We were away a year ago.

Vocal Apparatus

Speech production

Glottal Waveform Modeling Fitting a glottal pulse model to the excitation waveform allows perceptually relevant modifications to voice quality A t original residual: blue synthetic residual: red

Applications of Speaker Recognition Identification from an open set (unrealistic) Identification from a closed set (who is speaking in a videoconference ?) Verification of claimed identity (risk of deliberate imposture) The human performance in speaker recognition is far from being perfect (highly dependent on familiarity with the subject)

Speaker Verification Typology of approaches (EAGLES Handbook) Text dependent Public password Private password Customized password Text prompted Text independent Incremental enrolment Evaluation

What are the sources of difficulty ? Intra-speaker variability of the speech signal (due to stress, pathologies, environmental conditions,…) Recording conditions (filtering, noise,…) Temporal drift Intentional imposture Voice disguise

Text-dependent Speaker Verification Uses Automatic Speech Recognition techniques (DTW, HMM, …) Client model adaptation from speaker independent HMM (‘World’ model) Synchronous alignment of client and world models for the computation of a score.

Dynamic Time Warping (DTW)

HMM structure depends on the application

Signal detection theory

Score normalisation World model Cohort normalisation Discriminant techniques

Detection Error Tradeoff (DET) Curve

CAVE – PICASSO http://www.picasso.ptt-telecom.nl/project/

Incremental enrolment of customised password The client chooses his password using some feedback from the system. The system attempts a phonetic transcription of the password. Incremental enrolment is achieved on further repetitions of that password Speaker independent phone HMM are adapted with the client enrolment data. Synchronous alignment likelihood ratio scoring is performed on access trials.

Deliberate imposture The impostor has some recordings of the target client voice. He can record the same sentences and align these speech signals with the recordings of the client. A transformation (Multiple Linear Regression) is computed from these aligned data. The impostor has heard the target client password. He records that password and applies the transformation to this recording. The PICASSO reference system with less than 1 % EER is defeated by this procedure (more than 30 % EER)

Speaker Verification (text independent) The ELISA consortium ENST, LIA, IRISA, ... http://www.lia.univ-avignon.fr/equipes/RAL/elisa/index_en.html NIST evaluations http://www.nist.gov/speech/tests/spk/index.htm Ergodic HMM Gaussian Mixture Model

Gaussian Mixture Model Parametric representation of the probability distribution of observations:

Gaussian Mixture Models 8 Gaussians per mixture

National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) Speaker Verification Evaluations Annual evaluation since 1995 Common paradigm for comparing technologies



Support Vector Machines and Speaker Verification Hybrid GMM-SVM system is proposed SVM scoring model trained on development data to classify true-target speakers access and impostors access, using new feature representation based on GMMs Modeling Scoring GMM SVM

SVM principles X y(X) Feature space Input space H Class(X) Ho Separating hyperplans H , with the optimal hyperplan Ho Ho H Class(X)


Combining Speech Recognition and Speaker Verification. Speaker independent phone HMMs Selection of segments or segment classes which are speaker specific Preliminary evaluations are performed on the NIST extended data set (one hour of training data per speaker)

Selection of nasals in words in -ing being everything getting anything thing something things going

«MAJORDOME» Vecsys EDF Software602 KTH Mensatec UPC Airtel Unified Messaging System Eureka Projet no 2340 D. Bahu-Leyser, G. Chollet, K. Hallouli , J. Kharroubi, L. Likforman, D. Mostefa, D. Petrovska, M. Sigelle, P. Vaillant

Majordome’s Functionalities Speaker verification Dialogue Routing Updating the agenda Automatic summary Voice Fax E-mail MAJORDOME (

Voice technology in Majordome Server side background tasks: continuous speech recognition applied to voice messages upon reception Detection of sender’s name and subject User interaction: Speaker identification and verification Speech recognition (receiving user commands through voice interaction) Text-to-speech synthesis (reading text summaries, E-mails or faxes)


BIOMET An extension of the M2VTS and DAVID projects to include such modalities as signature, finger print, hand shape. Initial support (two years) is provided by GET (Groupement des Ecoles de Télécommunications) Emphasis will be on fusion of scores obtained from two or more modalities.

Conclusions and Perspectives Evaluation trials (as conducted by NIST) help improve technology. A strategy combining speech recognition and segmental scoring seems to be a promissing approach for speaker verification. Whenever possible, text independent speaker verification should be confirmed by text dependent verification. Whenever possible, fusion of multiple experts (preferably multimodal) should be performed.