The Ocean Literacy “Story” Rutgers- Institute of Marine and Coastal Science
Why should we care about the ocean?
How Long is H 2 0 in the Ocean? 3,200 years!!
evaporation condensation precipitation s He’s gone! He’s back! a l t Where does water go? 3,200 years 9 days 2-6 months years years 10,000 years
Percent Volume (million cubic km) (million cubic km) Source Top 4 Sources of Water on the Earth? Top 4 Sources of Water on the Earth? 1 Oceans Ice Caps & Glaciers Glaciers 3Groundwater Groundwater Lakes
0O0O 30 O N 30 O S cool dry cool dry moist warm moist warm evaporation condensatio n
60 o 30 o GLOBAL PRECIPITATION 60 o 0o0o desert rain forest ? ?
Litho genic Bio genic How to make SAND Water Time Time Hard Stuff Water
New Jersey FloridaBermudaHawaii Which ones are Lithogenic?
Boiling Point100 o C (212 o F) Freezing Point 0 o C (32 o F) pH 7 (neutral) Density 1.000g/cm 3 Electricity Conductor good Fresh Ole Salty Properties of Water o C (212 o F) o C (28.5 o F) ~8 (basic) 1.025g/cm 3 better
How Many Oceans?
One Soup?... indian pacific atlantic arctic One Ocean... pacific
Arctic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean Sinking Upwelling Ocean Circulation
How many microbes in 1 liter of Sea H 2 O?? >1,000,000,000!!
Blue Whale Blue Whale Killer Whale Great White Shark Blue Fin Tuna Giant Kelp Portuguese Man-o-war Giant Squid Meters Feet BIG organisms too!!! How do they measure up?
What % of the world’s O 2 is produced by phytoplankton? A. 10% B. 20% C. 30% D. 50%
600’ 3,000’ 6,000’ 9,000’ 12,000’ 15,000’ 18,000’
600’ 3,000’ 6,000’ 9,000’ 12,000’ 15,000’ 18,000’
HERE ?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$?$ Where Should We Go? OR THERE??