Using Club Accounting Online Copyright 2006 ICLUBcentral Inc. All rights reserved by Dan Abraham Director of Customer Support, ICLUBcentral Inc.
2 Who am I? Dan Abraham Director of Customer Support, ICLUBcentral Inc.Dan Abraham Director of Customer Support, ICLUBcentral Inc.
3 An Important Audience Poll A show of hands, please … A show of hands, please … – How many here are Club Treasurers? – All the rest are active club members! – How many of your clubs rotate or share the Treasurer’s job among the members?
4 What is Club Accounting Online (CAO)? Club Accounting Online is actually a CLUB WEB SITE with accounting tools built in.Club Accounting Online is actually a CLUB WEB SITE with accounting tools built in. Club Accounting Online can be used to do accounting, communicate, and collaborate.Club Accounting Online can be used to do accounting, communicate, and collaborate. Club Accounting Online is located at Accounting Online is located at
5 Why go online? Everyone in the club has access to reports at all timesEveryone in the club has access to reports at all times You can share & archives messages, files (documents, SSGs, pictures)You can share & archives messages, files (documents, SSGs, pictures) There’s a common club calendarThere’s a common club calendar You can send and store club announcementsYou can send and store club announcements
6 What do I need to use CAO? A computer with Internet accessA computer with Internet access A web browserA web browser –we recommend Internet Explorer 5.0 and above That’s it.That’s it.
7 Is CAO safe? Safeguard What this means ICLUBcentral backs up CAO every night Safer than your computer… when did you last back up everything? ICLUBcentral uses industry standard security protective measures like SSL You keep your password… no one else has it. Hosted in a secure, monitored location Under lockdown, protected from all types of infiltration And if you’re still not sure…you are not required to store social security numbers on CAO. (and you can still do your taxes!)
8 How much is CAO? $49 per year pays for your club and your Technical Support$49 per year pays for your club and your Technical Support 60 day free trial60 day free trial
9 How does CAO work? A club officer sets up a CAO site for their clubA club officer sets up a CAO site for their club Everyone in the club gets access to that site via their own individual username and passwordEveryone in the club gets access to that site via their own individual username and password Club members can view accounting reports and other tools on the siteClub members can view accounting reports and other tools on the site Only designated officers can edit the accounting informationOnly designated officers can edit the accounting information
10 How do I get started? 1.Go to and sign up 2.Set up a CAO site for your club 3.Load the club data 4.Add the members’ addresses 5.Invite the club members
11 Signing Up Point your browser to club.comPoint your browser to Click on ‘Sign up for a new account’Click on ‘Sign up for a new account’ Create a username and passwordCreate a username and password
12 Setting up a club site Step#1: Enter your club name or nickname Step#2: Enter your club EIN (optional) Step#3: Enter your BI club number Step #4: Click on ‘continue’
13 Load the club data New clubs that don’t use any accounting software can just start entering data right away in the accounting areaNew clubs that don’t use any accounting software can just start entering data right away in the accounting area Clubs that use desktop accounting software can import it into CAO. You don’t have to start from scratch! We accept:Clubs that use desktop accounting software can import it into CAO. You don’t have to start from scratch! We accept: –Club Accounting 1.04 –Club Accounting 2.x –Club Accounting 3.x
14 Importing the data Step 1: Export your data from desktop accounting Step 2: Find the export file by ‘browsing’ to it on the CAO import page Step 3: Click on ‘import’
15 Inviting the club members Step #1: Write the member names. If you have imported your data, these will be pre-filled. Step #2: Enter member addresses. (optional) Step #3: Click ‘OK’. Members will receive an invitation with instructions for how to join the CAO site and create their own usernames and passwords.
16 You’re done. Actually, it’s easier than what I just showed you.Actually, it’s easier than what I just showed you. CAO will guide through these steps one by one.CAO will guide through these steps one by one.
17 Logging in …just like logging in to most web sites
18 Your club home page
19 Navigating CAO This red bar is on every page Accounting Reports People Message Boards File Storage Calendar Taxes
20 The Calendar
21 The Calendar Enter and Maintain Club Events
22 The File Storage Area It’s a place to share files with your clubIt’s a place to share files with your club What can you share?What can you share? –Word documents, SSG files, pictures –Anything file less than about 1 MB in size –Up to 20 MB of total storage (that’s room for about twenty Downtown Boston telephone books or 5000 SSGs)
23 Sharing files Files are organized into foldersFiles are organized into folders Add files by clicking on ‘upload’Add files by clicking on ‘upload’ You can download a file by right-clicking on itYou can download a file by right-clicking on it Rename or delete a file by clicking on ‘rename/move’ or ‘delete’Rename or delete a file by clicking on ‘rename/move’ or ‘delete’
24 Message Boards Post messages to share with your clubPost messages to share with your club –Threads –Multiple boards
25 Message Boards You can post messages via your web browserYou can post messages via your web browser Or post via (every message board has an address you can send to)Or post via (every message board has an address you can send to) All messages posted by club members are archived on the site for quick accessAll messages posted by club members are archived on the site for quick access Messages are also sent to your Messages are also sent to your
26 The People Page Review your club’s membershipReview your club’s membership –Contact information Invite new membersInvite new members
27 The People Page You can issue invitations by clicking ‘invite online’You can issue invitations by clicking ‘invite online’ –Check on outstanding invitations Edit contact information with ‘edit profile’Edit contact information with ‘edit profile’ Add new members or visitorsAdd new members or visitors
28 CAO has all the same reports as Club Accounting DesktopCAO has all the same reports as Club Accounting Desktop All members have instant access to these reports via the web (perfect for out-of-town members)All members have instant access to these reports via the web (perfect for out-of-town members) That means they can print their own copies!That means they can print their own copies! This includes tax forms (if you purchase the online tax printer)This includes tax forms (if you purchase the online tax printer) Reports
29 Reports Valuation statement Member status report Complete journal (ledger) Individual valuation unit ledger Transaction summary Individual security ledger Cash journal listing Cash contributions report Petty cash journal listing Petty cash contribution report Income/expense statement and Balance sheet Distribution of earnings Withdrawal distribution report Member information listing
30 Accounting Accounting on CAO is similar to desktop accountingAccounting on CAO is similar to desktop accounting Members, securities, and cash transactionsMembers, securities, and cash transactions Can import data from desktop to CAO, and from CAO to desktop, as many times as you wantCan import data from desktop to CAO, and from CAO to desktop, as many times as you want Tax printer is available onlineTax printer is available online CAO is compatible with everything desktop isn’tCAO is compatible with everything desktop isn’t –Apple Macintosh –Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME…
31 Accounting Main accounting screen gives a snapshot of club financesMain accounting screen gives a snapshot of club finances –Portfolio –Cash available –Member account value –Unit value
32 Accounting: Member transactions Tools are located on the leftTools are located on the left –Deposits Fees Payments –Beginning Balances –Withdrawals Full, partial Stock, cash
33 Accounting: Security transactions Security section shows the club portfolio with recent pricesSecurity section shows the club portfolio with recent prices Tools are located on the leftTools are located on the left –Buy, Sell –Dividends –Splits, Mergers, Spinoffs –Foreign taxes, Charges –Valuations –Security settings –Beginning balances
34 Accounting: Cash transactions Cash section shows the cash balance for any selected dateCash section shows the cash balance for any selected date Tools are located on the leftTools are located on the left –Income, Expenses, Interest –Transfers –Charitable contributions Cash Stock –Bank and Money Market interest/dividends –Create/delete/rename cash accounts –Beginning balances
35 Accounting: Utilities Tools are located on the leftTools are located on the left Backup manager: allows five snapshots of club accountingBackup manager: allows five snapshots of club accounting Import/ExportImport/Export Start club wizardStart club wizard Beginning balance wizardBeginning balance wizard Distribution settingsDistribution settings Distribution transactionDistribution transaction Transfer member transactions (Administrative tool to be used only in conjunction with ICLUBcentral support)Transfer member transactions (Administrative tool to be used only in conjunction with ICLUBcentral support) Clear club dataClear club data Update club settingsUpdate club settings Get stock quoteGet stock quote
Well that’s CAO. But you’re not out of class yet!
37 Pitfalls! Answering the invitationAnswering the invitation Choosing a usernameChoosing a username Choosing a passwordChoosing a password Sharing addressesSharing addresses Sharing usernamesSharing usernames Buying the right Tax PrinterBuying the right Tax Printer Beginning balancesBeginning balances Valuations vs. Valuation ReportsValuations vs. Valuation Reports
38 Need Help? Click on “Help” at the top of the pageClick on “Help” at the top of the page Or point your browser to point your browser to
39 Where can I learn more? (a/k/a “You’re really, truly, honestly done”) –Printed manual available for sale on web site