Remote Access at Statistics Netherlands Anco Hundepool and Peter-Paul de Wolf
Contents Introduction facility Functional Technical First experiences of pilot Conclusions and remarks
Introduction Advantages detailed microdata ability to play around with the data, without confidentiality checks until final output Disadvantages only at premises SN no direct contact with colleagues only working hours Detailed microdata: only on-site (i.e., at SN) controlled safe settingsspecial offices needed
facility Goals: Comparable with on-site concerning confidentiality Reducing disadvantages 24/7 availability
Biometric identification PKI Certificates Username + Password Functional aspects Only authorised users allowed Traditional on-site: users can not enter nor leave SN unaccompanied Only selected research institutes Only under contract
Functional aspects (Micro) data stay at SN Traditional on-site: Network separate from production No internet No local printers No floppy, USB, … Network separate from production Citrix connection
Functional aspects Checking output Traditional on-site: Desired output checked by SN staff Desired output checked by SN staff
Technical aspects
First experiences of pilot Pilot: University of Tilburg 2 workstations (Windows PC’s) 6 users Experiences: Positive, no real problems Performance like own desktop PC
Conclusions and remarks Promising counterpart of traditional on-site Confidentiality issues ‘under control’ Check of output labour intensive but needed Can be used to provide access to MUC’s as well?