Using Digital Video: Microsoft PhotoStory, Windows MovieMaker and Stop Motion Animator
To introduce you to animation, photo stories and movies and where they fit into the literacy framework To show you how to create a simple animation, photo story and movie
What is Web 2.0? consuming Web (parents) downloading ‘corporate’ Source: ChildNet
What is Web 2.0? consuming Web (parents) Web 2.0 (pupils) creating downloadinguploading ‘corporate’personal Source: ChildNet
Video Podcasting The Dylan Show Chopsticks
“Create a visual adaptation of a simple text using toys, modelling clay, play figures and stop-frame animation techniques.”
Stop Motion Animator
Make the models Planning the animation Filming the animation
Let’s have a go!
Animation Software 2Simple Animate! Digiblue Creator Kudlian I Can Animate Stop Motion Animator
PhotoStory 3
Create multimedia presentations of pupils’ or other writers’ poems.
Let’s have a go!
Windows Movie Maker
Consider TV adverts as type of persuasive text. Using digital video techniques, pupils can produce advertisements which conform to the conventions of the genre.
Let’s have a go!
Using Digital Video: Microsoft PhotoStory, Windows MovieMaker and Stop Motion Animator