HEALTH SCIENCE EVENTS Dental Spelling: Students in this event will improve their ability to spell and define terms associated with careers in the dental field. Round 1 of the competition will be a 1 hour multiple choice test. The top 50% highest scores will proceed to Round 2. Round 2 will be a spelling bee based on dental terms. Dental Terminology: Students in this event will improve their ability to identify, spell, define and apply the terminology and language of occupations in the dental field, to include prefixes, suffixes, roots and anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and occupations. A 1.5 hour multiple choice test will be taken to test their knowledge.
HEALTH SCIENCE EVENTS Medical Spelling: Students in this event will improve their ability to spell and define terms associated with careers in the the health care community. Round 1 of the competition will be a 1 hour multiple choice test. The top 50% highest scores will proceed to Round 2. Round 2 will be a spelling bee based on health-related terms. Medical Terminology: Students in this event will improve their ability to identify, spell, define and apply the prefixes, suffixes, roots and anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and occupations related to the health care community. A 1.5 hour multiple choice test will be taken to test their knowledge.
HEALTH SCIENCE EVENTS Medical Math: Students will improve their ability to identify, solve, and apply mathematical principles involving temperature, weights, and measures used in the health care delivery system. To assess their knowledge, students will be given a written test dealing with selected problems involving conversions, identification of related symbols and abbreviations, and conversion of problems of weight, volume, and temperature in a 1.5 hour multiple choice test.
HEALTH SCIENCE EVENTS Knowledge Test: Knowledge Tests will be a 100 item multiple choice written exam with an essay tie-breaker question. Students will select only one test and each test will be considered a separate event. Students will be given 1 1/2 hours to complete the exam. ◦Human Growth and Development- Culture, The Family, Communication, Theories of Growth and Development, Prenatal, Infancy and Toddler, Early Childhood and School-Age, Adolescence, Adulthood: Young, Middle and Older, Death and Dying. ◦Pathophysiology- Disease Process and Terminology, (Body Systems: Integumentary, Musculoskeletal, Heart, Blood vessels, Lymphatic, Respiratory, Digestive, Endocrine, Nervous, Reproductive, Urinary. ◦Concepts of Health Care- History in Health Care, Communications/Personal Relationships, Health Care Delivery System, Careers in Health Care, Legal/Ethical Considerations, Cultural Diversity ◦Pharmacology- Basic Concepts in Pharmacology, Career Opportunities in Pharmacology, Ethical and Legal Responsibilities, Pediatrics and Geriatrics Adaptations, Drug Names, Classifications, Action, and Interactions, Drug Administration, Drug Measurement, Dosage, Conversions, Technologies in Pharmacology ◦Nutrition-Carbohydrates, fats and proteins, Vitamins & minerals, Water (Fluid & electrolyte balance), Diet through the life span, Digestion, absorption and metabolism, Cultural and religious influences, Food related illnesses and allergies, Medical nutrition therapy, Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Renal disease, Gastrointestinal disease, Cancer, Clients with special need
HEALTH PROFESSIONS EVENTS Biotechnology: Students in this event will develop and demonstrate their knowledge and skills in the medical laboratory and health care biotechnology careers. Round One will be a written, multiple choice test of knowledge and understanding. Round Two will require the use of critical thinking skills. The performance will be timed and evaluated. Clinical Nursing: Students in this event will develop and demonstrate their knowledge and skills in clinical nursing. Round One will be a written, multiple choice test of knowledge and understanding. Round Two will require the use of critical thinking skills. The performance will be timed and evaluated.
HEALTH PROFESSIONS EVENTS Clinical Specialty: Students will be able to develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in a selected health profession. This event will consist of two items: a) the development of a career portfolio, and b) the demonstration of a selected skill common to the chosen health career. Dental Science: Sudents in this event will develop and demonstrate their knowledge and skills in dental careers. Round One will be a written, multiple choice test of knowledge and understanding. Round Two will require the use of critical thinking skills. The performance will be timed and evaluated.
HEALTH PROFESSIONS EVENTS Home Health Aide: Students in this event will develop and demonstrate their knowledge and skills in home health aide. Round One will be a written, multiple choice test of knowledge and understanding. Round Two will require the use of critical thinking skills. The performance will be timed and evaluated. Medical Assisting: Students in this event will develop and demonstrate their knowledge and skills as a medical assistant. Round One will be a written, multiple choice test of knowledge and understanding. Round Two will require the use of critical thinking skills. The performance will be timed and evaluated. ◦CMS Need to complete CMS Form.
HEALTH PROFESSIONS EVENTS Nursing Assisting: Students in this event will develop and demonstrate their knowledge and skills as a nursing assistant. Round One will be a written, multiple choice test of knowledge and understanding. Round Two will require the use of critical thinking skills. The performance will be timed and evaluated. *Personal Care: Same thing as Nursing Assisting without the test. Physical Therapy: Students in this event will develop and demonstrate their knowledge and skills in physical therapy. Round One will be a written, multiple choice test of knowledge and understanding. Round Two will require the use of critical thinking skills. The performance will be timed and evaluated.
HEALTH PROFESSIONS EVENTS Sports Medicine: Develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in area of sports medicine. Round one will be written and multiple choice test of knowledge and understanding. Round two will test your performance in a written scenario. Veterinary Science: Demonstrate your knowledge and skills in veterinary medical care. Round one will be short answer and round two will test your performance in a written scenario.
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EVENTS CPR/First Aid: Develop and demonstrate your knowledge and skills in first aid with a team of 2 and basic life support for a healthcare provider. 2 rounds of competition; round 1 is a multiple choice test which then qualifies you for round 2, which involves applying a skill procedure based on a written scenario. Emergency Medical Technician: Develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills as a team in emergency medical care. As a 2 person team, compete in the first round which involves multiple choice questions and then advance to round two to perform the selected skill procedure based on another critical written scenario.
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EVENTS *Life Support Skills: Demonstrate knowledge and skills in basic life support. You will be evaluated by performance of a selected skill procedure identified in a written scenario, which requires critical thinking skills. CERT Skills: Demonstrate knowledge and skills you will need to respond to your community’s immediate needs in the aftermath of a disaster, when emergency services are not immediately available. In a 2 person team, pass the first round of multiple choice questions to advance to the second round which requires performance of selected skill procedures identified in a written scenario.
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EVENTS Public Health Emergency Preparedness: Work as a team to plan and teach others in your community about public health emergencies. In a team of 2-4, select a topic of public concern and create an effective public health presentation to educate the public on the chosen topic. Epidemiology: Study the effects of health and disease in populations, to improve their scientific literacy, and to provide insights into public health careers. This involves a written examination of concepts related to the study of epidemiology. There is also a 50-item multiple choice test in response to a case study.
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EVENTS MRC Partnership: Initiate and grow a partnership between a local chapter of the Medical Reserve Corps and HOSA. The event will consist of the implementation and documentation of partnership activities that contribute to strong, healthy, and prepared communities.
LEADERSHIP EVENTS Extemporaneous Health Poster: Construct a poster to encourage health science students to improve their ability to analyze and interpret current health and HOSA-related issues. You have three hours to individually complete this poster. Extemporaneous Speaking: Improve your ability to organize and present information about an assigned topic in an extemporaneous manner. You will have 10 minutes to prepare a 5 minute speech on the topic given.
LEADERSHIP EVENTS Extemporaneous Writing: Improve your ability to express yourself through writing. You will be presented with a topic and will have 1 hour to complete an essay. Medical Photography: Analyze health careers through the use of digital photography, and to use technology in editing and presenting digital pictures. Illustrate health professions through digital photography, edit them, and present 3 final printed pictures to a panel of judges.
LEADERSHIP EVENTS Job Seeking Skills: Encourage Health Science students to develop and/or refine the skills necessary to apply for and obtain employment. You will apply for any healthcare-related position for which you are being trained for and present a cover letter and resume. Participate in a job interview. Prepared Speaking: Improve your skills in speaking and organizing and presenting facts about a topic. Students will prepare a speech related to the current year’s National Conference theme.
LEADERSHIP EVENTS Researched Persuasive Speaking: Improve your skills in researching a health issue. Write a paper and develop a speech in which you take a stand on a health related issue. *Interviewing Skills: Same as “Job Seeking Skills” *Speaking Skills: Develop a speech related to this year’s current theme. It is to encourage students to improve speaking skills and their ability to organize and present information about the topic at hand. Healthy Lifestyle: Because healthy lifestyle is such an important aspect of healthcare, you will learn healthy living concepts and then apply it to a personal health lifestyle goal. Round one will be a written test to evaluate healthy literacy concepts, while round two will your goal and procedure to reach it.
TEAMWORK EVENTS Community Awareness: Develop a project to promote community awareness of a certain healthcare issues and evaluate the results. In teams of 2-4, you will present a portfolio of documents with the project, activities, and results to the judges. Creative Problem Solving: In teams of 3-4. solve a hypothetical healthcare-related problem. Round one will be a written test about problem solving processes and theories, while round two will be given a potential problem to analyze and solve. Forensic Medicine: In teams of 2, apply your skills to create a solution to a forensic-medicine problem. Round one will be written test to evaluate your understanding of the field, while round two will be given a case study to analyze and form a conclusion.
TEAMWORK EVENTS HOSA Bowl: In teams of 3-4, compete to be judged on understanding of Health Science Education, HOSA, and parliamentary procedures. Round One is a written test, while round two consists of providing appropriate responses to questions given by the moderator. Parliamentary Procedure: Conducted in two rounds, it will evaluate the team’s leadership skills by using parliamentary procedure to conduct a simulated business meeting. Round One will be a written test about parliamentary procedure, while round two will be given a secret problem to perform in the meeting. Career Health Display: In teams of 2, competitors create a visual display of a specific career or group of careers in healthcare. Students are judged on artistic expression and ability to present themselves to communicate career information.
TEAMWORK EVENTS Biomedical Debate: In teams of 3-4, you will debate the Topic: Social Media: Is it Good or Bad for your Health? Round One will be a written test, and round two will be the actual debate round. Medical Reading: In teams of 3, you will have to read assigned books for the year. Round one will be a multiple choice test and round two will be short answers in front of judges. Health Education: In teams of 2-4 members, select a health-related concept, prepare a lesson, provide instruction, and evaluate results. It will include presentation tools such as power points, etc. Public Service Announcement: Working in teams of 3-6 people, develop a 30-second video promoting a healthcare service organization, bringing awareness to a healthcare situation, or educating the public in regard to general health.