Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th Chapter 3 The History of Corrections in America
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th Evolution of punishment in America, Crime Control Model 1970s Community Model 1960s s Medical Model 1930s s Progressive Period 1890s s Reformatory Movement 1870s s Prisons in South & West 1800’s Arrival of the Penitentiary 1790s s Colonial Period 1600s s
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th “penitentiary”“penitentiary” an institution designed to isolate prisoners from society & from each other so they can reflect on their crimes, repent, & reform definition
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th principles of the “penitentiary” isolate prisoner from bad influences of society--liquor, temptation, people penance & silent contemplation productive labor reform (thinking & work habits) return to society, renewed key = solitary confinement isolate from contagion foster quiet reflection = punishment, since man is social animal cheap: shorter sentence, fewer guards
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th competing models Pennsylvania system “Separate system” F solitary confinement F eat, sleep, work in cell F religious instruction F reflection upon crimes reform through F salvation F religious enlightenment model for Europe eg: F Walnut St. Jail F Western Penitentiary F Eastern State Pen.
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th “radial design” Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia 1829
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th competing models Pennsylvania system “Separate system” F solitary confinement F eat, sleep, work in cell F religious instruction F reflection upon crimes reform through F salvation F religious enlightenment model for Europe eg: F Walnut St. Jail F Western Penitentiary F Eastern State Pen. New York system evolved into “Congregate system” F hard labor in shops-day F solitary confinement-night F strict discipline F rule of silence reform through F good work habits F discipline model for US-economical eg: Auburn Prison, 1816
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th and the winner is…? Pennsylvania/Philadelphia model Europeans applauded and replicated cf, Dickens: ‘very few men are capable of estimating the immense amount of torture & agony which this dreadful punishment, prolonged for years, inflicts upon the sufferers.’ New York/Auburn model won out in US; more cost-effective labor; state negotiated contracts with manf’s but neither curbed crime nor reformed offr’s various reforms tinkered w/ look, purpose but icon of high-walled fortress remained: Attica, Quentin, Folsom, Sing Sing
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th Southern penology Devastation of war and economic hardship produced 2 results: Lease system Private business negotiated with state for labor & care of inmates--Kentucky (1825) Penal farms State-run plantations which grew crops F To feed inmates F To sell on free market
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th Western developments penology in west not greatly influenced by the ideologies of the east prior to statehood, prisoners held in territorial facilities or in federal military posts and prisons 1852: San Quentin = California’s 1st prison 1877: Salem, Oregon prison = Auburn model western states discontinued use of lease system as states entered into the union e.g. Oregon, California, Montana, Wyoming
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th San Quentin Prison
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th the Reformatory Movement (1870s s) product of disillusionment with oppressive penitentiary system focus remained inmate change! key features: indeterminate sentences > fixed offender classification should be based on character & institutional behavior use early release as incentive to reform
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th Hallmarks of the reformatory movement National Prison Association precursor: American Correctional Asso. strong religious influence (still) Cincinnati meeting, 1870 Declaration of Principles “reformation is a work of time: and a benevolent regard to the good of the criminal himself, as well as to the protection of society, requires that his sentence be long enough for the reformatory process to take effect.” eg: Machonochie, Crofton, Brockway
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th “mark system” a system for calculating when an offender will be released from custody, based on both the crime & his behavior in prison. definition devised by Alexander Maconochie Norfolk Island penal settlement (off Australia, 1840) at sentencing: offender is ‘given’ a number of “marks,” based on offense severity (≈ a “debt” to society; to be “paid” off) for release, offender must earn marks via: voluntary labor participation in educational, religious programs good behavior adopted in Ireland, never England
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th the Irish system developed by Sir Walter Crofton derived from Maconochie’s mark system four-stage program of graduated release, based on offender performance all sentences served in four stages; move “up” w/ accumulation of marks: 1. solitary confinement -- all start here 2. public works prison -- begin earning marks 3. intermediate stage -- (like half-way house) after earning enough marks 4. ticket of leave -- conditional release = precursor of modern parole
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th “reformatory” Zebulon Brockway institution for young offenders -- 1st-time felons ( ), based on reformatory principles: diagnosis, individualized treatment, reform definition operation: intake interview: determine causes of crime individualized work & education program mark system of classification (work, school, behavior). move up OR down, with accumulation of marks: grade 2 can earn 9 marks/mo. for 6 months: grade 1; or grade 3; then, 3 mo. good behavior: grade 2 again. administrators determine release date Elmira Reformatory (Zebulon Brockway; )
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th Reformatory movement ends failed to reform (like penitentiary) brutality corruption not administered as planned but, important features survived: inmate classification rehabilitation programs indeterminate sentences parole
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th the Progressive Era (1890s s) age of reform : set tone for American social thought & political action until 1960s! condemned ills of new urban society--big business, big industry, urban blight faith in science to find answers to crime, criminal behavior, treatment new faith in government action to eliminate social problems--slums, crime trends of period: industrialization urbanization technological change scientific advancement
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th the “Progressives” socially conscious, politically active, mostly upper-class reformers of early 1900s attacked excesses of emergent 20th century--big business, industry, urban society believed science (positivism) + state intervention could/should solve social & political problems advocated “treatment according to the needs of the offender,” not “punishment according to severity of the crime” subscribed to “positivism”
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th “positivist school” an approach to criminology positing that behavior is a product of biological, economic, psychological, & social factors, and that the scientific method can be applied to discover the causes of individual behavior subscribed to by Progressives definition
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th principles of Positivist School behavior (including crime) is NOT the product of free will. behavior stems from factors beyond control of the individual criminals can be treated so they can lead crime-free lives. treatment must focus on the individual & his/her problem(s).
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th “progressive” reforms 2 strategies for CJ reform: improve general social, economic conditions that seem to breed crime rehabilitate individual offenders 4 planks in “progressive” platform: probation (John Augustus, 1841) indeterminate sentencing (by 1920’s: 37 states) parole (by 1920’s: 44 states; 80% of releases) juvenile courts (1899: Cook County) By 1970’s, most of these enlightened & well- meaning reforms seen as having failed to live up to their promise
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th The Medical Model (1930s s) a model of corrections positing that criminal behavior is caused by social, psychological, biological deficiencies that require medical treatment first serious efforts to implement truly medical strategies aimed at scientifically classifying, treating, rehabilitating criminal offenders e.g. “medical” programs & institutions F eg, psychology (Karl Menninger) F eg, Maryland Patuxent Institution, 1955 F eg, sexual psychopath, sociopath laws! F eg, crime as sickness!
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th The Community Model (1960s s) model of corrections positing goal of CJS: to reintegrate offender into community key features: prisons should be avoided; prison = artificial environment; prison frustrates crime-free lifestyle need to focus on offender’s adjustment into society; not just on psychological treatment F probation F intermediate sanctions; (alternatives to incarceration) F parole
Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 6 th The Crime Control Model (1970s ) less ambitious, less optimistic, less forgiving view of man & ability of CJS to change him crime better controlled by more incarceration & strict supervision precipitating factors: public concern over rising crime in ‘60s disillusionment with treatment public clamor for longer sentences distrust of broad discretion given to correctional & parole authorities