Suggested Strategies to Educate Generation Y Dialogue with Trustees, Presidents, Faculty and Administrative Professionals
Our Colleges Must Assess, Evaluate and Upgrade: Administrative Leadership & Policies Student Services Admissions Processes Recruiting & Marketing Service Classroom teaching/management Faculty & Staff Support/training Technology Services Campus Philosophy
Articulated Policies Articulate expectations through policies to clarify and reinforce codes of conduct, expectations, competencies: –Classroom/course –Internet –Copyright –Plagiarism
Leadership & Policies Implement overall strategy & analyze policies Create campus experience model: safe environment, dialogue, extra activities Support shared governance: consensus on policies/changes
Leadership & Policy Board & Community support & awareness Encourage “Xers” as trustees! Create Student Development Model: –Learner –Character Development –Work ethics
Admissions Processes State academic standards as benefit &“opportunity for success” future. Community College does NOT = EASY State need for rigorous HS program. Orientation Program separates parents/students & sets expectations. On line 24/7 turnaround admission.
Admissions Processes Spell out academic requirements Communicate specific codes of conduct and campus philosophy Academic counseling tied to career competencies and future Provide methods for student independence
Student Services Counseling environments for students to access easily and confidentially. Seminars and tools for practical basic skills development : critical thinking, character development & problem solving. Opportunities/vehicles for self expression. Sophisticated/culturally diverse social environments/spaces.
Service Philosophy Be personal. Be accessible. Be diverse. Be technically savvy. Provide challenging work that truly matters. Recognize and reward. Tie programs to life and career goals.
Student Services Student Service NOW & INDEPENDENTLY- “fish” Balance student responsibility and staff high touch over time. Employ gen y student for peer leadership on line..
Recruiting/Marketing Strategies Sophisticated Culturally diverse Adventurous MMFI Believable Hip and Innovative Recognize aspirations & goals Environmentally friendly
Recruiting/Marketing Strategies Interactive on line At the MALL 24/7 Chat rooms Information gathering Own groups
Faculty Training & Support In-service training for teachers: –Learning centered paradigm vs teaching – Student learning outcomes –Classroom management, group expectations, policy reinforcement. –On line teaching/testing techniques and support. –Diversity, language and culture information. Incentives for faculty.
Teaching & Classroom Mgmt Expectation faculty show respect for students in public relationship. Incentives for faculty – professional development credit for recruitment of students. Articulate behavioral expectations and consequences for cheating, plagiarism, poor performance & attendance.
Student Learning Student engagement Real life application Creativity & activity Multiple learning options Applicable assessments: portfolios, projects etc.
Technology Support Internet/ handheld Palm access Wireless environment Distance learning options On line registrations and billing On line counseling/tutoring/ testing Internet cafes & Student websites
Technology Support Not all students have access Level the playing field: laptops for all Faculty gap who NOT embrace technology Students NOT self directed enough to handle on line courses. On Line does NOT = EASY.
What’s NEXT? Share case examples Circulate new policies and strategies Prepare for “Z” Discussions/Focus groups with “Y” Get on it!