Socrates Grundtvig 2 ADHD AMONG INMATES IN PRISONS. How can health/welfare and school departments cooperate in finding a positive way of improvement.


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Presentation transcript:

Socrates Grundtvig 2 ADHD AMONG INMATES IN PRISONS. How can health/welfare and school departments cooperate in finding a positive way of improvement

Rummu Special Vocational School in cooperation with Murru Prison Ülle Lya Terje Toomas Ülle Lya Terje Toomas Lada Lada Rummu Special Vocational School Murru prison

Project work main goals

1st year 2003 / 2004 o gather as much as possible info on ADHD theme theme o disseminate this info among colleagues o observe inmates in the classroom situation to find these who could suffer situation to find these who could suffer from ADHD from ADHD o developt knowledge in foreign language (English) (English)

2nd year 2004 / 2005 o continue gathering info on ADHD theme, focusing on teaching / learning process in prison school o continue disseminating the info among colleagues o get good knowledge and practical experience from project partners, especially from Norway (exchange of teachers) o work out some teaching methods for students, suffering from ADHD ( using computers) o develop knowledge in foreign languages (English and Norwegian)

What have we done? March 2004 – October 2004 article in the “Teachers` Paper” article in the “Teachers` Paper” 7 May May 2004

Article sent to Ministry of Article sent to Ministry of Justice Justice What have we done? March 2004 – October 2004

o Translating materials we got from our German partners partners o Disseminating these translations in Ämari and Murru prisons Murru prisons o Producing a CD about our project and disseminating it in Ämari and Murru prisons disseminating it in Ämari and Murru prisons What have we done? March 2004 – October 2004

o writing the final report What have we done? March 2004 – October 2004 national partnership partnership financial financial

What have we done? March 2004 – October 2004 Feedback Feedback Ministry of Justice Ämari prison Keila SOS H. G. School

o Preparing materials for Grundtvig Conference in Holland o 31 August signing the second year financial agreement o Grundtvig Conference in Holland 7 – 10 October o Week of Adult Learner, Grundtvig Day 12 October o Seminar on ADHD theme 18 October o Preparing materials for the stand at school What have we done? March 2004 – October 2004

Sending materials about our project and ADHD theme to Tallinn Medical School Sending materials about our project and ADHD theme to Tallinn Medical School Preparing materials for Bremen meeting Preparing materials for Bremen meeting Observing students in the classroom situation Observing students in the classroom situation Doing preparations for carrying out lessons in the computer class Doing preparations for carrying out lessons in the computer class What have we done? March 2004 – October 2004

Positive impact Positive impact Steadily increasing knowledge in foreign languages Steadily increasing knowledge in foreign languages Contacts with wonderful persons from Norway and Germany Contacts with wonderful persons from Norway and Germany Motivation to continue working in prison school Motivation to continue working in prison school Raise of knowledge, skills on ADHD theme Raise of knowledge, skills on ADHD theme speaking about the problem among prison school and regular school teachers speaking about the problem among prison school and regular school teachers

Positive impact Skills of filling in documents Skills of filling in documents Skills in communicating with very different people Skills in communicating with very different people Widening of knowledge about Norway and Germany Widening of knowledge about Norway and Germany Skills of writing articles to the media Skills of writing articles to the media Higher respect towards our institution Higher respect towards our institution Approval of our project work by the local Grundtvig agency Approval of our project work by the local Grundtvig agency

Obstacles Problems connected with accounting Problems connected with accounting Everyday work + personal life take most of your time. Sometimes project work becomes a real burden. Everyday work + personal life take most of your time. Sometimes project work becomes a real burden. Unstable situation in Estonian prison education system causes low interest towards the project among prison school teachers. Unstable situation in Estonian prison education system causes low interest towards the project among prison school teachers. Unwillingness to cooperate from the side of social workers in Murru prison Unwillingness to cooperate from the side of social workers in Murru prison

But we are still enthusiastic !