N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram MAR ITIM MIL JØSATSING FARGIS USER SEMINAR Tuesday March 7 Morten Østby Program Manager
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram R&D Areas: MARITIME - A Cluster Oriented R&D Programme The Research Council of Norway Time Limited thematic programmes 1. Waterborne Transport & Logistics 2. Ship Operation 3. Ship Building & Building Technology 4. Ship Systems & Equipment Short Sea Shipping Waterborne Transport - SeaTraLog MARITIME IT Operation MARINOR MARITIME IT Yards GREENSHIP Ship Operation & ICT Maritime Environmental Research- MARMIL
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Stimulate to Environmental Friendly Design and Operation of Ships and Offshore Vessels Make Environmental Investments Profitable for the Owner Make Environmental Operation to a Competitive Advantage Main Goal: MARITIME ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Steering Committee Terje C. Gløersen, Norw. Ship Owners Ass. (chairman) Rolf Kjær, Color Line ASA Per Magne Einang, Marintek Jens H. Koefoed, Norw. Maritime Directorate Ola Dønnem, Grieg International Ole Martin Moe, Kværner ASA Per Inge Flakke, Smedvig ASA Kjell Einar Olsen, Det Norske Veritas Terje E. Gautesen, Bergesen dy ASA Knut M. Skaar, Seatrans ANS Sveinung Oftedal, Nor. Dep. of Env.(observer) Paul F. Sørensen, (representing RCN) Program Manager: Morten Østby, DNV MARITIME ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram MARITIME ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Three Part Programs Improved Knowledge on Environmental Impacts from Ships PP 1 Environmental Management and Training PP 2 Technology for Reduction of Environmental Impact from Ships PP 3
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram PP1 - Improved Knowledge on Environmental Impacts from Ships Ballast Water Management System - DNV (98, 99, 00, 01) Application for EU - 5.WP, Financed by Nordisk Ministerråd International Cooperation - On the IMO Agenda EU Concerted Action - Ballast Water Sampling Coordinating Ballast Water Activities Ship Scrapping - MD/DNV (98, 99, 00) Ship Inventory Dossier Environment (SIDE) Ship Owner Best Practise - Scrapping Scrap Yard’s Best Practise Co-ordination Ship Scrapping Activities Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ship - (99, 00, 01, 02) IMO Study - MARINTEK/DNV/Econ/Carnegie Mellon University Improved International Pollution Statistics - DNV/NMD Life Cycle Evaluation of Ship Transportation (NTNU) Compare different Modes of Transport Selection of Future Research Areas - Based on IMO Study
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram To Establish a Better International Framework to Ensure Satisfactory Scrapping of Ships with Respect to both Human Safety and Environmental Consequences Ship Scrapping MD/DNV (98, 99, 00, 01) PP 1.6 OBJECTIVE
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Measures by the Shipping Industry –Develop format and guidelines for an inventory list (‘Shipboard Inventory Dossier Environment’ SIDE) of waste on board vessels for scrapping –Develop guidelines for preparing a vessel for scrapping including removal of operational waste prior to arrival at the scrapping location Measures related to Scrapping Facilities –Mapping of working and waste disposal practices at a typical scrap yard –Develop a "Ship Breaking Industries Best Practice Guideline" as a basis for improving work practices Evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of scrapping of ships in OECD-countries in relation to facilities in the Far East - Opportunities and limitations Ship Scrapping - Phase 2
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Part Program 2 - Environmental Management and Training Ship Environmental Accounting System DNV (-97 and 98) PP 2.1 Guidelines on Environmental Management based on the ISM Code - NSA (-97) PP 2.2 Guidelines on Environmental Reporting for use by Shipping and Offshore Companies - NSA (-97) PP 2.3 Establishment of a Database for Onboard Chemicals - NSA (-97) PP 2.4 Training Programs on Environmental Issues for Maritime Personnel - ( -99, -00 and -01) PP 3.2
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Objectives: Ship Environmental Accounting System PP 2.1 To Develop a Simple System for Calculation of Operational Emissions to Air, Discharges to Sea and Deliveries to Shore for the Major Pollutants onboard a Ship during Normal Operation
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Ship Environmental Accounting System PP 2.1
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Part Program 3 - Technology for Reduction of Environmental Impact from Ships Green Efforts on Existing Ships - MARINTEK (-98, 99, 00, 01, 02) Efforts under implementation on Bergesen, Color Line&Seatrans New Owners in Progress Include Simplified Methods for NOx-Emissions Sewage Treatment - Jets Vacuum (-98, -99, -00) Pilot Installation on RCCL - Financed together with SND Ballast Water Treatment Technologies Ozone Treatment of Ballast Water - Barber Man.Consulting Possible other Ballast Water Projects PILOT SHIP - New Coastal Ferry - TFDS (99, 00, 01, 02) Development of Environmental Friendly Concept Design for Recycling Compare against Reference Ship
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram Part Program 3 - Technology for Reduction of Environmental Impact from Ships Alternative Fuel for Propulsion and Power Generation- MARINTEK (98, 99, 00, 01) PP 5.2 Reduction of VOC-Emissions during Offshore Loading - MARINTEK (-97, ) PP 5.3 Efficiency Ship Machinery Arrange-ment (ESMA) - Kværner (-98, -99, -00) PP 6.2
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram PP1 - Improved Knowledge on Environmental Impacts from Ships Ballast Water Management System - DNV (98, 99, 00, 01) Application for EU - 5.WP, Financed by Nordisk Ministerråd International Cooperation - On the IMO Agenda EU Concerted Action - Ballast Water Sampling Coordinating Ballast Water Activities Ship Scrapping - MD/DNV (98, 99, 00) Ship Inventory Dossier Environment (SIDE) Ship Owner Best Practise - Scrapping Scrap Yard’s Best Practise Co-ordination Ship Scrapping Activities Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ship - (99, 00, 01, 02) IMO Study - MARINTEK/DNV/Econ/Carnegie Mellon University Improved International Pollution Statistics - DNV/NMD Life Cycle Evaluation of Ship Transportation (NTNU) Compare different Modes of Transport Selection of Future Research Areas - Based on IMO Study
N orwegian S hipowners’ A ssociation/ T he R esearch C ouncil of N orway T he M ar M il P rogram BIOLOGICAL REGIONS