Joslin Diabetes Center Affililated Programs Business Plan Development October 27, 2008
2 Incidence of Diabetes Market assessment indicates that diabetes is at epidemic proportions domestically & internationally Per Centers for Disease Control, incidence of diabetes is 6-8% Caucasian 12% Asian 15% African American 18% American Indian/Native American 14% Hispanic/Latino 16% Eskimo/Pacific Islander
3 Business Plan Structure Business Plan Purpose To Design a Comprehensive, Thoughtful & Strategic Document with Goals, Outcomes & Measurements What Elements Should Be Included in a Successful Business Plan? -Component Areas Involve Structure Process Outcomes Areas to Review -Administrative/Structure -Clinical -Education -Marketing
4 Business Plan Structure Executive Summary Participants SWOT Analysis Demographic Overview of Region Map of primary and secondary service areas Map of Hospital System Locations Diabetes Incidence Analysis U.S. Census Bureau Data for area Economic Information for area
5 Business Plan Structure Diabetes Program Structure Current Adult Diabetes Outpatient Services Current Organizational Structure Recommended Adult Diabetes Outpatient Structure Recommended Organization Chart Recommended Adult Inpatient Diabetes Resource Structure Sample Job Descriptions - Joslin Center Administrator, Medical Director, Advanced Practice Nurse Outpatient Clinic Space Guidelines Sample Floor Plans
6 Business Plan Structure Volumes & Analysis Physician, NP & Educator Productivity Projections Medicare rate calculations based on billing model Pro-forma projections based on affiliated program metrics and program ramp-up Billing & Reimbursement Overview
7 Business Plan Structure Billing & Reimbursement Preparation Credentialing (Medical Staff & Payer) Encounter Form Review CPT & HCPCS Review Insurance Coverage for Diabetes Pro-forma Business Plan
8 Business Plan Development Goals: 5 year strategy to grow Joslin Affiliated Program How do we get there: Clinical Planning Education Planning Marketing Planning
9 Affiliate Financial Model Why Develop A Financial Model? Basis for Productivity Guidelines to assure financial viability Benchmarking Budgeting Financial Value Proposition
10 Joslin Affiliates Financial Model
11 Putting It Together Sample Business Planning Template tool should be working document to allow you to build a comprehensive and thoughtful 5 year business plan