Who are the allies of Allah? People having karaamat from Allah – but the allies of Shaytaan have help from Shaytaan as well.


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Presentation transcript:

Who are the allies of Allah? People having karaamat from Allah – but the allies of Shaytaan have help from Shaytaan as well

Shaytaan uses the unseen to aid his allies: Such as the state of Ibn Sayyaad who appeared in the time of the Prophet (his story is found in both Muslim and Bukhari). Some of the companions thought that he was Ad-Dajjaal (Anti-Christ, as the Christians call him), and the Prophet withheld his judgement on that at first, until it became apparent to him that he was not Ad-Dajjaal. The Prophet said to him: I have hidden something for you. Ibn Sayyaad said: Ad-dukh, Ad-dukh. The Prophet had hidden for him the chapter of the Qur'an called Ad-Dukhaan. Then, the Prophet said to him: Be silent, for you will never exceed your bounds!" He means: You are only one of the sorcerers.

The sorcerers have partners among the shayateen (devils) who inform them of many unseen things by means of the hearing which they "steal" from the heavenly assembly. Then, they mix the truth with lies, as in the hadith found in the collection of Bukhari and others in which the Prophet said: "Verily, the angels descend to the clouds, and they mentions that which has been decreed. The shayateen come and steal a listen, and then pass it on to the sorcerers. They lie along with it one hundred lies from themselves." "Once while the Prophet was among a group of the Helpers, they saw a shooting star. The Prophet said: What did you used to say in the jahiliya when you saw these? They said: We used to say that some great person has died or some great person has been born. The Prophet said: the devils try to steal a listen, but these things are thrown at them. (Whatever they get) they send to their allies. That which they deliver as it is, is the truth, but they add to it."

Anothr example of Shaytaan aiding his allies is found with Al-Aswad Al- 'Ansiy who claimed to be a prophet shayateen who informed him about various unseen things. When the Muslims fought him, they were afraid the devils would inform him of what they were saying about him. Finally, his own wife helped the Muslims against him when his kufr (disbelief) became clear to her, and the Muslims killed him. Musailama Al-Kadhdhaab (another imposter who claimed prophethood) also had with him devils who informed him about some of the unseen, and helped him in various ways.

There are many such examples throughout history, such as Al- Harith Ad-Dimashqiy who appeared in Syria-Jordan in the time of Abdulmalik ibn Marwan, and claimed to be a prophet. His shayateen used to take his feet out of the leg irons, and prevent weapons from penetrating his body. Marble slabs praised Allah when he rubbed his hand over them. He used to see people walking and riding up in the sky and would say that they were the angels. In reality, they were nothing but the Jinn. When the Muslims captured him and prepared to kill him, the executioner thrust his spear at him, but it would not penetrate his body. Abdulmalik said to him: You forgot to say Bismillahi. The executioner then said the bismillahi, and killed him.

This is the condition of the people of the satanic states: their devils neglect them and flee when that which drives them away is mentioned to them such as Ayat-ul-Kursiy (the verse in the Qur'an 2:255). It is recorded in Muslim and Bukhari that: When the Prophet appointed Abu Huraira to guard the property of Zakat-ul-Fitr, a man came each night and stole some of the property. Each time this happened, Abu Huraira caught him and held him until he repented and begged to be released. The Prophet said to him: What did your prisoner do last night? Abu Huraira said: He claimed that he will not return. The Prophet said: He lies, surely he will return. On the third time, the man said to Abu Huraira: Leave me, and I will teach you that which will benefit you. When you go to bed read Ayat- ul-Kursiy. Allah's protection will continue to be with you and no shaitaan will be able to come near you until morning. When Abu Huraira informed the Prophet of what shaitaan said, the Prophet said: He has spoken the truth and he is a great liar. Then the Prophet informed him that his nightly visitor was none other than shaitaan.

There are many differences between the karamaat with which Allah honors His allies, and the satanic states which seemingly resemble them. For example, the karamaat of the allies of Allah are a result of faith and pious practice, while the satanic states are a result of that which Allah and His Prophet have interdicted. Allah said: “Say: That which my Lord has forbidden is none other that despicable acts - both apparent nd hidden - sin, transgression with no justification, to associate as partners with Allah that for which He has sent no authority, and to say about Allah that which you do not know.” (Qur'an 7:33) Thus speaking about Allah without knowledge, associationism, oppression, and all despicable acts have been forbidden by Allah and His Prophet. They can never, therefore, be a cause or reason for the honor bestowed by Allah on His allies in the form of karamaat.

Some allies of shaytaan, when they attend the sessions of whistling and beating sounds (music) are descended upon by their shaitaan, and carried through the air right out of the house. Others seek the succor of created beings - either living or dead - and irregardless of whether the one whose aid is sought is a Muslim, a Christian, or a Pagan. Shaitaan then comes to them in the form of the one whose aid was sought, and helps him out with some of his needs. The man then thinks that the one who he called indeed came to him, or that an angel came to him in the form of the one called. In reality, it is none other than shaitaan, who has succeeded in leading him astray by getting him to commit blatant shirk by calling to other than Allah for aid, just as shaitaan used to enter into the idols of Makka, and speak to the idol-worshippers.

Sometimes, shaitaan appears to them in human form and says that he is Al-Khidhr. He then informs him of some of the unseen things, and helps him with some of his needs. Another satanic trick which has been witnessed by many Muslims, Jews, Christians, and others among the disbelievers in the lands of the East and the West is that when one of them dies, shaitaan comes to them after his death in his form and his face, and so they believe that it is that person (i.e. his "ghost"). This jinn then may pay off some of the dead man's debts, return his trusts, do various other things related to the dead man, and enter into his wife, and leave. They may have burned the body of the dead man, as the disbelievers of India do, and so imagine that he lives after his death

Some allies of shaytaan have seen a throne in the air above which there is a light and a voice which addresses them saying: I am your Lord. If they are people of knowledge, they recognize this as shaitaan, castigate him, seek refuge in Allah from him, and the whole vision and the voice disappear. Others see humans while they are wide awake, and they claim to be prophets or righteous men or "shaikhs". This has happened to many people. Some have seen this when visiting the grave of that person - they see the grave split open, and this image comes out of it to them, and they believe it to be the dead man. It is nothing but a jinn which has assumed the form of the dead man.

Some of them see in their sleep a great man such as Abu Bakr or others come to them and shave their head, or cut short their hair, or dress them in a hat or a robe. Then, when they wake up, they find their hair shaven or shortened, or that hat or coat which they dreamed on them. It was a jinn who came and did these things This is why the prescribed worship of the Muslims is in the mosques, which are the houses of Allah. Those who frequent the mosques most are the farthest of the creation from the satanic states. On the other hand, the people of associationism and innovation ( bid'a ) sanctify graves and tombs of the dead. They pray to the dead (saints, etc.) or they pray (to Allah, but) in his name, or they hold the conviction that any du'a made in the presence of his grave is answered. Such are much closer to the satanic states, the Prophet said in a hadith reported by both Muslim and Bukhari: "Allah cursed the Jews and the Christians, they took the graves of their prophets as places of prayer ( masajid ).

Thus, the Prophet forbade the taking of graves as places of worship to block the way which leads to shirk, just as he forbad praying at the time of sunrise and sunset Prayer at those times resembles the prayer of the associationists, so the Prophet closed this door. Shaitaan leads the sons of Adam astray to the extent of his ability. So whoever worships the sun and the moon and the planets and calls to them as the planet worshippers do, shaitaan will cone upon them and speak to him and inform of certain things. They then call this the "spirits of the planets", and it is shaitaan! Although shaitaan may aid a person with some of his needs and goals, he does harm to him many times greater than any benefit! The final disposition of one who obeys him is evil indeed - except for he toward whom Allah turns in acceptance.