The HTMLSelectElement class
Attributes and methods of the HTMLSelectElement class Attributes readonly DOMString type ; long selectedIndex ; DOMString value ; readonly long length; readonly HTMLFormElement form ; readonly HTMLCollection options ; boolean disabled ; boolean multiple ; DOMString name ; long size ; long tabIndex ; Methods void add(HTMLElement element, HTMLElement before) ; void remove(long index) ; void blur() ; void focus() ;
The HTMLOptionElement class
Attributes and methods of the HTMLOptionElement class Attributes readonly HTMLFormElement form; boolean defaultSelected; readonly DOMString text; long index; boolean disabled; DOMString label; readonly boolean selected; DOMString value; Methods: None
The HTMLTextAreaElement class
Attributes and methods of the HTMLTextAreaElement class Attributes DOMString defaultValue; readonly HTMLFormElement form; DOMString accessKey; long cols; boolean disabled; DOMString name; boolean readOnly; long rows; long tabIndex; readonly DOMString type; DOMString value; Methods void blur() ; void focus() ; void select() ;