April 2008 1 Visit our Web Site: Office located on the first floor of the University Campus (HI-728)


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Presentation transcript:

April Visit our Web Site: Office located on the first floor of the University Campus (HI-728) Telephone (508) , Fax (508) DIVERSITY and EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OFFICE New Employee Orientation Visit our website:

Responsibilities  Provides oversight for issues related to uncivil behavior, discrimination, sexual harassment, hostile environment, violence free workplace, disability and appropriate treatment of students for all UMMS students and employees  Manages and monitors UMMS compliance with affirmative action and equal opportunity D IVERSITY AND E QUAL O PPORTUNITY O FFICE

Diversity and Equal Opportunity Office Responsibilities Continued…  Conducts ongoing education: Sexual Harassment Workplace Harassment ADAA 2009

Diversity and Equal Opportunity Office Responsibilities Continued…  Coordinate programs, special events and celebrations for inclusion, i.e., international festival, women’s history, heritage months, Martin Luther King Jr., and more…

D IVERSITY AND E QUAL O PPORTUNITY O FFICE R ESPONSIBILITIES C ONTINUED …  Council On Equal Opportunity and Diversity Committees: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender & Allies Mature Workforce (employee’s over 40) DisAbilities Committee Minority Academic Advancement Committee International Committee Civility Committee Professional Women’s Committee Nominating Committee  Women’s Faculty Committee Gender Equity Women’s Health E-Scholarship

P OLICIES, P ROCEDURES, G UIDELINES, S TATEMENTS AND A FFINITY  Statement of Non-Discrimination  Discrimination Complaint Policy and Procedures (includes Hostile Work Environment)  Sexual Harassment Complaint Policy and Procedures  American with Disabilities Amendment Act 2009

Policies, Procedures, Guidelines, Statements and Affinity Continued…  Appropriate Treatment of Students  Consensual Amorous Relationships Guideline  Holiday Guideline  Civility Statement

S TATEMENT OF N ON -D ISCRIMINATION The University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions) sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, covered veteran’s status or any characteristic protected by law; further, UMMS is firmly committed to ensuring that all who work, study or seek treatment here may do so in an environment free of harassment and/or discrimination

B EHAVIORS T HAT M AY C ONSTITUTE D ISCRIMINATION AND / OR W ORKPLACE H ARASSMENT  Participates in or condones discrimination or harassment on the basis of protected class status  Sends offensive or discriminatory messages or materials through the use of electronic communications (i.e., electronic mail, including the internet, voic , pagers and facsimile) which are degrading to the protected class or a person because of his/her protected class status

P ROTECTED C LASS C ATEGORIES  Race  Color  National Origin  Religion  Gender  Sexual Orientation (State)  Age  Disability  Veteran Status (This applies to all employees, students and applicants)

S EXUAL H ARASSMENT (EEOC) Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when: Quid Pro Quo Either submission to, or rejection of, unwelcome sexual advances impacts the terms or conditions of employment Hostile Work Environment Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonable interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment

B EHAVIORS T HAT M AY C ONSTITUTE S EXUAL H ARASSMENT  Unwelcome sexual advances  Sexual jokes; written or oral references to sexual conduct, gossip regarding one’s sex life, comments on an individual’s body parts  Displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons  Inquiries or discussions into ones sexual experiences  Inappropriate use of electronic communications: internet, , pagers, phone, and voic

T HE A MERICANS W ITH D ISABILITIES A MENDMENT A CT 2009 (ADAA) Prohibits employment discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities Reasonable Accommodation A modification to the work environment or in the way things are customarily done that enables an individual with a disability to do their job

A CCOMMODATION R EQUEST P ROCESS  Documentation must be provided by a clinician qualified to diagnose in the appropriate area of specialization  Documentation is based on a current evaluation (usually within three months)  Accommodation Request Form must be returned to the DEOO  Accommodation Request Form and medical documentation guidelines available on intranet web site:

UMMS C IVILITY S TATEMENT The University of Massachusetts, Worcester is a large diverse community committed to a civil, respectful and humane workplace. Our commitment to civility contributes to the recruitment and retention of top talent. As a result, we uphold the dignity of the individual in the following ways:

UMMS C IVILITY S TATEMENT C ONTINUED …  Conducting oneself with integrity, courtesy and respect toward fellow members of our UMass Worcester community  Holding individuals accountable for their actions  Promoting an environment where individuals feel safe and supported

UMMS C OMPLAINT P ROCEDURE An employee who believes he/she has been subjected to uncivil behavior, harassment, discrimination, or hostile work environment should notify:  Manager or Supervisor  Diversity and Equal Opportunity Office

UMMS C OMPLAINT P ROCEDURE C ONTINUED …  Informal Complaint: Complainant filed with the DEOO (does not need to be in writing)  Formal Complaint: Complaint must be in writing A formal investigation is conducted Written report with findings and recommendations are issued

R ETALIATION Conduct which is taken against a complainant because they have filed a complaint or conduct taken against an individual who has cooperated with the investigation of a complaint

D IVERSITY AND E QUAL O PPORTUNITY O FFICE (DEOO)  Deborah L. Plummer, PhD, Vice Chancellor, Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion  Marlene S. Tucker, Director  Clara Orlando, Senior Manager for Diversity and Inclusion  Bonnie J. Bray, Executive Assistant  Fernanda P. Gama, Project Coordinator  Located on the first floor of the University Campus - # H1-728  Phone number (508) ; Fax (508)  Web site: