National Commission for Academic Accreditation & Assessment Preparation for Developmental Reviews
Objectives To provide experience with self study and accreditation processes. To identify matters that will need to be considered in preparation for Accreditation reviews.
Processes will have to be followed as closely as possible. Some adjustments may be necessary because of the early stage of implementation of the quality assurance and accreditation processes.
Two Forms of Self Study and Review Institutional Total institution including overview of programs, and administrative and academic functions Programs Ten selected programs reviewed in depth Programs from a number of different colleges Most programs the same at both universities
Key Dates December 31, 2007 Self study reports and key documents sent to NCAAA January 31, 2008 Self study reports sent to external reviewers (Questions, planning, additional information requests, planning for site visits) May 1 to May Site visits by reviewers
Action following Reviews Draft reports completed. Factual accuracy checked with institutions Reports finalized Institutions invited to respond to recommendations (for real accreditation) Commission decides on accreditation Later reports from institutions on action taken
Scope of Self Studies Basis for Quality Judgments Achievement of mission and goals Performance in relation to 11 standards Self studies must report on both these elements
Evidence and Performance Indicators Judgments about quality of performance should be based on evidence. What evidence is available will vary for different circumstances. The Commission has drafted a set of KPIs which have been circulated for response. Final list will be available in September and should be included in evaluations and reports. Additional indicators can be selected by institutions and/or programs. Eg. Completion rates, employment rates, student evaluations, research output, user satisfaction surveys, etc.
Templates for Self Study Reports Include details of information about the institution/program, process for self study, goals and objectives, evaluations of performance, plans for improvement etc. Add additional material if desired and attach relevant detailed reports and information.
Administration and Organization Self studies are a major undertaking and require effective leadership and wide involvement. Coordination is essential, both within each self study, and between groups. The number of programs involved makes this particularly important.
Administration and Organization Leadership by senior administrator and quality director. Steering committee to provide support, advice, planning etc. For institutional self study—distribute detailed work across a number of sub-committees --subject to coordination and oversight by steering committee and leaders. For program self studies—Must have one main committee. Desirable to have sub committees, but what is appropriate will depend on circumstances.
Administration and Organization Timelines are critical. Procedures should be agreed to ensure appropriate processes and coordination. For each self study—individual or small group to draft final report taking sub committee reports and information into account. Notes distributed include some suggestions for sub committees.
Administration and Organization Procedures should allow for widespread involvement—Eg. Invite input from faculty, students, other stakeholders. Draft final reports should be considered by senior administrators—(Not watered down, but they should know all about it, be able to provide input, and share in working out possible actions in response.)
Using the Self Evaluation Scales Scales to assist in self evaluation. Draw attention to practices followed in good institutions. Are they done here? How well are they done? Stars used to record judgments. Provision to provide explanatory comment, overall rating for group of items, and priorities for improvement. Provision for independent rating and comment by an informed independent observer.
For Example Is this true? Y No NA Faculty are available at sufficient scheduled times for consultation and advice to students Adequate tutorial assistance is provided to ensure understanding and ability to apply learning Systems are in place within each program for monitoring and coordinating student workload. The progress of individual students is monitored and assistance and/or counselling provided to those facing difficulties. Year to year progression rates and program completion rates are monitored, and analysed to identify any categories of students who may be having difficulty. Progression and completion rates are evaluated by reference to appropriate benchmarks and action taken when problems are identified. 4Educational Assistance for Students Standard 4. Learning and Teaching How Well is it Done?
Dealing with Different Sections Eg. Different campuses, different sections for male and female students It is one institution, one program. Judgments must be for the institution or the program, not for parts of them. Collect information for each campus/section. Then combine them in a way that gives an overview of common strengths and weaknesses, and also details of variations and conclusions about what should be done in response.
Reporting on analyses using the self evaluation scales. The self study reports should be descriptive reports describing procedures followed, evidence found including tables and other details as required, and drawing conclusions. (Lengthy or very detailed data should be attached) Scales are NOT the report, they are a source of information. Results can be cited as appropriate but the scales themselves should be kept separate as a reference document.
Form of Reports See templates provided Main documents should be provided in English. Supplementary documents in English or Arabic (though English copies will be helpful if available For institutional self study—six hard copies of report and CD. Supplementary material also on CD if possible. For program self studies—five hard copies of report and CD. Supplementary material also on CD if possible.