How to register? “Knowing Me, Knowing You” All schools will receive a registration form in early November. The form should be completed and returned to: Maryan Wyles PA to the ASK ICT Primary Team By Friday 17 th December 2008 On-line Registration Alternatively schools can visit the project website and complete the “Online registration form.
How can we take part? “Knowing Me, Knowing You” Schools and Local Learning Networks will be invited to plan Intercultural activities and publish details of these on the project web-site: Activities might include: Food from different cultures Music and Dance Storytelling Art Religious Festivals Places to visit Learning a new language Activities can last a lesson, a week or a term and will be a wonderful opportunity for pupils to meet, make new friends and learn about other cultures.
How can we share our work with others? “Knowing Me, Knowing You” All schools taking part in the project will have their own project page on the web-site. A place where teachers and their pupils can publish: Details of forthcoming events Written Reports Photographs Video and Audio files Contact Details Following registering to take part all teachers will receive a web-site log-in and password
Learning and Raising Attainment “Knowing Me, Knowing You” The project will be an opportunity for all pupils to: Learn a new language and its key words Learn about the traditions and customs of other religions Improve their speaking and listening skills Develop their writing Develop their ICT skills Writing activities and lists of keywords will be published to support many learning tasks.
How can we use ICT “Knowing Me, Knowing You” During the project all pupils will have access to a wide range of ICT equipment and digital learning resources. These include: FlashMeeting Making the News Digital Cameras and camcorders Head cams Digital Voice Recorders Cook IT! Celebrating Languages Comic Life National Education Network Gallery Audacity /Blogging Visit the National Education Network for details about many of these applications
Publishing and Sharing our Learning with others “Knowing Me, Knowing You” All pupils will have the opportunity to publish their work on the project micro-site and to take part in web conferences with pupils from other schools. What is a micro-site? A micro-site is a simple and safe publishing area. Created in seconds micro-sites provide a safe, password protected area for pupils and teachers to publish texts, film, podcasts, spreadsheets and illustrations. What is FlashMeeting? FlashMeeting is a simple to use web conferencing application that enables users to talk online and later playback recordings. To date over 200 schools in Kent use FlashMeeting. For more information about micro-sites and Flashmeeting visit:
How can we use ICT “Knowing Me, Knowing You” During the project all pupils will have access to a wide range of ICT equipment and digital learning resources. These include: FlashMeeting Making the News Digital Cameras and camcorders Head cams Digital Voice Recorders Cook IT! Celebrating Languages Comic Life National Education Network Gallery Audacity /Blogging Visit the National Education Network for details about many of these applications
Project Partners “Knowing Me, Knowing You” Groups and organisations supporting the “Knowing Me, Knowing You” project include: ASK Primary ICT Team ASK Hands on Support KCC Minority Achievements Team ASK MFL Advisory Team ASK MFL Leading Teachers ASK ICT Leading Teachers South-East Grid for Learning For details about what is happening across the South-East region visit: