Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Neutrino beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol.


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Presentation transcript:

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Neutrino beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol V. Palladino Univ & INFN Napoli, Italy coordinator of the BENE NA FP6 Networking Activity Beams for European Neutrino Experiments within the CARE IA FP6 Integrating Activity Coordinated Accelerator R&D A Network aiming at a consensual road map for accelerator based neutrino programs in Europe

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Anticipating the conclusions Accelerator ν physics has gained recognition in the (2006→) CERN Council Strategy (→ESFRI) R&D and studies all aiming now at the 2012 or so presumed decision time have ready the proposal of the optimal neutrino program superbeam(s), betabeam, ν Factory π β μ a MMW p-intensity facility All synergies should be exploited, in the present difficulties ν+other HEP, Eurisol, ADS, neutrons …

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Eurisol & BENE … old friends

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Accelerator R&D CARE Multipurpose (e,p, ) ???? CARE SRF CARE PHIN CARE HIPPI CARE NED EUROTEV DS: ILC+CLIC ????? EURISOL DS: Neutrino  -beam ???? DS Fact Scoping study ? DS Fact? EUROLEAP e in plasma? Major Strategic decisions

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Lisbon, July 2006

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Europe should ….. play a significant role in the study and development of a high intensity neutrino facility Studies …. and …. R&D ….. are required to be in a positon to define …………… around 2012 ….. a coordinated EU participation in a global ν program

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Physics of neutrino transition Antimatter suppression : Lepton CPV phase δ may be big too, explaining antilepton suppresion (early) antibaryon suppression (later) The mixing of the 3 “generations”- big θ ’s in the leptonic sector unlike the quark sector Promising insight in Ultra high energy scale M unaccessible to big acelerators m ν ~ Scientific and technical synergy with proton decay m D / M 2 see-saw Δm ν 2 drive the oscillations Tritium decay remains essential

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" P ee =1- …..Pe=Pe= P  =1- ….. P  =1- ….. P  = P  e = ……. P  e = Pe=Pe= P  = ….. The 3*3 matrix of neutrino transition probability

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" P ee =1- …..Pe=Pe= P  =1- ….. P  =1- ….. P  e = ……. Pe=Pe= P  = ….. Neutrino transition probability wave λ 12 + wave λ 13 wave λ 23 + λ ij ≈ (Δm ij ) -2 NB Δm 12 +Δm 12 + Δm 12 =0

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" P ee =1- …..Pe=Pe= P  =1- ….. P  =1- ….. P  e = ……. Pe=Pe= P  = ….. Neutrino transition probability wave λ 12 + wave λ 13 wave λ 23 + λ ij ≈ (Δm ij ) -2 NB Δm 12 +Δm 12 + Δm 12 =0 Pe=Pe= wave λ 13 wave λ 23 + wave λ 12 Δm 12 λ 12 ≈ λ solar ≈ 15 Km/MeV λ 13 ≈ λ atmospheric ≈ 500 Km/Gev λ 23 ≈ Unequivocal experimental evidence ( ) transitions do happen, on two independent scales Δm 13 « Δm 23 ≈

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" P ee =1- ….. P e  = - 4 Re J e  12 sin 2   - 4 Re J e  13 sin 2    - 4 Re J e  23 sin 2    ± 8J sin   sin   sin   P  =1- ….. P  =1- ….. P  = - 4 Re J  12 sin 2   - 4 Re J  13 sin 2    - 4 Re J  23 sin 2    ± 8J sin   sin   sin   P  e = ……. P  e = - 4 … - 4 …  - 4 …  - (± 8J…. P e  = - 4 Re J e  12 sin 2   - 4 Re J e  13 sin 2    - 4 Re J e  23 sin 2    ± 8J sin   sin   sin   P  = ….. T & CP violating term e -iδ universal Charting the matrix of neutrino transition probability Solar (SuperK,SNO) LBL Reactors (Kamland) Atmo K2K, NuMI, CNGS ….. experiments ahead of us, for decades …….. a global endeavour ν e ↔ ν μ crucial T2K, NO ʋ A, longer term future atmo

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" LNSD no more ie no 4-th independent, large Δm ν, transition no fourth, sterile, neutrino 3*3 emerges stronger with its, one & only one, CPV δ phase Last result: null result from MiniBoone February 07

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Int. Scoping Study(*) Euro ʋ Design Study BENE : the longer term plan CDRs … at the time of end of LHC payment first LHC results ILC decision be ready to catch any construction window Physics Feasibility, NF&SB Feasibility SB+NF+BB (no TPW) HIPPI, HARP MERIT MICE PRISM, EMMA NB Betabeam CDR0 End 2009 ! Construction window EuCARD/MEGLIO? 2012 → CNGS II ! !

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" EuCARD

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" SPL & more Targets & collectors Muon Cooling HiRadMat MICE FFA G’s p, μ and β rings acceleration & storage NETWORKSNETWORKS TNASTNAS ISOL ¼ wave ν SCRF R&D

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Proposal of an FP7 accelerator neutrino Networking Activity The “European Strategy for Particle Physics” emphasizes the importance of accelerator-based neutrino experiments, and sets the milestone for the next major undertaking in this field in 2012: Studies of the scientific case for future neutrino facilities and the R&D into associated technologies are required to be in a position to define the optimal neutrino program based on the information available in around A vigorous networking activity is necessary to ensure that the technical information on accelerator technologies and the scientific arguments are gathered, developed, and discussed within and outside the neutrino community. The NA intends to deliver at the end of 2012 an agreed programme of neutrino experiments, based on upgrades of existing infrastructures and/or on the proposal of a new one. Among the possibilities the following will be considered and evaluated. - Upgrade of the existing Cern to Gran Sasso facility ; understanding of the ultimate upgrade potential, by combination of improved neutrino flux, neutrino spectra, flux monitoring abilities and far detector design and location. - A new neutrino facility, such as a beta-beam or a neutrino factory complex, offering much higher rate and purer flavour content, allowing a more ambitious programme of complete determination of the physical quantities governing neutrino oscillations: mass splits, flavour mixings and charge-parity violating phase. The NA will be rooted in the FP6 BENE NA, active since 2004, itself born from the ECFA Study Groups active since The existence of an organized open discussion and dissemination forum joining the EU accelerator & particle physicists active or being attracted in the sector has proven decisive over almost a decade. The European activity is embedded in an international effort ; most remarkable are the yearly “ NuFact ” International Workshops on Neutrino Factory, Superbeam and BetaBeam“. Started in 1999 in Europe and returning every three years, it is an extremely fruitful example of collaboration of accelerator and particle physics from Europe, America and Asia.. Strengthened by FP6 support, BENE achieved the recognition in the Strategy Document of its physics case and of its plea for timely R&D. Its 3 main goals are also being delivered as promised -first progress in community building and harmonization of national projects and interests. - preliminary road map towards the scientific & technical choice of the new facility -precious collaborative studies and R&D projects now under way, soon including the FP7 EuroNu DS and the International Design Study effort. The objective of this NA represents the natural completion of this process. The NA will be able to integrate in its proposal the results of a CNGS upgrade study, of the EuroNu design study of the Neutrino Factory, Superbeam and BetaBeam options, of the state of the art, coordinated R&D that will take place in the Integrating Activity and of other R&D projects in progress. Its final proposal should be backed by the widest possible majority of the EU community active in on neutrino accelerator infrastructures worldwide, at the CNGS, at the US (NuMI) and at the upcoming Japanese (T2K) facilities. The NA funds will support participation of this community to -the IA meetings and the NA own plenary meetings and parallel workshops -the open meetings of the EuroNu DS -the yearly international “NuFact” Workshop MEGLIO

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Proposed Second Level Work Breakdown Structure for the NA WP1 Management & coordination WP2 Getting the most of existing neutrino facilities - CNGS intensity limits - possibility of adaptation of the CNGS neutrino spectrum and of flux monitoring to physics needs (link to JRAs in FP7-IA) - Evaluation of the physics potential of upgrades WP3 Road map to the future - evaluation of the compatibility of future neutrino facilities to the accelerator upgrades in the interested European laboratories - evaluation of technological risks of the proposed options - evaluation of the synergies with other physics programs - upgrade path and flexibility - Choices of the facility(es) and proposal A more detailed breakdown is in preparation !!!!!!

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Four years of BENE in a nutshell 2004 BENE established on the EU scene MMW workshop May 2004: the MMW frontier Villars SPSC meeting Sep 04, where we cashed renewed attention to a Eu ν program (R&D) emergence of a ν “construction window” !!!!!!!!!!! Betabeam DS approved ! 2005 BENE consolidated on the EU & international scene –NNN05 in April and NuFact05 in June physics case further established in the two workshops R&D advancing : HARP+MUSCAT data out, MERIT+MICE approved, making the ν case in the strategic discussion ahead CARE-Report BENE.doc CARE-Report BENE.doc ISS launched, aiming resolutely to DS Proposal

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" 2006 BENE proved a driving force of the International Scoping Study with US+Japan+India and more published a comprehensive Midterm Scientific Report CERN Yellow May 2006 scored in July a “formal” CERN Council recognition of its physics case, its R&D recommendations started an intense period of preparation of FP7 proposals 2007 BENE Design Study Euro-ν approved in August in a natural international context the International Design Stud(ies) Neutrino Factory IDS CERN Mar 07, next Jan 08 NuFact08 August, NNN08 October both in Japan this year BENE’s international collaborations setting up to start Euro-ν starts Feb 5 continuing preparation of FP7 proposals EuCARD: NA, TA, JRAs

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" 9° Int. Workshop on Nutrino Factory Betabeam Superbeam NuFact08 Valencia, Jun 30

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Upcoming Events I NNN07 Megaton Physics P-decay Astro Neutrinos Beam Neutrinos Upcoming Events I NNN07 Megaton Physics P-decay Astro Neutrinos Beam Neutrinos Upcoming Events I NNN07 Megaton Physics P-decay Astro Neutrinos Beam Ne Megaton Physics, p decay, astroneutrinos besides beam neutrinos

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" BENE plans for 2008 − February 29 submission of IA Proposals → 2012 EuCARD IA HEP Detectors IA V. Palladino CARE GB, 30 Oct 07 − Summer NuFact08 Valencia Jun 28-Jul 4 NNN08 not yet decided − Fall Care08 Euro- ʋ / NuFact IDS joint meeting − Jan09 Final Scientific Report (Main Deliverable) road map of recommendations CARE/ECFA/CERN Yellow Report our next opportunity “to speak up” − Feb 5 Euro- ʋ first meeting → 2011 → 2008

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" 180 MCHF over 4 yrs

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" HIPPI +FETS High power

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" 5 Gev SPL a MMW Backbone may want more GeV

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" NuFact Proton Driver

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" 4 MW Target-Collection solution

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Pivot Target & Collection CERN PS Experiment can we digest the MMW?

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment at RAL Muon Ionization Cooling experiment at RAL

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" EMMA e-FFAG prototype Daresbury

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" BENE 2007Beta-beam team31 EURISOL beta-beam Achieve an annual neutrino rate of: –2.9*10 18 anti-neutrinos from 6 He – neutrinos from 18 Ne Support Betabeams beyond the DS

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Nobel class contribution: superior production of Li & B parents C. Rubbia

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" BENE 2007Beta-beam team33 A new approach for the production Beam cooling with ionisation losses – C. Rubbia, A Ferrari, Y. Kadi and V. Vlachoudis in NIM A 568 (2006) 475–487 7 Li(d,p) 8 Li 6 Li( 3 He,n) 8 B 7 Li 6 Li Missed opportunities See also: Development of FFAG accelerators and their applications for intense secondary particle production, Y. Mori, NIM A562(2006)591

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" ν in Det IA?

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" In the end make the choice possible !!!!!!!!!

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" MEGLIO Promise, based on results from on going and coming R&D on going and coming studies CNGS+ study EuroNetrino DS Superbeam+BetaBeam, NuFact (IDS) support it as much as needed build it up as a Collaboration collaborating with other Collaborations other International Design Studies DS’s (US Japan …… t to propose an agreed program of experiments accelerator and detector facilities in 2012 or so

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" Anticipating the conclusions Accelerator ν physics has gained recognition in the (2006→) CERN Council Strategy (→ESFRI) R&D and studies all aiming now at the 2012 or so presumed decision time have ready the proposal of the optimal neutrino program superbeam(s), betabeam, ν Factory π β μ a MMW p-intensity facility All synergies should be exploited, in the present difficulties ν+other HEP, Eurisol, ADS, neutrons …

Eurisol User Group, 14 Jan 2008V. Palladino ν beams: prospects today & synergies with Eurisol" THE END