Beam Background and Detector Layout 4th Concept Collaboration Meeting FNAL October 2006
VXD Layout (SiDMay06)
The Issues SiD’s VXD and Beam Pipe is optimized for 5 Tesla B field Beam optics requires for the TPC r in > 20.5 cm
The angles involved TPC & BP (10°) DREAM (6.5°) VXD B (13°)VXD B (12°)
The Numbers Involved (rad) P t (3.55 T) GeVP t (5 T) GeV TPC VXD Barrel VXD Endcaps Beam Pipe Dream Endcaps Small exercise using eq. Motion of particle in B-Field
Would it be a Problem? Much will depend on ILC parameters
USSC beam parameters TPC TPC VXD Barrel VXD Endcaps VXD Endcaps Beam Pipe Beam Pipe DREAM DREAM Generic (4Tesla) Generic (4Tesla)
It will be for High Luminosity colored dots is 10cm detector at r=1.5 cm for 3,4,5 Tesla TPC TPC VXD Barrel VXD Endcaps VXD Endcaps Beam Pipe Beam Pipe DREAM DREAM Generic (4Tesla) Generic (4Tesla)
Need a Simulation for B=3.5 Tesla Need a full simulation –3.5 tesla (for 4th Concept) –5 Tesla (for our exchange program with FNAL) Files available at SLAC (stdhep) D. Barbareschi will do that