Agent and Object Technology Lab Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione Università degli Studi di Parma AOT LAB LAB Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration Paola Turci
2 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 The Context Consolidated Approaches & Open Issues Research Directions An Agent-Based SOA Outline of the Lecture
3 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Today’s Enterprise Application Issues Ability to change IT quickly to fit business needs To improve responsiveness and efficiency Demand for high-levels of interoperability Organizations feel the need to support interoperability between separately designed systems Most enterprises are very heterogeneous Organizations want applications to have broader reach
4 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Business Performance Management Institute’s Survey 11 percent of executives say they're able to keep up with business demand to change technology- enabled processes — 40 percent of which, according to the survey, are currently in need of IT attention 36 percent report that their company's IT departments are having either "significant difficulties" (27 percent) or "can't keep up at all" (9 percent)
5 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 What Characterizes Enterprise Applications? Usually persistent data Involve persistent data a lot of data There is a lot of data access data concurrently Many people access data concurrently A lot of user interface screens to integrate with other enterprise applications Need to integrate with other enterprise applications
6 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Enterprise Application Integration The task of making disparate applications work together EAI challenges: Applications can run on multiple computers, which may represent multiple platforms, and may be geographically dispersed Networks are slow and unreliable Applications may run outside of the enterprise by business partners or customers Applications are quite dissimilar Changes are inevitable
7 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Enterprise Application Integration (II) Criteria that should be considered when choosing and designing an integration approach Application coupling Intrusiveness Technology selection Data format Data timeliness Data or functionality Remote Communication Reliability
8 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 The Context Consolidated Approaches & Open Issues Research Directions An Agent-Based SOA Outline of the Lecture
9 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Integration Approaches Four main integration styles consolidated 1.File Transfer (70s) — applications share files Good physical decoupling Language and system independent No extra tools or integration packages are needed An important decision is what format to use (XML) Drawbacks Effort is required to produce and process files Need to agree on the filename, location and format, the timing of when it will be written and read, and who will delete the file ▫ Possible semantic dissonance ▫ Systems can get out of synchronization
10 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Integration Approaches (II) 2.Shared Database (80s) — applications share the same database schema, located in a single physical database Use of SQL-based relational databases Consistent data Drawbacks Integration of data Difficult to find a common representation Database may become a performance bottleneck
11 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Integration Approaches (III) 2.Remote Procedure Invocation (90s) — Each application seen as a large-scale object or component with encapsulated data communication is synchronous The communication is synchronous Goal Make RPC look as much like local PC as possible Advantages Data exchanged only as needed Integration of business functions, not just data Weaknesses Big differences in performance and reliability between remote and local procedure calls ▫ Latency ▫ Lack of control over other systems Applications tightly coupled as a local method call
12 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Integration Approaches (IV) 2.Messaging — applications publish messages by using a common messaging system Agreement on the message format. communication is asynchronous The communication is asynchronous Pros: Reliability Loose coupling But But… fewer assumptions mean that more is left to do for the developer ▫ Correlation of related messages (e.g. request and response) ▫ Maintaining state ▫ Determining order of events, to re-establish the message sequence ▫ Complex programming model … figuring out what to do next Main drawback: are wired together via a message flow Individual systems are wired together via a message flow
13 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 … remarks about coupling Coupling is not inherently good or bad Coupling is a measure of dependency between applications Technology Dependency Location Dependency Temporal Dependency Data Format Dependency Tightly Coupled Systems Make many assumptions about each other Well suited for internal communication inside of an application Well suited for “near” communication, with control over both sides of the interaction Generally more efficient, easier to develop and debug
14 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Forrester Research* “… SOA's ability to save IT costs and, more importantly, build business flexibility has driven broad adoption: 53% of enterprises are using SOA now or will use it by the end of 2006, and nearly one-half of large enterprises are using SOA for strategic business transformation. SOA is applicable to a broad range of business and technical scenarios, and every organization should investigate SOA and learn where and how it can benefit them” May, 2006 Topic Overview: Service-Oriented Architecture by Randy Heffner, Larry Fulton * * An independent technology and market research company that provides its clients with advice about technology's impact on business and consumers
15 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 CIO Magazine* “… According to a recent Forrester Research survey, 46 percent of large-enterprise SOA users (and about 27 percent of SOA users at midsize and smaller enterprises) said they're using SOA to "achieve strategic business transformation." Surveys from other research companies report the same enthusiasm …” BUT always “… SOA is far from being a proven concept (only 16 percent of companies in the Aberdeen survey have more than 24 months of experience with SOA technologies), and the companies that have had the most success with it so far are those that always have success with technology: big companies with big IT budgets whose business is technology-based (think telecom and financial services). They also tend to have supportive, technologically sophisticated business leaders …” * “The Truth About SOA” June 15, 2006
16 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 What is SOA? A form of distributed systems architecture, typically characterized by the following properties: Logical view Logical view: The service is an abstracted, logical view of actual programs, databases, business processes, etc., defined in terms of what it does … Message orientation Message orientation: The service is formally defined in terms of the messages exchanged between provider agents and requester agents, and not the properties of the agents themselves. … A key benefit of this concerns so-called legacy systems Description orientation Description orientation: A service is described by machine-processable meta data. … only those details that are exposed to the public and important for the use of the service should be included in the description. The semantics of a service should be documented, either directly or indirectly, by its description. Granularity Granularity: Services tend to use a small number of operations with relatively large and complex messages. … Platform neutral Platform neutral: Messages are sent in a platform-neutral, standardized format delivered through the interfaces (XML) …
17 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 … what is the point? Most of the technology and market research companies, which provides their clients with advice about technology's impact on business and consumers, agree on the fact that the adoption of a SOA paradigm is strategic and should be part of the most forward-looking software projects. Nevertheless … the paradigm shift is still quite challenging!!!
18 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Widgets & Gadgets 'R Us: An Example An online retailer that buys widgets and gadgets from manufacturers and resells them to customers Requirements: Take Orders Take Orders: customers can place orders via Web, phone, or fax Process Orders Process Orders: processing an order involves multiple steps: verifying inventory, shipping the goods, and invoicing the customer Check Status Check Status: customers can check the order status New Catalog New Catalog: suppliers update their catalog periodically. WGRUS needs to update pricing and availability based on the new catalogs Announcements Announcements: customers can subscribe to selective announcements from WGRUS Testing and Monitoring Testing and Monitoring: operations staff needs to be able to monitor all individual components and the message flow between them Source : G. Hohpe, B. Woolf Enterprise Integration Patterns Addison Wesley
19 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Widgets & Gadgets 'R Us (II) WGRUS IT Infrastructure Source : G. Hohpe, B. Woolf Enterprise Integration Patterns Addison Wesley
20 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Taking Orders A message-oriented middleware solution to streamline the order entry process Source : G. Hohpe, B. Woolf Enterprise Integration Patterns Addison Wesley
21 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Processing Orders A typical implementation of a distributed business process Main disadvantage of such a solution : wired Individual systems are wired together via a message flow Source : G. Hohpe, B. Woolf Enterprise Integration Patterns Addison Wesley
22 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Process Manager Individual systems turned into shared business functions; can be accessed as services Increases reuse and simplifying maintenance statically or dynamically defined workflows Interlinked by statically or dynamically defined workflows Services orchestrated via a Process Manager Source : G. Hohpe, B. Woolf Enterprise Integration Patterns Addison Wesley
23 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Process Manager (II) SOA discover To turn the WGRUS IT infrastructure into an SOA it is necessary to add facilities to look up ("discover") a service from a central registry In order to participate in this SOA, each service would have to provide additional functions e.g. to expose an interface contract that describes the functions provided by the service Each request-reply service also needs to support the concept of a return address
24 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 … the Vision Legacy SW Data Base ERP, CRM Web Application Java Application.NET Application HTTP RMI.NET REMOTING CORBA ODBC JCA Business Process WS-BPEL Web Service
25 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 XML – SOAP – WSDL – UDDI Rely on static descriptions of service interfaces, forcing consumers to find and bind services at design time Do not address runtime service selection based on a dynamic assessment of nonfunctional attributes They guarantee syntactic interoperability, but they fail to provide semantic operability
26 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Open Issues This innovative idea brings with it new outstanding opportunities but also new great issues How to efficiently discover Web services How to allow and facilitate their composition
27 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 The Context Consolidated Approaches & Open Issues Research Directions An Agent-Based SOA Outline of the Lecture
28 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Agent Community Evidence from several research studies that agents could represent a suitable technology which can be used to meet the performance needs for innovative business applications Several papers attest the current interest in using agents for developing e ‑ business applications, business process management and enterprise application integration Different works have shown how agent technology can be leveraged if used together with other technologies: semantic Web, Web services, rule engine and workflows
29 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007
30 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 OMG & SOA 2006, OMG launched a SOA SIG. Primary goals: To support an MDA approach to SOA that links architectural, business and technology views of services, including Business Process Management (BPM) and Event- Driven Architecture (EDA). Identify and foster development of OMG modeling standards for SOA that integrate with and complement standards developed by other organizations such as W3C, Open Group and OASIS. To improve awareness and understanding of SOA by OMG members. To coordinate SOA related efforts within OMG. But … little has been done!!!
31 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 FIPA - Agents and Web Services Interoperability Working Group Since 2005, FIPA is an IEEE Computer Society standards organization Interoperability and standardization efforts The primary objective of AWSI WG is to fill the interaction gap between agents and web services. Agents should be able to locate and interact with web services seamlessly and vice versa But But … most of the work has to be done!!!
32 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Research Directions for Service-Oriented Multiagent Systems Four major trends will drive SOC and MAS research in the next decade Online ontologies – shared representations are emerging as models for real-world entities Ubiquitous computing Computational behaviours provided in the form of Web services and service architecture Widespread availability of sensors and effectors – control of physical world SOC represents an emerging class of approaches with MAS-like characteristics for developing systems in large- scale open environments Huhns, M., Singh, M., Burstein, M., Decker, K., Durfee, E., Finin, T., Gasser, L., Goradia, H., Jennings, N. R., Lakartaju, K., Nakashima, H., Parunak, V., Rosenschein, J., Ruvinsky, A., Sukthankar, G., Swarup, S., Sycara, K., Tambe, M., Wagner, T. and Zavala, L. (2005) Research directions for service-oriented multiagent systems. IEEE Internet Computing 9(6) pp
33 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 W3C Workshop on Frameworks for Semantics in Web Services June 2005 Two concrete proposals: Elicit some concrete challenges (“pain points”) Bring together the developers of the more comprehensive technology efforts to define simple specifications for the “low- hanging fruit” that is common to all of their approaches Semantic annotation in WS descriptions (such as typing of inputs and outputs, expression of preconditions and effects of primitive actions) A simple incremental set of extensions to WSDL to indicate references to these elements ▫ … SAWSDL ▫ … two years after SAWSDL Hierarchical classification of services for purposes of advertising and discovery Expression of “non-functional” properties such as QoS ▫ Possibly simple uses of rules in expressing policies of contractual commitments … Web Services Policy ▫ … … two years after Web Services Policy
34 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 The Context Consolidated Approaches & Open Issues Research Directions An Agent-Based SOA Outline of the Lecture
35 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 … the new Vision Legacy SW Data Base ERP, CRM Web Application Java Application.NET Application HTTP RMI.NET REMOTING CORBA ODBC JCA MAS
36 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Agents’ Role The central role that agents should play in a SOA scenario is To efficiently support distributed computing To allow the dynamically discovering and composition of Web services To be successful, it is crucial to appropriately engineer and integrate agent technology with other strategic technologies
37 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Ontologies “An explicit specification of a conceptualisation” [Gruber93] Research community contributions have been mainly devoted to cope with four different issues: 1.Formal definition of a standard language for expressing semantics on the web (OWL) OWL Group to refine and extend Web Ontology Language 2.Development of tools to engineer ontologies Two co-existing realities: ▫ Semantic web ▫ Object-oriented systems ◦ An ontology representation more in line with the OO data model
38 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Ontologies (II) 3.Development of ontological supports for MASs A communication support to perform the proper semantic checks on a given content expression ▫ e.g. the JADE ontological support 4.Definition of specifications for semantic Web services Goal: providing a semantic layer based on the WS standards ▫ relying on WSDL for WS invocation ▫ expanding UDDI for WS discovery Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema; W3C recommendation, August 2007 OWL-S – an OWL-based service ontology supplying a core set of markup language constructs …
39 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Modelling Level : OWL and UML Compared UML structure is formally quite different from OWL: Both OWL and UML are based on classes Key difference: the notion of Property At first glance, the OWL property appears to be the same as UML association or attribute, But … OWL: ▫ Properties are first-class modelling elements UML: ▫ An association is defined in terms of association ends, which must be related to a classifier ▫ An attribute is always within the context of a single class In OWL it is possible to state assertions on properties that have no equivalent in UML
40 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Implementation Level: OWL and Java Compared Research community followed two major directions to express the OWL semantics using an OO language The definition of a meta-model that closely reflect the OWL syntax and semantics. e.g. the modelling APIs of Jena and OWL API The use of the Java Beans API to realize a complete mapping between the two models [Kalyanpur et al]. PropertyChecker classes to support the semantics of the property, axioms and restrictions This approach lacks an explicit meta-model
41 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 A Semantic Framework for MASs With the aim of providing a support for semantic Web services discovery and invocation WSs are supplied with a semantic description The discovery and invocation phases make use of an abstract description of the service, based on ontological concepts belonging to the domain ontologies Discovery: semantic UDDIs are responsible of the semantic search Invocation: mapping between the semantic description of the service and its real invocation ▫ WSDL document, from the discovery phase, is used in the invocation phase ▫ Mapping exploiting XSLT stylesheets (e.g MINDSWAP, OWL-S API project)
42 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Semantic UDDI UDDI has two crucial limitations 1.Its search mechanism WSs functionality can be described using classification schemes like NAICS, UNSPSC etc. 2.The usage of XML to describe its data model Lack of explicit semantics But … UDDI has enough support for the registration of semantically annotated resources Mapping of ontology concepts to UDDI data model using tModel structure New API to support semantic discovery of registered resources Semantic discovery algorithms
43 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Semantic Search in UDDI Based on an externally created and operated matchmaker Semantic data are stored outside of UDDI A mapping of an OWL-S profile to the UDDI data model Changes to UDDI APIs for support of semantic search N. Srinivasan, M. Paolucci, K. Sycara, “An Efficient Algorithm for OWL-S Based Semantic Search in UDDI” Semantic Web Services and Web Process Composition, First International Workshop, SWSWPC 2004: M. Paolucci, T. Kawamura, T.R. Payne, K. Sycara, “Importing the Semantic Web in UDDI”, Proceedings of E-Services Semantic Web Workshop (ESSW 2002), 2002 M. Klusch,, B. Fries, K. Sycara, “An Efficient Algorithm for OWL-S Based Semantic Search in UDDI” AAMAS 2006
44 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 orchestrating WSBPEL is the new standard for orchestrating business process using web services Joint IBM/Microsoft proposal, being standardized through OASIS There are some competing languages, e.g. BPML Supported by more platform vendors than its predecessors that tried to achieve similar goals, such as ebXML BPEL is supported by Microsoft, IBM, BEA, SAP, Hewlett- Packard, Oracle, Siebel, and others. Choice of process engines Useful in defining both concrete and abstract processes Each activity is represented as a service with a WSDL interface Business Process Management
45 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Goal-Oriented Autonomic Business Process Management Interesting talk on Tuesday afternoon Giovanni Rimassa, Birgit Burmeister “Achieving Business Process Agility in Engineering Change Management with Agent Technology”
46 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Limitations of Description Logics Description Logics provides a snapshot of the World Describe objects in a given time frame They are intrinsically very static Difficult to represent processes (sequences of situations) There is no explicit notion of variables and rules It is impossible to say that X father Y and Y father Z X grandfather Z Lots of research has happened to extend RDF/OWL (SPARQL, SWRL,, …) Integration of Rule-Based and Agent-Based Programming (e.g D4J)
47 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Concluding Remarks
48 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 May Agents Enhance SOA? Integration between local and global management Single agent cope with local problems Different agents can cooperate to cope with global problems Communication overhead Agent distribution Agent mobility System dynamic upgrading Agent evolution Code mobility Robustness and fault tolerance Agent replication
49 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 How Should an Innovative Agent-Based SOA Be? Features Enhancing interoperability through ontologies Enhancing security through OASIS-W3C standards Enable the use of workflow / rule engines Difficulties Ontology management software are not efficient Security solutions for distributed systems are limited
50 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Workflow Technologies Agents & Workflow Integration High level means for service composition High level means for system programming when supported by visual tool Well known standards (i.e., xpdl, WSBPEL, …) Large set of software tools available Workflow & agent based systems Workflow can be used to program agent systems at a high abstraction level Workflow execution can be optimized by partitioning it among agents Agents can act as workflow engines System evolution can be realized updating the workflow to be executed
51 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Rules Engines Agents & Rule Engines Integration Logic separated from application code Logic can be dynamically updated adding/removing rules Well optimized engines Rule & agent based systems Rules can provide agent intelligence Rules can be exchanged by agents for realizing system evolution Agents can provide the infrastructure for a distributed rule system
52 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007
53 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Team Agostino Poggi Federico Bergenti Lorenzo Lazzari Marco Mari Alessandro Negri Michele Tomaiuolo Paola Turci
54 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Thanks and Acknowledgements I would like to thank Francesco Cirillo CEO XPLabs for the fruitful discussions
Agent and Object Technology Lab Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione Università degli Studi di Parma AOT LAB LAB Thank you! Hope you enjoyed it! Questions? Paola Turci
56 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Selected References AgentLink III. Agent Technology Roadmap. Available from Akkermans, H. Intelligent E-Business - From Technology to Value. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 16(4):8-10, Bechhofer, R. Volz, and P. Lord. Cooking the semantic web with the OWL API. In Proc. Int Semantic Web Conference, pp , Sanibel Island, FL, Beneventi, A., Poggi, A., Tomaiuolo, M., & Turci, P. Integrating Rule and Agent- Based Programming to Realize Complex Systems. WSEAS Trans. on Information Science and Applications, 1(1): , Bergenti, F., Poggi, A., Tomaiuolo, M., Turci, P. An Ontology Support for Semantic Aware Agents. In Proc. Seventh International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent- Oriented Information Systems AAMAS), Utrecht, The Netherlands, Berners-Lee, T., Hendler, J., Lassila O. The Semantic Web - A new form of Web content that is meaningful to computers will unleash a revolution of new possibilities. 284(5):34-43, 2001.
57 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Selected References (II) Buhler P.A., Vidal, J.M. Towards Adaptive Workflow Enactment Using Multiagent Systems. Information Technology and Management, 6(1):61-87, de Bruijn, J., Polleres, A., Lara, R., Fensel, D. OWL DL vs. OWL Flight: Conceptual Modeling and Reasoning for the Semantic Web. In Proc. of the 14th Int. World Wide Web Conference (WWW2005), pp , Chiba, Japan, Fensel, D., Bussler, C. The Web Service Modeling Framework WSMF. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 1(2): , Greenwood, D., Callisti, M. Engineering Web Service-Agent Integration. In IEEE Conference of Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Available from Gibbins, N., Harris, S., Shadbolt, N. Agent-based semantic web services. In Proc of the 12th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2003), Budapest, Hungary, Gutknecht, O., Ferber, J., Michel, F. Integrating tools and infrastructures for generic multi-agent systems. In Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Autonomous Agents. Montreal, Canada, Horrocks, I. and Patel-Schneider, P. F. A proposal for an OWL rules language. In Proc. of the Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2004), pp , 2004.
58 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Selected References (III) Hindriks, K.V., de Boer, F.S., van der Hoek, & W., Meyer, J.C. Control Structures of Rule-Based Agent Languages. In Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Intelligent Agents V, Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages, Vol 1555, pp , 1998, London, UK: Springer-Verlag. R. Kishore, H. Zhang & R. Ramesh, Enterprise integration using the agent paradigm : foundations of multi-agent-based integrative business information systems, Decision Support Systems, 42 (2006) (1), pp. 48–78.. Labrou, Y. Agents and ontologies for e-business. Knowledge Engineering Review, 17(1):81-85, Negri, A., Poggi, A., Tomaiuolo, M., Turci, P,. Dynamic Grid Tasks Composition and Distribution through Agents,. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Negri A., A. Poggi, M. Tomaiuolo, P. Turci, Agents for e-Business Applications, In Proc. AAMAS 2006, Hakodate, Japan 2006 Papazoglou, M.P.. Agent-oriented technology in support of e-business. Communication of ACM, 44(4):71-77, Papazoglou, M.P. The World of e-Business: Web-Services, Workflows, and Business Transactions In Lecture Notes In Computer Science, CAiSE '02/ WES '02: Revised Papers from the International Workshop on Web Services, E-Business, and the Semantic Web, Vol 2512, pp , London, UK. Springer-Verlag
59 AOT LAB LAB P. Turci - Agent Paradigm: a Promising Approach to Enterprise Application Integration WOA 2007 Selected References (IV) Silva, N., Rocha, J., Cardoso, J. E-Business Interoperability Through Ontology Semantic Mapping. In Proc. of the Processes and Foundations for Virtual Organizations, pp , Lugano, Switzerland. Weikum G. Special Issue on Infrastructure for Advanced E-services, IEEE Data Engineering, 24(1), 2001.