Shilpa Bollineni, Glen Langston, John Ford, Randy McCullough and Paul Demorest DATA ACQUISITION ON THE 43M TELESCOPE
2 The Digital Acquisition System is a clone of GUPPI(Green Bank Ultimate Pulsar Processing Instrument). It was developed to be placed on the 43m telescope in the feed-box. Why we did this? 1)The limitation with the fiber modem on the frequency range which will be eliminated and we can observe at higher range. 2)We will have more dynamic range in the system as the S/N will be better. 3)As the prime-focus box is controlled we will have a more stable environment.
3 Heater Control Circuit Teledyne VT6 Vacuum Gauge Lakeshore Model 218 Temp Monitor Bias Cards (2) Vacuum Sensor #1 RFI Shielded Box Net Burner Heater #2 Bias # 17 Temp Sensor # 6 BEE2 IBOB 1 IBOB 2 Vacuum Pressure Monitor (1) Gate Voltage Monitor (9) DC +/-15V DC +/-15V AC Controller Induction Motor Blower AC RF INPUT Sunpower GT CryoCooler Dewar Temperature Monitor (2) CAT5 DC Supply (48V,10A ) IP Power Strip OFF ON # 2 # 4 Fig 1: Block diagram of the system Fiber to cat5 SWITCH WUPPI Remote Monitoring Cryocooler Power supply
Overview of the components 4 1) WUPPI a)IBOB’s (Sampling) 1) 8-bit sampling. 2) Bandwidth of 800MHZ. b) BEE2 (Data Processing) 1) We have 4k channel FFT. 2) full polarization c)IP power strip (Remotely control the power of the hardware) d) Dual Synthesizer (800 MHz clock)
Overview of the components e) Ethernet switch f) 1PPS converter (Fiber to copper converter) g) Ethernet converter (Fiber to Cat5) 2) Remote Monitoring: a) Net Burner (Embedded networking device) b) Temperature Monitoring Device (Lakeshore) 3) Refrigerator components: a) Controller (for the refrigerator on the Dewar) b) DC power supply (To the refrigerator) 5
The RFI shielded box has the dimensions 21(w)x24(d)x22(h) inches 6 Fig 2: Mechanical model of the RFI shielded box FRONT VIEW
Fig 3: Front-view of the box 7 SMA Fiber cable data O/P Brackets for mounting
8 Fig 4: Inside the box Front View Back View Fiber to copper converter for 1PPS XAUI cables ST connectors (Fiber ) IP Boot Bar 4 channel transceiver
9 Fig 5: Transceiver module/Fiber Fan-out
10 6/2/2015 Fig 6: Mechanical View of the Front-End Box Front-end receiver Back-end Data Processing
11 Different phases of testing a)RFI test passed. 1) Frequency range: 20 MHz to 6.5 GHz no emissions. b) Data was taken in the lab (plots follow). b) Next the box will be placed in the 43m control room. c) Finally it will be placed in the Front-end box so we can process the data at the antenna.
12 Results Fig 7: 800MHz Fig 8: 220MHz
13 Fig 9: Pulsar
14 Summary and Future work WUPPI was developed and successfully tested in the lab. After integration with the front-end it will be placed on the telescope. Working on replacing Roach with the IBOB’s and BEE2 in the WUPPI. Worked with the Parkes spectrometer design. 1)Built a 2K channel, 800MHz dual polarization version. 2)Introduced the 1SFA concept from GUPPI into the design.
15 Fig 10: Spectrum on Roach
16 Fig 11: test 611 MHz
Acknowledgement Glen Langston John Ford Jeff Cromer Randy Mccullough Jason Ray Dennis Egan Gary Anderson 17