Integrating OpenEdge® Applications with SonicMQ® Pat Bonser
Agenda JMS (Java™ Messaging Service) concepts & SonicMQ OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ What is it? How do I install and configure? Show me examples! Futures, what’s planned for OpenEdge 10.1A Adapter for SonicMQ Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
What is Messaging? A mechanism enabling autonomous applications to communicate Messages - units of information composed of Payload Header Destinations Priority Ordering Expiration Time-to-Live And more … Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
How Does It Work? Application A Application B Message Oriented Middleware Producer Consumer Bind to destination Bind to destination Read message Send message JMS Broker Destination Consume message Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
JMS Messaging Models Point to Point (1 to 1) Potential Receiver Sender Queue Potential Receiver Publish and Subscribe (1 to Many) Subscriber Publisher Topic Subscriber Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Connections and Sessions A connection connects to a message broker You can create one or more sessions within a connection JMS Client Connection Queue Session Topic Session Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Receives Messages From Unified Domain (JMS 1.1) ConnectionFactory Creates Connection Creates Session Creates Creates MessageProducer MessageConsumer Creates Sends Messages To Receives Messages From Message Destination (Queue or Topic) Destination (Queue or Topic) Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
So what is SonicMQ? A Standards-Based Enterprise Messaging Server A full functional implementation of JMS 1.1 specification J2EE Compatibility 1.3 - 1.4 Distributed Management Framework Innovative Deployment Architectures User Benefits Enterprise-class reliability, scalability, performance using standards-based infrastructure Distributed management simplifies and reduces cost of deployment, configuration, monitoring Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
SonicMQ Domain Manager Start →Programs → Sonic Software → SonicMQ → SonicMQ Domain Manager Domain Manager Directory Service Agent Manager SonicMQ Management Broker Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Sonic Management Console Start →Programs → Sonic Software → SonicMQ → Management Console Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Queues Must Be Predefined Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Sonic JMS Test Client Start →Programs → Sonic Software → SonicMQ → JMS Test Client Allows you to use messaging concepts without having to write Java code Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Demonstration SonicMQ Demonstrate Tool - Management Console Create a queue Tool - JMS Test Client PTP demo using new Queue Pub/Sub demo creating a Topic Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ JMS concepts & SonicMQ OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ What is it? How do I install and configure? Show me examples! Futures, what’s planned for OpenEdge 10.1A Adapter for SonicMQ Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ Enterprise Integration for OpenEdge Applications OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ Connects Progress 4GL app with SonicMQ Seamless integration with existing 4GL Development tools and Methodologies Uses direct access from the 4GL to SonicMQ Specific procedures for the Sonic API Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ Direct access from 4GL to SonicMQ GUI applications Character applications (UNIX) AppServer Webspeed agents Batch jobs Connection between 4GL applications 4GL and non 4GL applications Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ Architecture PROGRESS 4GL *.w, *.p 4GL Adapter broker 4GL client OpenEdge Database SonicMQ Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Progress Adapter Programs Supplied .r files with API For point to point Install-dir/jms/ptpsession.r For publish and subscribe Install-dir/jms/pubsubsession.r Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Leverage SonicMQ jars Copy Alternatively from SonicMQ install to Progress directory install-dir\java\sonicMQ\lib Alternatively Point your lib directory to Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Environment Variables Used By Description SONIC_HOME Sonic The installation directory for SonicMQ. Typically, this is C:\Sonic\MQ6.1 JAVA_HOME Sonic & Progress Can use the files installed with Sonic, Progress or a compatible jre directory PATH You should include SONIC_HOME\bin and JDK_HOME\bin in your PATH environment variable Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Progress Components AdminServer OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ NameServer (Optional) Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ JMS concepts & SonicMQ OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ What is it? How do I install and configure? Show me examples! Futures, what’s planned for OpenEdge 10.1A Adapter for SonicMQ Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
PTP - Example SonicMQ OpenEdge Application OpenEdge Application Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
PTP - Basic Steps Requires a Queue Connect to a SonicMQ Broker Create a Message Consumer Prepare to Receive Message From Queue Send Message to Queue Receive message from Queue Delete message Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
PTP – Requires a Queue Sonic Management Console Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
PTP - Connect to SonicMQ Broker RUN jms/ptpsession.p PERSISTENT SET ptpsession ("-H localhost -S 5162 "). RUN setBrokerURL IN ptpsession (“tcp//machinename:2506"). RUN beginSession IN ptpsession. OpenEdge Application 5162 Broker 2506 Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
PTP – Create Message to Send /* Create a Text Message */ RUN createTextMessage IN ptpsession (OUTPUT messageH)./* Handles the messages */ RUN setText IN MessageH (“Your Message”). OpenEdge Application 5162 Sonic Broker Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
PTP - Send Message to Queue /* Send Message to the “desired” Queue */ RUN sendToQueue IN ptpsession (“YourQueue", messageH, /* message handle */ ?, /* priority, ? = system default */ ?, /* timeToLive, ? = system default */ ?). /* deliveryMode, ? = system default */ OpenEdge Application 5162 Sonic Broker Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
PTP – Receive Message from Queue- Java /* Create Receiver Queues to receive messages */ javax.jms.Queue receiveQueue = receiveSession.createQueue(rQueue); javax.jms.MessageConsumer qReceiver = receiveSession.createConsumer(receiveQueue); qReceiver.setMessageListener(this); connect.start(); OpenEdge Application 5162 Sonic Broker Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
PTP – Receive Message from Queue – 4GL /* Receive Message to the “desired” Queue */ RUN receiveFromQueue IN ptpsession (“YourQueue", /* Name of the Queue */ ?, /* No message selector */ consumerH, /* Handle incoming message default */ OpenEdge Application OpenEdge Application Sonic Broker Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
PTP Demonstration Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Pub/Sub - Example SonicMQ OpenEdge Application OpenEdge Application Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Pub\Sub - Basic Steps Connect to a SonicMQ broker Topics can be set on at run time Create a message subscriber Subscribe to Topic Publish message to Topic Consume message from a Topic Delete message Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Pub\Sub - Connect to SonicMQ Broker RUN jms/pubsubsession.p PERSISTENT SET pubsubsession ("-H localhost -S 5162 "). RUN setBrokerURL IN pubsubsession ("tcp://machinename:2506"). RUN beginSession IN pubsubsession. OpenEdge Application OpenEdge Application 5162 5162 Broker 2506 Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Pub\Sub - Create Message Consumer – 4GL /* receives requests from the Topic */ RUN createMessageConsumer IN pubsubsession (THIS-PROCEDURE, /* This proc handles it */ “YourHandler", /* name of internal proc. */ OUTPUT consumerH). OpenEdge Application OpenEdge Application 5162 5162 Sonic Broker Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Pub\Sub - Create Message Consumer - Java /* receives requests from the Topic */ subSession = connect.createSession(false,javax.jms.Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE) javax.jms.MessageConsumer subscriber = subsession.createConsumer(topic); Subscriber.setMessageListener(this); OpenEdge Application OpenEdge Application 5162 5162 Sonic Broker Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Pub\Sub – Subscribe to Topic RUN SUBSCRIBE IN pubsubsession ("Topic", /* topic name */ ?, /* Subscription durable */ ?, /* No message selector */ NO, /* want my own messages to */ consumerH). /* Handles the messages */ /* Start receiving requests */ RUN startReceiveMessages IN pubsubsession. OpenEdge Application OpenEdge Application 5162 Sonic Broker Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Pub\Sub - Publish Message to Topic /* In Bytes Message use mptr to store the XML*/ RUN setMemptr IN msgH (memFile, ?, ?). RUN publish IN pubsubsession ("Topic", /* Topic name */ msgH, /* message handle */ ?, /* priority, ? = system default */ ?, /* timeToLive, ? = system default */ ?). /* deliverymode, ? = system default */ OpenEdge Application OpenEdge Application 5162 Sonic Broker Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Pub\Sub – Consumer Message from Topic /* From chargeHandler internal procedure */ memptrDoc = DYNAMIC-FUNCTION ('getMemptr':U IN msgH). hDoc:LOAD("memptr", memptrDoc, FALSE). hDoc:GET-DOCUMENT-ELEMENT(hRoot). hRoot:GET-CHILD(hTable, 1). … /* All your standard business logic */ OpenEdge Application OpenEdge Application 5162 Sonic Broker Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Pub/Sub Demonstration Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ JMS concepts & SonicMQ OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ What is it? How do I install and configure? Show me examples! Futures, what’s planned for OpenEdge 10.1A Adapter for SonicMQ Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Under Development D I S C L A I M E R This talk includes information about potential future products and/or product enhancements. What I am going to say reflects our current thinking, but the information contained herein is preliminary and subject to change. Any future products we ultimately deliver may be materially different from what is described here. D I S C L A I M E R Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Installation Prior to 10.1A In 10.1A Users had to manually move jar files to appropriate directories In 10.1A Sonic “Silent Install” will move files to appropriate locations without user interaction Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Architecture Prior to 10.1A, only one option OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ In 10.1A, two additional options OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ClientConnect OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ServerConnect Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Prior to 10.1A OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ RUN jms/ptpsession.p PERSISTENT SET hptpsession ("-H myAdminServerMachine -S 5162 "). RUN setBrokerURL IN hptpsession (“tcp//mySonicMachine:2506"). RUN beginSession IN hptpsession. AdminServer SonicMQ Broker 2506 API-JMS NameServer MQAdapter JMS Thread 1 QUEUE Thread 2 API-JMS Thread 3 mySonicMachine myAdminServerMachine Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ClientConnect RUN jms/ptpsession.p PERSISTENT SET hptpsession (“-SMQConnect"). RUN setBrokerURL IN hptpsession (“tcp//mySonicMachine:2506"). RUN beginSession IN hptpsession. API-JMS SonicMQ Broker 2506 Thread 1 Thread 2 QUEUE API-JMS Thread 1 Thread 2 mySonicMachine Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ServerConnect X AdminServer SonicMQ Broker 2506 NameServer AppServer API-JMS Thread 1 QUEUE Thread 1 Thread 1 mySonicMachine Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Combination of PTP and Pub/Sub Prior to 10.1A Two different session RUN jms/ptpsession.p.. RUN jms/pubsubsession.p… In 10.1A Parent containing all API RUN jms/jmssession.p… Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Functionalities and Upgraded APIs Client Persistence Enhanced XML support Temp Table messages ProDataSet messages Fault Tolerance Serialized Connection Objects … Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
In Summary The adapter allows 4GL programmers to use JMS messaging techniques from 4GL code It is easy to install and run examples Customers are successfully using this technology in Progress V9 and OpenEdge 10 4GL WebSpeed .NET Sonic Broker Web Client Any Java Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ
Questions JMS concepts & SonicMQ OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ What is it? How do I install and configure? Show me examples! Futures OpenEdge 10.1A Adapter for SonicMQ Integrating OpenEdge Applications with SonicMQ