David Hitlin DOE Annual Review June 29, 2009 1 David Hitlin DOE Annual Program Review June 29, 2009 Overview of the Caltech HEP Program.


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Presentation transcript:

David Hitlin DOE Annual Review June 29, David Hitlin DOE Annual Program Review June 29, 2009 Overview of the Caltech HEP Program

David Hitlin DOE Annual Review June 29, The Caltech HEP Program  This is the final year of the three year grant cycle  The Caltech program has vigorous theory groups (Tasks A, B) These groups receive major support from Caltech  HEP phenomenology and string theory – Gukov, Kapustin, Ooguri, Preskill, Schwarz, Wise  Particle astrophysics – Carroll, Hirata, Kamionkowski  Our major experimental activities (Tasks C, D, E) are  Electrons: ILC GDE, B A B AR, SuperB – Barish, Hitlin, Porter  Protons: MINOS, No a, CMS – Newman, Spiropulu  Non-accelerator: CDMS & SuperCDMS - Golwala  We are proposing creation of a new infrastructure task for Detector Development  Our main concerns for FY09 are  Ramping up support for Maria Spiropulu and the CMS effort  Creation of an advanced crystal development laboratory  Inflation adjustment

David Hitlin DOE Annual Review June 29, Agenda DOE Review of Caltech High Energy Physics Monday June 29, :00 AM20Welcome + OverviewHitlin 8:20 AM60 MINOS + No a Newman 9:20 AM90Theoretical Particle Physics Gukov/Kapustin/Ooguri/Preskill /Schwarz/Wise 10:50 AM20 Coffee Break 11:10 AM90CMSNewman/Spiropulu 12:40 PM80 Lunch - Athenaeum 2:00 PM90BABAR + SuperBHitlin/Porter 3:30 PM20 Coffee Break 3:50 PM20A Crystal Development TaskZhu 4:10 PM15ComputingPorter 4:25 PM30Experimental Particle AstrophysicsGolwala 4:55 PM30Theoretical Particle AstrophysicsKamionkowski/Hirata/Carroll 5:25 PM30Discussion 5:55 PM Adjourn

David Hitlin DOE Annual Review June 29, Theory Sergei Gukov Anton Kapustin Hirosi Ooguri John Preskill John Schwarz Mark Wise Marc Kamionkowski Sean Carroll Chris Hirata

David Hitlin DOE Annual Review June 29, Experimental Groups – Proton Campaign Harvey Newman Maria Spiropulu CMS line Includes $150K added in FY09 for Maria Spiropulu plus an additional $175K described in the proposal text Also moves salary (including benefits and overhead) associated with proposed Task F to that task

David Hitlin DOE Annual Review June 29, Experimental Groups – Electron Campaign David Hitlin Frank Porter Barry Barish Moves salary (including benefits and overhead) associated with proposed Task F to that task

David Hitlin DOE Annual Review June 29, Experimental Groups – Non-accelerator campaign Sunil Golwala Requests redirection of Task E towards SuperCDMS work and an increment of $71K/year, as described in the text

David Hitlin DOE Annual Review June 29, Experimental Groups – Detector Development Ren-yuan Zhu New task Note that $231K of the proposed $450K represents salary (including benefits and indirects) moved from Task C to Task F

David Hitlin DOE Annual Review June 29, Computing  Our computing model is predicated on an adiabatic replacement cycle  Non-CMS computing remains important for the B A B AR Intense Analysis phase and for MINOS and Super B  By replacing a fraction of farm CPU’s each year, we have avoided the need for massive reworking of the system  To stave off obsolescence, this approach requires us to replace ~1/4 to 1/3 of computing capacity and storage each year  In FY08 computing equipment funding fell far off this curve  In FY09 we fell further off the curve

David Hitlin DOE Annual Review June 29,

David Hitlin DOE Annual Review June 29, Summary  The Caltech program remains strong, with a good mix of experimental opportunities and a powerful theory group  We continue to play leadership roles in present and future experiments  B A B AR /Super B, MINOS/No a, CMS, SuperCDMS  GDE for the ILC – separately funded  In accord with the P5 report, we are looking in new directions  Particle astrophysics – SuperCDMS (Golwala)  Next generation neutrino physics – No a (Newman)  Next generation flavor physics - Super B (Hitlin, Porter)  LHC upgrades (Newman, Spiropulu)  A future lepton collider  We a actively engaged with the Division Staffing Committee, pointing towards a new junior faculty appointment