fueling business transformation Corporate Blog Strategy & Governance Model Prepared by: Raymond Bordogna Presented to: LiquidHub FTE & W2-Hourly Associates Document Location: consulting | solutions | outsourcing
2 What is the LiquidHub Corporate Blog? The LiquidHub Corporate Blog is a publicly available weblog (blog) where LiquidHub associates share their professional views on business technology. We primarily categorize our blog posts according to our 6 Horizontal Solution Spaces which are numbered in Exhibit A. Horizontal Solutions: We market 6 horizontal solutions. These are also known as our “capabilities” or “solution spaces.” Each solution space has one or more discrete solutions. For example, the Collaboration solution set includes: portals, content management, etc…Our consulting organizations is also aligned to these 6 solution spaces via our Centers of Excellence [COEs]. We also include 2 other categories in which we will post thoughts relevant to Vertical/Industry expertise (e.g., Insurance) Technology Trends NOTE - Business Solutions: we also market numerous business solutions (e.g., eMarketing, eDiscovery, etc…) that combine one or more of our horizontal solutions to address a business problem. URL: Exhibit A: Corporate Blog Splash Page
3 What is the purpose of the LiquidHub Corporate Blog site? The LiquidHub Corporate Blog is a communication channel and serves the following purposes: Showcases our thought leadership in business technology Augments our traditional solution marketing (e.g., press releases, solution brochures, etc…) with more contemporary Web X.0 marketing Enables a convenient forum for our associates, clients, prospects and industry analysts to share their solution expertise Generates collaborative solution development via the exchange of ideas with our partners (e.g., Microsoft), customers and prospects Provides a window into our company culture: the informality and increased timeliness of information posted to blogs assists us with increasing transparency and accessibility re: our corporate image URL: Exhibit B: Client & Industry Interaction Client and industry expert interactions
4 What is a LiquidHub Associate Blog? LiquidHub offers 2 approaches to associate blogging: Individual Associate Blogs: Each and every associate will be able to blog on his/her own blog site (see Exhibit C). Individual blog sites will adhere to the following URL format: Customization of an individual site (e.g., appearance, theme, widgets, etc…) is permitted and encouraged. Individual sites are geared for those who intend to blog frequently (1-to-3x per week) and consistently. Corporate Blogging: For those associates who expect to blog on an infrequent basis, there is a link on the corporate blog site to enable him/her to post a comment. URL: Exhibit C: Individual Associate Blog
5 LiquidHub Blog FAQs Who is eligible to post to the corporate blog? –All LiquidHub associates are eligible to post to the corporate blog. What topics can I blog about on the corporate blog? –Any business technology concept is eligible for inclusion on the corporate blog. –The primary focus of corporate blog postings should be aligned with our six Horizontal Solution Spaces (e.g., capabilities), our Industry focus areas (e.g., insurance, financial services, life sciences) and Business Solutions. –LiquidHub expects all associate’s communications to be of a professional nature, this includes both blog postings and comments. How do you request an individual associate blog site? –Send request to: Is there a posting approval process for the corporate blog? –Yes. The LiquidHub blog administration group will review each post to the corporate blog. Exceptional postings will be featured on the corporate blog home page. –In the future, we hope to create filters that automatically categorize associate posts to the corporate blog. Promotion to the front page may also be driven by peer voting or by marketing team lead as required. What if I have technical questions regarding the site? –Send s to: Also check the blog help discussion forum at our hub
6 LiquidHub Blog FAQs [continued] Are there any additional guidelines you can provide for blog post content? –Respect other’s intellectual property. –Don’t plagiarize. –Provide clear attribution when quoting material. –Please do not cite client names or client organizations. –Link frequently in your posts, especially to other LiquidHub blog postings and web content…common practice in the “Blog-o-sphere” and beneficial to our company’s marketing. Can I use WordPress plug-ins on my associate blog? –Yes, many useful plug-ins are already installed and available. We ask that you obtain permission from the blog administrators group, before using any new plug-ins. Our primary concern with plug-ins is ensuring that our blogging platform remains stable and performant for everyone. We’d also like to discover and share new plug-ins with all Does LiquidHub have an official Blogging Terms of Use Policy? –Currently, we do not have one beyond our existing communications guidelines in the associate handbook. If we need to create one, we would likely base it on the excellent Harvard Law School blogging Terms of Service: