WISER Science: Finding Books and Journals Juliet Ralph Radcliffe Science Library
BIGGEST university library service in UK 600+ staff 10 million volumes 40 Libraries 40,000+ E-journals
Beyond OULS Another 60+ libraries in colleges and departments All listed at
Research Libraries Bodleian Library Radcliffe Science Library Sackler Library (Art History, Classics & Archaeology) Social Science Library Taylor Institution (Modern Languages & Literature)
“Legal deposit” system Bodleian Library is entitled to a free copy of every book and journal published in the UK Since 1610 Science intake at Radcliffe Science Library Not for loan
The library catalogue OLIS (Oxford Libraries Information System ) –Locate printed Books and Journals –You can reserve books on loan to others, make stack requests, check your library record and renew your books –
Your OLIS patron record Enter your barcode number (on University Card) and your OLIS password …which is your date of birth, in this format 17sep1985
Searching for a specific book or journal Browse the index, e.g. All Titles, All Authors, Journal title Or Or Search for keywords, e.g. Strongman in All Authors AND emotion in All Titles Strongman in All Authors AND emotion in All Titles
Subject searching Search for Keywords in title, e.g. facial expression OR Use Subject Headings “LC Subjects” (Library of Congress) as Browse or Keyword search “LC Subjects” (Library of Congress) as Browse or Keyword search Retrieves books on that subject even if they don’t have your keyword in the title Retrieves books on that subject even if they don’t have your keyword in the title
What about e-books? Some are listed on OLIS …soon all e-books (and e-journals) will be added If not on OLIS, check Oxlip
A small selection Methods in Enzymology Current protocols in… Cell biology home home Human genetics home homeImmunology home home Molecular biology home home Protein science home home
E-Reference sources Encyclopedia of Biodiversity Encyclopedia of Cancer Encyclopedia of Life Sciences Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics Oxford Reference Online …to name but a few
Electronic Journals All listed on “Oxford e-Journals” Current titles from all major publishers Growing numbers of backfiles (archives) Some links from OLIS, but not complete yet
You may get a choice of links, such as: Publisher – for latest issues (last 5-10 years) Provider, e.g. Highwire – 10 yrs full text freely available, but not the last 12 months. JSTOR UK – for the archive. –Choose Browse this journal to get list of back issues JSTOR is an archive of key scholarly journals, spanning many disciplines. Some date back to the 1600s.
Remote access Register for an ATHENS personal account at If Athens access not available: Connect your own computer to the Virtual Private Network (VPN) via OUCS
Where are they listed again? Printed books and journals –OLIS library catalogue Electronic journals –Oxford e-Journals –And coming soon to OLIS E-books: being added to OLIS, but for now you may need to try –Oxlip E-journals and e-books Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias and Reference works
If we haven’t got it Inter-Library Loans / Document Supply service £3.75 per request Journal articles delivered by Radcliffe Science Library –
Other library catalogues COPAC: the UK’s main research libraries WorldCat: libraries worldwide entityjsdetect=:javascript=true:screensize =large:sessionid=fsapp f7ixfhpy- r9jno7:entitypagenum=1:0 entityjsdetect=:javascript=true:screensize =large:sessionid=fsapp f7ixfhpy- r9jno7:entitypagenum=1:0 entityjsdetect=:javascript=true:screensize =large:sessionid=fsapp f7ixfhpy- r9jno7:entitypagenum=1:0 Or access via Oxlip!
Here to help Queries about electronic journals and databases, including access problems Radcliffe Science Library
Next week WISER Science Wednesday 24 October, pm Introduction to e-resources...see you there!