Blogging: Using Web Logs for Educational Purposes Instructional Design Conference November 19, 2004 Presented by Alec Couros
Introduction What are web logs? How does one publish a weblog?
Overview of Blogging A blog is a website made up of short, frequently updated posts (ideally) that are arranged in reverse chronological order. Advantages of weblogging (for user): –Simple assisted html production –No web development or design tools –No FTP server needed –No server permissions –Live, web-based interface for instant publication –EASY as sending –Simple syndication
Overview of Blogging (cont.) Blogging has evolved from its early origin as a medium for the publication of simple, online personal diaries, to the latest disruptive technology, the ‘killer app’ that has the capacity to engage people in collaborative activity, knowledge sharing, reflection and debate (Hiler, 2003). The nature of blogging engines allows for the creation of a legitimate warehousing of captured knowledge, and archiving for later retrieval (Bausch, Haughley & Hourihan, 2002). The literature (around blogs) seems to be concentrated in the areas where either the use of reflective journals as a learning tool is custom and practice (favorable disposition toward the tool) or areas in which knowledge management is stressed. (Stiler & Phileo, 2003; Wagner, 2003; Oravec 2002).
Process of Benefits of Blogging Process: Read Synthesize Write and Link Publish Read Some More Promotes: Conversation Individual Voice Information Literacy Critical Reading Critical Thinking From Will Richardson, Blogging Presentation -
Anatomy of a Web Log – Moveable Type 3 Post Title Link of Interest Static Address Feedback/ Conversation Notification Post Date Calendar Archives
Blogging Software/Services There are various tools that allow one to publish a blog. These are often split between software and web-based services. Web-based services Software
Blogger - Web-based, owned by Google - Very simple to setup (takes a few minutes) - Easy to setup group blogs, but users must be members - Limited customization (just styles) - Possible to serve Blogger blogs on external FTP servers
Moveable Type - Software – created and supported by Six Apart - Must install on server, but easy to setup - User interface simple - Easy to create group blogs - Large user community - Used to be free to use, but version 3+ must be licensed (outside of personal use). - Much easier to customize to specific use
WordPress - Open Source – free to use and modify - Must install on server, but easy to setup - User interface simple - Easy to create group blogs - Large user community, and many plug-ins available - Easy to customize style
The Dawn of the Blog Origins of personal, dynamic publishing.
In the larger context: The open movement. Open Source Software: Linux (alternative to MS Windows), Open Office (alternative to MS Office), the GIMP (alternative to Adobe Photoshop) Open Content –CourseWare and Learning Object repositories: MIT’s OpenCourseWare Initiative, CAREO, MERLOT, CLOE, DLORN. OpenCourseWare InitiativeCAREOMERLOTCLOEDLORN –Wikis: Wikipedia, Wikitravel, Wikibooks.WikipediaWikitravelWikibooks –Texts: California Open Textbook Project,California Open Textbook Project Free “As in Beer” Content –Journals: Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) –Literature: Project GutenbergProject Gutenberg Open Publishing –IndyMedias: Independent Media Centre, TearItAllDownIndependent Media CentreTearItAllDown –Blogging Services: Blogger, LiveJournalBloggerLiveJournal –Other: Student PublishingStudent Publishing
Opposing Forces Open vs. Closed Broadcast vs. Conversation Institution vs. Individual Hierarchy vs. Network Centralized vs. Decentralized Product vs. Remix Planned vs. Chaotic Static vs. Dynamic Push vs. Pull From Steven Downes Utah Presentation, 2004
Virtual Counterparts Internet vs. Television Fax Machine vs. Courier Services Skype vs. the Telephone Blogging vs. Newspapers vs. Snail Mail Technology... the knack of so arranging the world that we don't have to experience it. ~Max Frisch From Steven Downes Utah Presentation, 2004
BlogCount From Technorati reports over 4 million blogs -Web-based Blogger is currently the most widely-used service
Blogging as a Social Act A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is "blogging" and someone who keeps a blog is a "blogger." Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog. Distinction: Publishing a blog vs. the “social act of blogging”.social act of blogging Habermas: Blogging may represent a communicative action into the sphere of intersubjectivity known as the "life-world" (the sphere where everyday practices are interpreted, negotiated, given social significance, and where human meaning is both made and made use of by thinking and acting subjectivities). This communicative act, for Habermas, represented a way out of the oppression and monopolization.
Types of Blogs Diaries Business Politics Scholarly Course Enhancement Conference Collaborative Learning Space Knowledge Management ~ Photo/Moblogs PodCasts
Course Enhancement
Knowledge Management (K-Logs)
REAL Implications Student Publishing and Perceptions: “Why should I hand in my assignments to you, when I can publish to the masses”. (Grade 5 Student, Edmonton Alberta). The concept and realizations of “the invisible college”. What are the implications?the invisible college Promotes careful wide-reading, synthesis and critique. Promotes careful management of knowledge both personally, and socially. Greater access to knowledge (not publicly funded knowledge tied up in commercial, subscription-based journals), and freedom to edit and distribute. Example: Lessig’s “Free Culture”Free Culture
Blogging in Education Secret Life of Bees (Novel Study) - Student site Student site - Parallel parent site Parallel parent site Teacher Mentoring/Supervision "Through the use of our Weblog we've been able to build a relationship, engage in reflective practice, have interactive opportunities that develop and broaden our knowledge base, and document evidence of growth and refinement in the practice” Web-logged - Resource for blogging and RSS in education Using Wikis and Blogs in the Classroom Book about Blogs (Blook) *** RML (Rip, Mix, Learn) - using Blogdigger - learning.html learning.html
Key Understanding: RSS Weblogs may not appear to be technically different than a standard webpage, however a key difference is the use of a technology called RSS. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) allows readers to subscribe to weblogs through a news reader. Some free newsreaders include –FeedReader (PC Software)FeedReader –NetNewsWire Lite (Mac Software)NetNewsWire Lite –Bloglines (Web-based News Reader)Bloglines –Show Demo (Shrook for Mac)Shrook for Mac Other tools –Feed2JSFeed2JS –BlogdiggerBlogdigger –FeedburnerFeedburner
Issues Blogging a different dissemination model than writing refereed papers.different dissemination model Official university communication vs. faculty point-of-view.faculty point-of-view. Blogging in relation to faculty tenure and promotion.faculty tenure and promotion Comment spam - an increasing problem.Comment spam
Resources Where to get started with the open movement and educational blogging.
Starting Places Couros Blog – Wordpress site – Article “Inside the Ivory Tower” - Blogging in Higher Ed. – Article “Educational Blogging” - Stephen Downes – Scholars Who Blog – PodCasts: The New Twist on Net Audio – Blog Research (many articles) – Many more weblog related articles – Stephen Downes’ Page –
Contact This presentation can be downloaded at: click ‘Presentations’, then ‘Recent’, Please contact me - or Google me: keyword, ‘couros’Google me Thank you for your time and attention.